22nd Amendment



No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.


It says “shall be elected to the office of the President“. Fine. Does it say anything about the VP? No. It does not. So how about a Biden-Obama ticket? Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Yes, some have argued that actually Michelle should be on it. But if you want to entertain oligarchic phantasies then you could see her win in 2024 and 2028, after Barack saves in 2020. Much like he did in 2008. Remember that? The Republicans did an awesome job making everybody forget what kind of a country “the economy is strong” / “mission accomplished” W had left for his incumbent.

But then again President Winfrey is also a possibility. She checks allot of boxes:

  • skin color
  • gender
  • recognizability (3% of the electorate probably think that she is Michelle)
  • billionaire
  • orange explosion potential to be bested by TV ‘star’ college

Is Pence again on the bench of the man from Queens? Maybe Kanye wants that place? Maybe he can get it. Then we get a VP debate between him and Oprah. That’ll be interesting …

US death rate projections


The IHME currently projects 208 thousand Covid deaths by November 1st. In the image here I added the 5 countries that still have higher per capita death rates. The position is eyeballed, the data comes from worldometer.

I think the estimate is way too low. By November 1st the death count might have trippled from today and approach 400.000.

Even going with these number the difference between the ‘Masks’ line and the others should make it clear that mandatory mask use is something that should be implemented. Right. Fucking. Now.

Na, da klicke ich dann mal besser schnell drauf:


Google News. Bugs passieren. Lustig ist es dann aber schon wenn es ausgerechnet die FAZ ist, die scheinbar einen auf Clickbait zu machen scheint. Aber vielleicht bin ich einfach alt und sortiere das Frankfurter Blatt marketingmässig noch in der falschen Schublade ein.

Brillenetui oder iPhone auf dem Tisch? Das Bild möchte uns glauben machen Herr A aus K könne, trotz seiner 85 Lenze, die Zeitung noch brillenlos lesen.

well, its viral

politics technology

The effective reproduction rate Rt of the epidemic is a topic that gets different attention in different countries. In Germany the media focuses highly on it. Up to the point that a daily change from 1.07 to 1.1 was ‘news’. Well technical that kind of change is noise, but if people click on it.

Sadly in the US it is not a topic for many people. There is a really wonderful site that visualizes the effective reproduction Number called rt.live. Mike Krieger built it, and does a marvelous job in communicating this crucial information. Like everybody I really enjoyed the books by Edward Tufte. The concept that the communication of information can be wonderful if done right is very intriguing. I have trouble finding another example where this has been executed as wonderfully as in the site created by Mr Krieger. The number is of crucially importance. I will ramble more about their meaning later, but even in this light I was struck by how well rt.live has been done. America is both: A place where people can start Instagram and then go on to make things like this, and it is an ignorant s*hole country that walks open eyed into the abyss.

Which brings me what I actually wanted to point out: The US might be in much deeper trouble then ‘it’ might think. Of course there is no longer a coherent national mind, like there was, when for instance the decision got made that ‘we go to the moon’. That is one of the problems the country faces. People love that they are American. But sadly there is no national positive plan to deal with anything. Not even a huge f*ing problem like Covid-19.

It has been in the US and in the news cycle since March. The George Floyd protests were already the next topic. The media likes to go through new topics every so often. Which is fine if you roll from shark attacks to celebrity divorces. If there is an actual reality shaping dynamic event at foot the fickle media attention can become a problem. Covid-19 is old news. And it simply does not care that it no longer had the publics attention. It is different from presidential candidates in that respect.

The real problem that the US ignores is one of math: With an Rt above one infections will rise. Exponentially. There are more infected people than there were during this pandemic. Demographics might have shifted. Many people who had the disease a couple of months ago would have not gotten tested, now they do. But still: There are more infected people than they have been. And they will infect more people. Until there is ‘herd immunity’ at an estimated 60% infection rate. There are officially 3 million cases. Less than 1% of the population. Of course there are more infected people. But not 40x or anything that one could hope that soon herd immunity could bring the numbers back down.

Change in behavior can also bring numbers down. If a significant part of the population participates. Sadly 5% of the population starting to walk around in full body PPE will have zero impact. It is the number of people that don’t pay attention at all that can drive an epidemic.

Lastly a vaccine and also clinical progress can lessen the impact of the epidemic. Clinical progress gets made. Day by day. Doctors are smart, they figure new things out. Little by little. Much does not make it into the media. Lots of little effects eventually add, without it been written about. We see this now. Downside is that this is not a panacea. Even if there would be a perfect vaccine next week, application of it will take a month – or probably more. If only half of people have it, be it because they don’t want it, or the infra structure to apply it is not capable enough, then its impact is not the binary switch off to the state of 2019 that people tend to envision – hope for.

