3 of the ways authorities can track a cellphone


Heise reports about last years activity of german Authorities. They describe three different ways that authorities can access cellphone related information. Outrage is what often follows this topic. People write about it in a way that seems to be assuming their audience will have visceral reactions. Heise is not the worst here.

It is possible to send a text message / SMS to a cellphone number that will not be displayed on the device. Probably a feature of the SMS protocol that never was intended for use by users in the first place. This allows to gather the location of a phone via cell tower triangulation. In Germany that happens around 100,000 times a year. Likely much less people are affected: It might make sense to track somebody repeatedly.

Authorities also can request all cellphones present in a certain area. If a murder happens it might be interesting to know which cellphones were turned on in proximity. It is not clear if this information also contains triangulation position. In theory it could. This happens less than 100 times a year.

Finally there is the possibility to set up an IMSI device. Also known as a Stingray these hardware device will become a cell tower for phones in their vicinity. All traffic will flow over them. How useful the information is that one can capture is a different question. It does depend on the level of encryption.

I always thought a stingray would make for an interesting Black Mirror episode: An overland bus, housing to a person who the bad people (in fiction there can be these bad people that are just that ‘bad’) want to dispose off. Those bad people have that level of infinite tech prowess that is also only existing in fiction / our imagination. Those bad people ride close to said bus and intercept all traffic from the glowing rectangle in front of the bus passengers. The perps could invent a social media reality that would make their victim the most evil person imaginable. They could, of course, listen in to what is being said on the bus. The very normal bus people would start feeling outrage towards the victim. Who would attempt to defend him (her) self in the ways that we would do it ourselves. But to no avail: The bad people would carefully craft the emotion on the bus. We as the audience would understand why the people so upset. We have been there to an extend ourselves: Looking at a glowing rectangle has made us feel in this way or another before. Feelings lead to action. An angry mob is the most evil thing there is.

polarwirbel split


Die Katastrophen Wetter Prognosen für den 7.2.2020 relativen sich zwar gerade wieder, aber hier noch mal eine schöner Blick auf den aktuellen Split in 70hPa:

Earth Nullschool ist es toll. Einfach nur eine gelungene Visualisierung. Keine Ahnung woher die Daten kommen, aber es ist wirklich interessant aufs Menu links unten zu klicken und zu schauen was man alles sehen kann. Werkzeuge wie dieses gibt es leider nicht mehr so häufig im Netz. Die Idee einfach nur Informationen anzubieten ohne dabei zum Douchebag Milliardär werden zu wollen ist leider nicht mehr in Mode. Schade.

another day – another ponzi scheme


This one is ‘only’ $1,700,000,000. Small potatoes compared to the jewish T-Bill. Interesting that half of Bernies clients actually came out net positive …

Like in any ponzi scheme: timing is crucial.

So is it in pump and dump schemes. Does last weeks GME qualifies as such? Maybe. Probably.

double crux


In all the noise covering its easily accessible surface it is easy to forget that the Internet can be a wonderful resource: Somebody can come up with a concept like double crux and put it out there. And there it sits. Maybe some people notice it. Keeping it alive is easy enough. Which is really great.

The EU vaccine story: Catastrophe


Reuters publishes a summary of the EU vaccine situation. Not much in the story is new. Just maybe that the semi official labeling as it being catastrophic will make waves. Papers are much into copy pasting. If Reuters wrote it is a Catastrophy how the EU deals with vaccines, then that lingo will get picked up all to readily: It garners you eyeballs and yet you could deflect any blame upstream towards Reuters.

A destroyed section of the Japanese coastal city of Kesennuma, in Miyagi Prefecture, the day after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, March 2011

Frau von der L und ihre Analogien


Natürlich: Ein Land kann ein Schnellboot sein. Und die EU ist mehr ein Tanker.

Ursula von der Leyen

Ach. Die USA sind genauso gross wie die EU. Der Vergleich hinkt. Und Frau von der Leyen sollte von maritimer Analogien eher Abstand halten. Die Gorch Fock ist ja nicht gerade ein Ruhmesblatt in ihrer “failing upwards” Karriere.

