Opas Panzerschokolade


Even before mushroom chumping Berserker warriors scared the ordered phalanxes of the Roman empire drugs of war have been a thing. But i had no idea that Captagon was such a big part in the mayhem roiling the middle east in the last years.

When it was still just a matter of twitter it was called “Arab Spring”. Somehow it wasn’t a nice Summer that followed …

mehr wert steuer


Der 1. Juli ist da und der Mehrwertsteuer Satz ist für den Rest des Jahres 16 statt 19%. Das heißt dass was 100 EUR kostete jetzt 3% weniger also 97 EUR kostet? Nein. Es kostet jetzt EUR 97.48. Ist Mathe und kein blöder Trick ‘von denen da oben’.

Im Supermarkt ist die Senkung ja nur von 7 auf 5%. Wenn Händler wirklich Preise um 2% senken dann senkten sie ihre eigene Gewinnmarge um 0.13% da die Senkung eigentlich nur 1.87% betragen sollte. Das klingt erstmal homöopathisch, aber Margen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel sind notorisch klein.

Leider hat die Regierung eine grosse Chance bei der Senkung verpasst: Der Online Handel hätte einfach weiter auf der normalen MwSt bleiben sollen. Er brummt ja eh, und braucht es nicht. Im Dezember hätte man die chance gehabt einfach so einen veränderten Online MwSt Satz einzuführen. (nicht meine Idee, darum ja auch genial)

Netflix’ SAFE


Netflix 2018 8 part limited series SAFE was rather enjoyable. Keep on watching a little bit longer should it not seem to tickle your fancy. It is not that it would turn into something completely different. But the story and the characters get more interesting as it develops.

Vo: 40% asymptomatic, BUT


Vo was a village in Italy where the first person in Europe died from Covid-19. This paper outlines that 40% of the people that got tested positive were asymptomatic. It is noteworthy that 73 people tested positive in the first and only 29 people tested positive in the second survey. Since 8 of them were new, this study is based on 81 individuals. That is a number that would make me uncomfortable. It is interesting, but the margin of error could be high. Just a couple of families with some weird genetic effect and you have completely different results for instance.

The latest chapter in the YRC saga: 700 freshly printed dollars.


700.000.000 that is. From the Treasury. YRC’s past is, shall we say, checkered. And as Todd Maiden aptly states it:

Some may also see this as a bailout of Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO), which provided YRC with a $600 million term loan in September.

KSK und dann in Rente


Ich würde den KSK Soldaten die nachgewiesener Weise Nazis sind aus dem Dienst entlassen und die Rente dann in Reichsmark auszahlen. Das die nichts mehr Wert ist ist dann eben Schicksal (oder Vorsehung wie sie es nennen würden). Ob es zum Nachdenken veranlasst ist unklar: Ist ja eher nicht so beliebt das Reflektieren in den ganz weit außen liegenden fauligen Gesinnungsecken.

same, but worse


The recent daily case surge appears to have the same of increase than the initial one back in March had. Which is strange on a linear scale: More base infections should create more daily case if the effective R would be the same. It seems that the effects of better social distancing and masks happen to make up for the higher number of infected people in the country. So just one of these spurious coincidences.

The overall infection number is still 50% higher than it was during the first peak. Which is a really bad thing: In a couple of weeks hospitals will notice and death numbers will increase again. Significantly.

It’s not that people could just take Hydroxy (with or without the Z Pac) and then be better. Not that they didn’t try. They did. Allot.

And: To no avail.



In all der Internet Eile ist Arthur Landwehr von der Tagesschau dann leider aber auch nicht mehr in der Lage kompetent deutsch zu schreiben. Und ja, in der URL heisst es dann wirklich auch teleofonat.

Ich bin dankbar das etwas bei der Tagesschau die seltene Ausnahme ist. Was dabei heraus kommt wenn Fehler die Regel wird kann man hier sehen. It ain’t pretty. Irgendwann frisst sich das sprachliche Unvermögen ins Verständlich machen. Bei mir leider ständig. Bei der Tagesschau nie.

look ma, bigger hands

media politics

“Good job Barron, we so gonna use it. I knew you are good with with the cyber”*

*in slovene

how to panic people


There was a H1n1 based flu epidemic that killed 18.000 people. It probably originated in pigs in north America. Now there is a new strain, it seems to be able to jump from pig to human, but not from human to human.

An info nugget like this can generate clicks. It has the potential to freak people out: Covid-19 is not vanishing quickly. The public needs a new topic every couple of weeks. Covid-19 kills people. More and more globally, but people no longer want to hear about it. So this new thing will just be the ticket: Even larger, scarier. As everything that is undefined and nebulous.