ten point five looses data

Apple technology

If you copy a folder in OS X 10.5 from one drive to another and the target goes away during the copy, the folder will be removed from the source regardless. documented here.

The Finder is lame. It’s a horrible hack. It really needs to be replaced with something that manages data. I almost never use it. I can work faster and more predictable with a terminal. Pretty lame Apple.

flash apps

internet technology

Gracenote Music Maps displays the top 10 artists and albums for countries around the world.

Faxto launches as splashup. Web based Photoshop like app.

I have some computer with that

Apple internet M$ technology

Learning Javascript. Different story all together. Internet Explorer does things differently than the rest. Bascially you have to branch in your code all the time. That’s why people use frameworks. I am OK with frameworks, after I understood the underlying methods. And I only understand things that I did. So I need Internet Explorer. I could find some hard drive space (tricky, it’s 99% full) and install VMware as well as Windows XP or Vista on my MacBook Pro. Or I could buy a laptop with some Microsoft OS on it. Which is probably what I will end up doing. Not that I have use for a windows laptop. Or would ever use it in public. I rather publish my browsing history – if you know what I mean.

When I looked around Windows was 300 US$. VMware is not free either. I have a real problem giving Microsoft 300US$ for their operating system, just because they tried to reinvent standards during those browser wars. At Walmart they sell an Acer Laptop for 348. Details are sketchy, I just assume it runs some Redmond OS, and I take a wild guess in that 1GB of ram should be enough – for a web browser.

It’s kind of crazy that it’s cost effective to get a whole computer instead of just some software.

ten point five


Apple launched Leopard, and sells two million copies of it so far. Not that they need the money right now. Their strategy of releasing frequent OS upgrades seems to work out. While there are issues in some areas (like the dock!!) there are other features and functionalities that sound really really good. I like those items that show that Apple is able to think about the entire system. At least in some points. Time Machine is a good example. Backups are a part of computer use. It is a good thing when the software that comes with your computer takes care of this. And if it’s easy and great to use then even better. Every Apple user that looses a hard drive but walks away unharmed will love OS X 10.5. Every Vista, XP user that looses data now might want to start over with an operating system where you can avoid it in the future. These simple truths take some time to trickle through to people. But they will. Same with remote support via iChat. I always told everybody in my family to get a Mac, so that I don’t have to support their Windows machines. Now I can help them even better. I am sure that this structure is very common. Whenever Apple understand such structures and builds solutions for then success will be immanent.

OS X 10.5 as seen by ars

Apple OSX

A review that’s worth the read. I have not even seen 10.5 yet. I suffer from feline-confusion anyway. I remember pretty much what changed from 10.2 ro 10.3 but would need to think hard what animal it was.

40 months later

Apple history malware

In June of 04 I found and read Grubers “Broken Windows” post. Found it via blogsNow, and finding that post alone made writing the tool worthwhile. Gruber explains logically why Mac’s are without malware and PCs are not. Reading it today it still makes sense.

Back in the day the most prominent argument against this was market share: People claimed that there were simply not enough macs around to be attractive for viruses. Since Gruber’s post mac sales have almost trippled. And they have switched to the same CPUs that Windows runs on. Number of Mac viruses? Zero. Still. Not even a single one.

Back in the summer of 04 Apple shares did cost 15 US$, now they are 185 US$. Sure, there is the iPod and the iPhone. But even without that Apple would not look that shabby.

I actually makes me happy that the ‘broken windows’ post holds up. It’s hard to decide if it’s the pointless yet human pride to have been right. Or the happyness about forty month of right decissions based on the right theory. I am sure I save allot of time during those forty month in that I was not battling malware on my laptops.

mass media


no particular reason.

ah those 80s


ten songs from the 80s

That’s why we had what was called a ‘counter culture’.
Was maybe half as tacky as the mainstream.

what it costs

economy politics

According tothis article the war in Iraq costs two billion dollar. A week. I am sure that those 160,000 troops risking their life will be glad to know that that amounts to 12,500 US$ a week for each of them. Or we could just leave and pay each each 75 US$ a week. Does not sound like much, but the GDP per person and week is 64US$. So, yes, the US spends more on the war than the country is producing on its own. It used to be one of the wealthiest countries with a larger population in the arab world. Now this war has been gone for quiet some time.
And, no, we still have not found those weapons of mass destruction. That was the reason why the US had ot go there. So we have been told. That is a old story you might think. Exactly that kind of thinking helps this administration. They told us that war was the only option because of those weapons of mass destruction. We should hold them to their own arguments, instead of falling for their next story version about the ‘front in the war on terror’. Some things are simple. This one is.


communication internet marketing

Rushed to the airport. Packing took longer than expected. La Cienega made up for the time lost. It always does. I love La Cienega. When I park at Red Rabbit I have to turn once!

Of course the flight is delayed. Four hours delayed. Luckily I get a ten dollar NWA mail-in voucher. Score!

The next time Northwest will get in touch to sell me something I will remember that they could not be bothered to contact me, when I could have gained from it. They have my email. It’s freaking computers running airlines anyway. Why can’t they just
send an email out to let me know that the flight is been delayed. Hell, I would not even mind when they always would send me an email. 21% of this specific flight is actually on time. While they are at it they could also let me know which movies they will be showing. Which gate I will arrive where (so that I can forward this info to a person that picks me up). Sure, they could be somewhat smart and allow me to give them an email that would be notified about any changes in the arrival.
Once set up these things cost close to nothing to run.