

Today Interdubs crossed the 80K file mark. 59 days for 20,000 more files. Last time it took 83 days to grow that much, and before that 118. Something seems to be working here.

What makes me even happier is to hear the following from a new client: “you must have worked in our field for a while”. That would be true, and it delights me that it seems to show in the application. Intentions are one thing. Seing that they apparently manifested themselves at least somewhat is very rewarding.

not gonna work


in a million years

unbelievable how bad it actually it. From start to finish. Idea to execution. Whom are these people kidding?

old link


still worth reading
even after a couple of weeks. Thx BlogsNow

wrong about being wrong

history media

It turns out that I was wrong then I thought I was wrong about the Next-Gen of movies on a disc: Blu-Ray sales declined. Bluray might become the first class of enteraintment: Coach has many more seats that 1st. Specially on inner american flights.

betting on the wrong horse

Apple M$ technology

Years ago when both Microsoft and Apple decided what to put into their next operating systems they had to look into the future. Picking arbritrary one from each company makes for an interesting comparison: Vista got a feature where a memory stick could be used by the operating system to speed things up. Harddrives are 10,000 times slower than memory. USB2 still 10 to 40 times faster than most drivers. Makes allot of sense. It is probably a very tricky thing to implement: the user can remove the stick at any time, and things still need to work. Trouble is: Internal memory got dirt cheap. So a complicated and expensive idea that has no future net gain.

Compare that to “TimeMachine”. The actual concept of a backup is nothing new or innovative at all. But Time Machine makes it possible that people back up easily. External drives are inexpensive and easy to use. Makes 100% sense. The TimeCapsule rip off lets show apples dark side again. But at least they did not extend it to normal drives. The value of a working backup is huge. Once people have stories to tell that TimeMachine saved their Live they are sold for good and forever to run only Macs. Maybe if hey will backup to Memory Sticks in the future …



If you ever wondered what those astronauts are doing up there:


TimeMachine and the curse of Version1

Apple OSX

minutes after raving about the current Spotlight install TimeMachine throws a fit. It is actually pretty stupid. From my syslog:

Apr 29 08:40:09 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Starting standard backup
Apr 29 08:40:09 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Backing up to: /Volumes/300GB/Backups.backupdb
Apr 29 08:40:18 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 58.48 GB requested (including padding), 184.42 GB available
Apr 29 08:40:18 99-204-104-71 mds[33]: (/Volumes/300GB/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/8564E2D8-9D41-40A3-8681-0D515BC688F3)(Error) IndexCI in ContentIndexAddOids:Caught mach exception. Fun Fun Fun.
Apr 29 08:41:18 99-204-104-71 login[3737]: USER_PROCESS: 3737 ttys001
Apr 29 08:41:51 99-204-104-71 mds[33]: (/Volumes/300GB/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1/Stores/8564E2D8-9D41-40A3-8681-0D515BC688F3)(Error) IndexGeneral in notify_lowspace:low space for device 234881029 (/Vol
Apr 29 08:41:51 99-204-104-71 mds[33]: (Error) Volume: LOW DISK SPACE device:234881029

Apr 29 09:29:18 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Error: Flushing index to disk returned an error: -916
Apr 29 09:29:18 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Copied 27544 files (48.3 GB) from volume 232.
Apr 29 09:29:26 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 471.6 MB requested (including padding), 135.99 GB available
Apr 29 09:29:26 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Waiting for index to be ready (915 > 0)
Apr 29 09:35:41 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Waiting for index to be ready (915 > 0)

last line looping forever, so I stopped it and got:

Apr 29 09:46:08 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Copied 0 files (0 bytes) from volume 232.
Apr 29 09:46:08 99-204-104-71 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[3731]: Backup canceled.

spotlight to find purchased music

Apple OSX

A while back people sold music with DRM. Don’t ask. It turns out that it is terribly easy to find these files:

mdfind kMDItemContentType == com.apple.protected-mpeg-4-audio

in a terminal window will list all purchased music. Apple did with Spotlight what Microsoft was known for in the 90s: Releasing a great concept. Hardly working / usable in it’s first Version, but then getting it right in the later updates. Spotlight is actually quiet useful under OS X 10.5.

golden dragon


no backup will get you

confessions of a pixel pusher technology

Douglas the movie No idea what it was. Looks like allot of work is gone. That can happen.

Digital is binary:

Your data either can be 100% safe. Safer than anything before. Ever.

Or it goes away. Completely. Nothing left.

The real world operates only in matters like life and death on such a binary pattern. Otherwise there is often stuff left. Something to be saved, recovered. Not so in digital.