“Wir haben uns sehr stark auf die Frage fokussiert, ob es ein Vakzin geben wird, also die Entwicklung”, erklärte die deutsche Kommissionspräsidentin. Aus heutiger Sicht hätte man “stärker parallel über die Herausforderungen der Massenproduktion nachdenken müssen.”

No Shit. Man muss nen Impfstoff auch herstellen? Echt? Ich dachte es reicht wenn man ne tolle Werbekampagne started. “Deuschland krempelt die Ärmel hoch” lies der Jens für viel Geld Ende letzten Jahres verkünden. Was die nicht funktionierenden Reservierungs Systeme kosten weiss noch keiner. Was man weiss ist das jedes Bundesland sein eigenes “gebastelt” hat. Das von Niedersachsen hat noch nie funktioniert. Trotzdem konnten magisch 30,000 Menschen auf Wartelistend kommen. Obwohl bei der 0800 99886650 kein Durchkommen ist.

Alles … sehr … sehr … peinlich.

Und leider auch ganz real tödlich …

Aber Ursula kommt eben aus einer hübschen Familie. Und sowohl sie als auch ihr Vater taten mit jeweils 7 Kindern das ihrige zur emsigen Vergrösserung derselben. Es hat ja auch schon etwas mütterlich fürsorgliches wenn sie heute verlautbart:

Wir hätten den Menschen erklären sollen, dass es vorangeht, aber langsam, und dass es bei diesen komplett neuen Verfahren Probleme und Verzögerungen geben wird. Doch wir haben unterschätzt, welche Komplikationen auftreten können

Mütterlich in der schlimmsten Art und Weise: So dumm sein das man die Probleme nicht sieht. Und sich dann bemühen es “den Menschen” (lies Untertanen) zu erklären. Das es eben so sei. Das man ja nicht dafür könne. Wie eben auch bei all den Skandalen vorher auch.

Das mit Nordirland als Druckmittel hat nicht ganz geklappt. Oder? Ging wohl nach Hinten los. Oder musst uns das Frau von der Leyen auch erst noch erklären?



A simple post in 2000 ended up being in commercials for “The Trunk monkey” which probably led to these spots.

Does not seem that these days the originator of the idea still would benefit in any way from it.

So in case you have this awesome idea? Don’t hold on to it. It is worth nothing. Even if it is a really good, funny or original one.

Sony Ethics


That’s cool.

I guess it is a big corporation.

M Goldhaber and attention


For months I wonder why I pay for the New York Times. And then a piece like Charlie Warzel’ article about Michael Goldhaber comes along.

It is not unlikely that I have read Mr Goldhabers piece about the attention economy in 1997 already. I can not remember. And even though they could have the systems I would have used to do probably do not either.

Both linked texts are worth the read. Paying attention to.

Not everything that was uttered on the Internet of 1997 has aged as well as Mr Goldhaber’s essay. It is also very interesting to see where it was very lucid, and where it ended up being wrong. Hindsight is 2020. So judging it does not mean that I could have written anything as astute. Back then, and much less today. When Goldhab describes how media and attention will co develop he is utterly prescient. The moment he rolls the doe further on the table of possible we see gaps that back in the day seemed plausible:

it is not difficult to foresee a time when corporations will pretty much disappear

The motivation to outline these sentences here is not to critique or snark. I think it can be very informative to look closely where somebody who clearly grasped better what is going on than millions of other people still do go wrong.

One can not over emphasize how dynamics develop. If the world would have not changed, then Mr Goldfarb’s predictions probably had a better chance in coming true. It did change, and therefor most more defined prediction ended up lacking the foundation they were supposed to stand on.

In 2021 it feels almost strange to read a very informed text about attention with out the author even touching the topic of consciousness. I guess in the end of last century people had that topic in the Giftschrank. One could have easily been chastised as a Saganesc crystal clutching person for bringing up the C word in a serious context.



Boomer Pun. Sorry. But who is gonna stop me?