first entertainment credit union: as stupid as any other bank

daily life

March 12, 2009

A couple of years ago I wrote this post. Putting it under this headline was misleading. I like my credit union (much better than my other bank: Wells Fargo. Well OK, that’s an easy one).

The original post read like this:

I am with that credit union since ten years. And I will probably stay with them. The people in the branch are nice. Since years I wire money. Always the same accounts. It never went through in the beginning. They could not read my handwriting. So I made a pretty version and started to xerox it. Filled in the date and the amount. Things started to work. Then they must have gotten a new middle management moron or just plain lost it: Now they have their people fill in the form, print it and then fax it. Which takes them a while, I have to double check that all numbers are correct and so forth. Stupid really, since they were able to read the forms before. They just loose time. I would too, but I can use the wifi of the nearby coffee shop while they enter the same information. Month by month.
Now the money did not arrive. After 20 minute of call center hell I learned that they now require an additional number: the IBAN number. Another 21 digit number. There are already 50 digits to be filled out for each transfer. Fine. The problem was that they just did not tell their branch that this number is mandatory now. Nor did they issue new forms. Of course the number is already contained on those 50 digits. Wikipedia knows that. I know it now. But the bank, who’s business it should be to know these things, apparently does not. This -unforntunately- is no exception. Every years billions of dollars are being destroyed in endless rows of ugly cubicles by moronic concepts and TPS reports. Since all banks are the same it is hard for capitalism do what it is supposed to do: keeping people on their toes. Make them think, so that they don’t break things.

cellphone hearts blowdryer


A while back a friend gave me his Nokia 3210. Five weeks ago it got soaked with water and stopped working. Just a single horizontal black line on the display flashed up when the phone was powered up. Or the entire screen when it was connected to the power adapter. Removing battery and SIM card and holding a blow dryer into to for a minute fixed this issue. I could not believe that humidity was able to hide for so long in the phone and a decent ‘bake’ from the blow dryer was able to fix it. Should I set a robot an buy everything @ ebay that reads ‘water damage’ and is cheaper than 10 US$ ?
Maybe the miracle can be repeated. Maybe this is the way to get rich? Forget about coding. Value up seemingly broken electronics.

ps2 outsells everybody


In November the best selling game console was (drumroll) the Playstation. Playstation-2 that is: 664,000 of the units that debuted in the beginning of century found new owners. With prices as affordable as 99 dollars and the biggest game library there is it makes for a pretty nice product. Next one in the sales charts is Microsofts Xbox 360 with 511,000 units. Pushing its install base into substance after being out for one year. Nintendo’s Wii was able to get 476,000 out to i’ts users in a few days. Quiet a start. Trailing the pack is the Playstation 3, the console that was supposed to revolutionize everything. Much has been written about Sony’s ambition with this machine, it’s supply issues, the craze for the first units. Not much was said about the pretty pictures that the unit is able to create. Which is not good news. After all a ps3 is five to six times more expensive than a ps2. HD alone is not enough I am afraid.

do features matter, after all?


Joel makes a point that things do well when they features. For INTERDUBS I spent allot of time lately think about the number of features, and ‘iPodness’ of the user interaction. Interesting to read a voice that goes against the current trend of simple, simple and simple.

sony: you are toast

media Sony technology

Just saw an unoppened PS3 go for 560 US$. It was the 20GB model that retails for 499 US$. Sixty one dollars for having spend the night in front of a video game store? Not so good in my book. The prices @ ebay for PS3 have been coming down over the last weeks. Which is not a good sign for Sony. If hardcore games would want this machine badly, the prices would be higher. Now if the geeks don’t want it that bad, how about the general public? The plan was that the PS3 would push bluray ahead of HD-DVD. Now it looks as if Bluray has to save the face of the PS3. It’s a cheap player compared to other next gen DVD options. But compared to standard def players it still is expensive: 230 US dollars get you a decent player that will make all you existing movies look really good.

Speaking of: I started buying DVDs. Opportunistically: There are so many movies I have not seen, might want to see again. If the DVD is cheap enough then I just pick it up. After a few weeks of this strategy I ended up with lots of DVDs sitting in my room. IF there is time to watch something there is something to look at. And I like it, that I know I can easily go back to what I have seen. The quality could be better here or there. But it is not worth the money to go back and spend all that money: I get a ps3 from ebay, then a screen that is worth using and I have spent 1500 US$. Then I buy all the movies there are and have 30 mediocre to ok movies for 2,000 US$. When I buy DVDs cheaply and watch them on my laptop I could have 250 movies to watch for the same amount of money. HD is not NOT worth ten times the money. Not even twice. With the Oppo player you actually get an amazing picture out of a standard DVD. Out of most of them. It’s impossible to beat. People will realize this, sooner or later.

how to mount DVD under fedora core


mkdir /mnt/dvd
mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd

The simple things that I do every couple of weeks I keep forgetting.
(added slash, thanks Bernard!)

pearl harbor day

history politics

It’s Pearl Harbor Day. There should be a national 9/11 holiday. Instead of a pointless war against a country that had nothing to do with it. Bush, that man got stellar approval ratings when he promised cowboy like to ‘smoke them out’. Well, he failed, if you simplify the issue as the administration actually did for a while: OBL is still at large.

would you like to save this password?


When going to a website with a password both firefox and safari ask if they should save the password.
Which is an ok thing to do. But who thought that it would be a good idea to ask this BEFORE you know that it was the right password. Ideally the browser would ask you after the page has been loaded. Then you know if it worked or not. Sure, that is a little bit more work for the coder. But that extra day of coding would be well spent. After all, that’s what we are doing all day: Getting those odditiies out of your computer uses. Allot of work, but it seperates crap from things that you would like to use tomorrow as well.

Panavision as seen by the LA Times

confessions of a pixel pusher media technology

Panavision in an Article of the LA Times

According the LA Times Panavision does well. They are planning to make twenty more Genesis this years. Sounds like allot, but their own subsidary “Plus-8” has added that many of the competing Viper cameras to their rental inventory last September.

looks like I will go to Macworld

confessions of a pixel pusher technology

Just forty days left to overcome the fear to speak in front of crowds.

HD for Indies did a roundup of articles around Zodiac.