

For the longest time I wrote that the PS3 would be doomed. Then, apparently unimpressed, it shipped anyway. There they were the stories about long lines at the stores. People getting thousands of dollars for the console on eBay. Just this very moment a PS3 sold for 820 + 55 shipping on ebay. Unoppened. Of course. Retail is 599. EA hints that 200K PS3s have been shipped. Ebay is pretty brutal. Demand and supply. EA also claimed that around 20,000 PS3 have gone through the eBay mill. Nintendo managed to make and sell 600,000 Wii consoles in the first eight days of availability. They are aiming at 4 Million by the end of the year. That’s what Sony aimed for. Years ago. Now they settle for an eight of that.
These are the people saying that ‘next gen’ would not start before they said so.

In other words: The Wii won. It outsold the PS3 3 to 1 by now. It gets good reviews. People like it. The PS3 had allot of hype. Now and it exists, and way to many people shrug their shoulders. Having 45% markup on a product that have 200,000 of and wanted to sell twenty times more? Not realistic. If there would be 4,000,000 eager PS3 buyers (for 600 US$) then the ebay price would be way higher than it is now.

the hissing zeppelin

economy history misc

house prices

3.9 Million houses for sale. Average price at 221,000 US$. That makes for 0.861 Trillion dollars worth of real estate waiting to be moved.
Sizable, even if you compare it the US federal budget


communication media technology

Today AOL must have pushed some new code or spammers have their way at the only service that AOL has to offer that people use. IM stands for Instant Messenger. Today it’s not so instant anymore. Hitting enter and watching the little cloud that is showing me typing for another 4 seconds is just plain lame.

Tricky thing for AOL: They provide the service for millions of people. And nobody knows it is them. Only time they make news is when things break.

os x server is junk!

Apple linux marketing

People see the shiny rack mountable Apple Servers. And then they make the mistake to buy them. Don’t! They are way to expensive. But the worst is, that they are impossible to administrate: It’s pretty much all different. And then when you spent hours and hours to go through the documentation you just have to realize that what you need is simply not there.

I wanted to change the default umask for a user that creates files on the afp server. Too bad. Not possible.

Using mac laptops since years I get to appreciate that the computer is not getting into the way when I want to do things.
Linux is a bit different, you have to google a bit for what you want to do. But 80% of it is pretty damn easy. OS X is just plain obscure. It really is a waste of time. Nobody should be believe that you actually got a unix box when you buy OS X server. What you get is some perverted BSD box that no sane sysadmin would like to deal with it. Phew.

Just try to use a device under OS X (server or not) if you have any doubts.

worth 1000

internet marketing media

worth the visit

zune review


What will Steve B throw next?

Microsoft, poor Microsoft, Zune falls flat. Vista unfolds. Let’s see how.



the next weapon in the arsenal of the spammer of today: people. cheap ones

cause + implementation = constant

art media politics

Why is it, that the good causes have always the worst
implementation of their communication attempts?

Hummer commercials are pretty cool. The car is pretty much the definiton of ‘sucks ass’. Ah, there is the ‘Sucks-Ass-one’, look how small the ‘Sucks-Ass-Three’ actually is. The commericals are pretty good though.

Maybe the sixteenth chapel is the way it is, since Mr Buonarrotti did it to pay the bills?

pihost rocks!

internet technology

Since over a year I have my machine at a data center with pihost. Today I thought I use fact that it’s Thanksgiving to run some defragmentation on the xfs file system. Which can be a really bad idea if you happen to have a ‘icky’ filesystem: I seem to have painted my machine into a corner. The filesystem is corrupt, and when I try to defragment it it dissapears. When it hits the root partition then the machine still runs, but you have no commands left. The good thing is that I could get the server rebooted within a couple of minutes. It does help tremendously to real support 24/7/365.

thanks giving

Apple misc technology

Sony and Ericsson embark on getting us the TV watch again. That’s right, now that the PS3 obviously exists I have to find something else to hit over Sonys wide head. I think that the recent Nielsen Study makes allot os sense. There is just not much content that you want to watch on a tiny little device like an iPod or Zune for that matter. Microsoft hopes that the later one, being much better equiped for video, will benefit from a new usage pattern. I doubt it will be huge. I could see sports fans wanting to watch certain highlights when they actually happen. Or just around that time. But it needs to be easy and cheap.

Yet, I am hardly the average target group: this watch is not geeky to me. My geek watch would read 1164342294 right now. That’s the number of seconds since January first 1970. And yes being a real geek watch it would roll over when 32 bits are exhausted to express this in January 19, 2038.

The Washington post had a look at the Wii and the PS3. Makes allot of sense what they are writing. PS3 is pretty, but Wii has the better ‘fun factor’ for non hard core gamers it seems. I really wonder if people will get fitter, now that they will play standing. Will we see xbox and ps3 with Wii like controllers? technically that should be feasible. Guitar hero on PS2 was hugely sucessful and came with a guitar. Maybe there will be games for Xbox 360 that include it’s own set of Wii like controllers? Maybe Nokia comes out with a cellphone that does use the motion sensor not to write stupid message. Or, wait, can’t I use the motion sensor in my laptop? That’s actually a game I did not get around to write: The virtual Brio Labyrinth. try to get that ball around the parcour by juggling your laptop.
2 people could compete. It’s not that we not having ideas …