postfix: can’t create user output file

internet linux technology

people alerted me that they got an email bounce saying:

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Original-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; can't create user output file

it turned out that my local mail file that I keep as a backup was bigger than 1000 Megabyte. Seems to be that postfix (or whichever program delivers the mail locally to /var/spool/mail) does not like to write to files that are bigger than that number. Scary the file grew to that size within one year.

php and tripple quotes


It turns out that using mysql_real_escape_string on import_request_variables you end up with tripple quotes. That’s the problem with hacks instead of fixes: They leave a slight taste of problems. And room for people to inject some stuff.



Technology can be implemented like this or that

PC power connectors


A very nice and helpful overview of PC Power Connectors.

and of course it does not work


I am with my Bank since ten years. And I like them. They are small, and I am not inclined to give my money to Wamu or BoA.

Now they changed their online banking system. Or, let’s say they tried to. Problem is: it does not work. The instructions are poor and the idea of choosing from 16 animal images is pathetic. But the biggest problem is, that it simply does not work:

Usernames are required for login, however, username registration is currently unavailable.
We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you try again later.

And, of course, there is no email address to maybe tell them. Waiting till the sun rises over the US. Awaiting some interesting support conversations.

The range between broken and working on the internet is quiet huge I must say.
As is the range of problems facing. I am sure my Bank could be helped rather quickly with a person that could think for 3 minutes straight, but other problems seem to be more involved to me. Danger would ensue if the people “making” the software for my bank would have any say or influence on how the Internet does work.

Update: The system changed it’s mind and does now “work”. Which means that looking at my account takes now two minutes instead of 20 seconds. More time to get something to wipe away those tears that will fill my eyes …




Sun and MySQL


Sun likes to buy MySQL

they better not change anything.

Mr Schwarz’ Blogs

Macworld speculations: I suck, pretty much

Apple technology

Looks like I better now quiet my day job. Wait, my day job is about the future! Sigh.

Let’s see how I did:

New Laptops: Third Generation for what is called the “ProLine” now. First was Titanium, second Aluminum (that stuff that bends when you look at it, keeps AppleCare so profitable). Now there will be a third one. It’s about time. The 12″ not making into into the brave new Intel feature left a gap in the revenue potential field for a suspicously long time. Not sure if the 17″ has such a bright future. Depends what how easy it is to squeeze out a new flavor of laptop.

It’s small, but it’s not part of the pro line. It’s a new line. I give myself 30% on that one.

There will be Blu-Ray. One could speculate that the MacPro bumps last week were announced after Warners killed HD-DVD. In other words: takes Blu-Ray now more Steve time, and the Pro upgrades fell of the key-note schedule because of that?

Not. 0%. Stupid me.

Those new laptops might have built in high speed internet connection. I would appreciate EVDO. It’s nice. And the Amazon showed that you can built it in, and that Sprint is willing to make deals. Imagine you buy a new laptop and get free non bullshit (t-online / starbucks I am looking at you) internet whereever you are. I use EVDO since roughly a year and it’s just great. Nothing short of that. Technically you get GPS with EVDO for free, I wish that Apples puts GPS where it should be: in every freaking machine. Yes, I like to Google for something and get results that are optimised for my current whereabouts. But GPS would put the iPhone on the spot for not having it. Something to spin. (Apple likes has a pathological history of lying around battery life).

0%, again. I sense a pattern.

One could dream that Apple becomes an ISP. The iPhone worked great for them. But AT&T? They get their money, but nobody started to like AT&T. They are still considered the necessary evil. Who loves his ISP? Which ISP is known for being awesome? Nobody. Interesting. There is a market. People are not paying their landline or even cable bills anymore, but they keep their cellphones going, and probably also their Internet connections. That’s money that still is out there. And Apple is known to show a strong desire for that kind of thing. Sucessfully.

Zilch. Still would have been nice.

Speaking of Money, AAPL trades at 176. I think it will touch 190 after the keynote.

It’s at 169 right now. That makes -100%.

One of the reasons will be that there will be something that let’s people imagine that profits that used be over at Blockbuster Netflix will now also flow to Cupertino. iTunes is a money making machine.

In german you say “Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn”, probably would translate into the direction of “Eventually even the blind chicken finds some grain”. 100%

The Laptop prices will look like the current ones. But by the time you have added the things you would like to have those new machines will be pretty expensive. I think a company that managed to get 1,000 US$ for each phone (!) they sell, is looking at money differently after that.

Yeah, greed, so easy to predict! The new 13inch laptop goes for 3,000 US$ when you put in the nice 64GB drive without any moving parts. And boy will they sell that machine to people! 100%.

Finally there will be some iPhone news that will keep the sales going. Probably some (3rd party) Application(s) that can be downloaded. I doubt a hardware version 2 of the device. If so, then it would need to be in stores in a very few weeks, so that there would be no gap in the sales.

Hm, 30% again. 1.1.3 works nicely. Has location built in (does not work in Europe where I am right now).

Looks like my hit rate (if you can call it that at that rate) is one out of five. Still trying to find an excuse to get the 3K air. I am sure it is awesome.
And then my EVDO modem would hang out of it to the side. What a sight!

keynote via radio

Apple internet media

The part of the world that cares about Apple computers is holding it’s breath. Real Christmas will come around in a couple of hours. It is a big deal. I would carefully estimate that a hundred thousand people are pretty interesting in what will be revealed in the next hours.

It also is in Apples interest to provide people with the information directly the way they intended it. Having people transcribe it is what happens. But not necessarily what Apple would want.

Let’s make no mistake: the Keynote is as brilliant of a piece of Propaganda as it is possible for the audience of 2008. It is surprising that Apple does not broadcast it over the radio. I am serious. It can not cost that much to get this going. No need for quality. The geeks that care for this would run out and even buy a short wave resceiver just to listen to Steves voice live. All internet attempts to do live audio streaming seem not to work. They didn’t in the last years, since those 100,000 people would have to high bandwidth demands. Apple used to stream it, but stopped.

Kinda lame.


free of any reason media

If there would be a god, then studio bosses would need to remove the packaging from all the DVDs that were pressed under their reign before they could go to hell.