Infections will grow and grow. The national regime makes an attempt to stretch things out to bring the prize home in November. It stopped giving daily briefings. It will try all sorts of PR maneuvers to distract the American mind from the looming doom. Tragically it will make matters worse by doing so. If the American president would have operated like that of any of the western European countries (aside from maybe Sweden and the UK) his reelection would have been a slam dunk. He blew that one. He always blows things, and then survived them. Naturally for him to think that it will be no different this time. But Covid-19 is not a weak foe like the Democratic Party.

Once infections grow there will be new problems: A second country wide shut down, now needed, while in hindsight it wasn’t the right thing to do in March, will be much harder on the financial system. The feds expanded their balance sheet from 4 to 7 trillion in a matter of weeks to dampen the effect. The big question is: At which level does the dollar loose its global role. Is that at the 10 or at the 100 trillion mark. The GDP of the entire planet is estimated to be at 140 trillion.

The Stock market or its comically skewed measure of the DJIA are pointing upward. Did so in the last months. It might continue its ignorance of the facts even through the next level of human and economic devastation that looms in the months ahead. Or the leather bubble might finally rapture. The bear might not have been dead as it has appeared. It maybe was just hibernating real fucking hard in the last months. It is impossible to know if this aspect will add to the epidemic impact. If people think their retirement is in tatters this would change their outlook on everything.

Healthcare capacity was big topic in March. It strangely no longer is. Last time the collision got avoided. But this time I don’t see how things should be magically different. Those 50,000 daily new positive tests will eventually condensate in the need for hospital resources. Which are still limited. Once number encroach on that border stuff gets generally much worse: Overworked staff can not take care of themselves, gets itself infected. Covid becomes nosocomial again. Which is pushing hard on lethality rates. We have been there before. In Wuhan, in northern Italy, in Spain.

The big question mark is how society as a whole will react to this. George Floyd protests were bigger than anything of their nature before. People in general are not in a good, sane, balanced state. The impact of tech / internet based world consumption has vastly intensified in the last months. And it was not on a healthy level before. We have no idea what that means for a society.

Lastly and globally the sharks are circling: Both Russia and China have a significant interest in a diminished role of the US. Russia so that it can continue its path of increasing its regional power position. The Krim is theirs already. One of the few map changes in this century so far. It would like to operate as the major European power.

China is on a more ambitious path: Hong Kong and then Taiwan is in its sights. That does not stop it from rubbing shoulders with India. It also wants to be a in position to be the dominant force in the inevitable massive changes on the Korean peninsula.

Western Europe and the highly developed asian countries all existed very well in a world that got stabilized by American power, influence and values. In the end of 2020 this situation could be a significantly different one. It is clear that China will come out as the winner here. The question is just by how much.

antidrone drone


Anduril is a company that makes high tech deterrents. The company got founded by Palmer Luckey, who was one of the co founders of Oculus Rift.

In Mike Judge’ much missed Silicon Valley he was the inspiration for the character Keenan Feldspar.

Of course Mr Judge can do whatever he wants with his life. I found the Silicon Valley ending to be un inspired. And actually absolutely un necessary. Many shows overstay their welcome. They squeeze out season after season until that horse it so dead it looks already like the pasture it once grazed on. Silicon Valley did not have that problem. The format is great, the subject matter was not the characters, those could have been replaced if wanted or needed. The format is the clear eyed satire of what is going on in NoCal. That deserves a show. And Mike Judge did a wonderful job with it. I would have not minded it if HBO would buy more seasons and make it something where you’d have a new show every week. Easy for me to say: I don’t have to work to create them. I just get to sit on the other side of the screen and got to enjoy it.

Up to this day: As crazy as it is, I derive some context for the Anduril dystopia based on the fictional depiction of its founder. Thats very 2020.

Note to the picture here: Forbes feels that they need to put a disclaimer on “This article is over 3 years old” on such ancient pieces. Funny. Kind of: Hey, look at latest greatest, don’t look at what mattered back them. Now. Now. Now!



German for dubbing. Since there are lots of people Germany had english movies dubbed. One got more or less used to the mismatch between sound and lips. A strange effect was when the actual voice of the actor felt wrong, since one had only heard the assigned voice actor. For some of them the rise to fame of the thespians they had spoken and therfor be assigned to became a windfall.

This wired piece is about deepfakes and how Covid might give it a boost. Or it just might be a PR piece for companies trying to sell their solutions. Or both.

Soon humans we look at will no longer be as unaltered as we assumed they were. Which of course was never really the case anyway. Make up, lighting, everything got used to alter peoples appearance. Marlene Dietrich very rarely if ever looked like we remember her.

In the near future actors might speak in foreign tongues, and naturally their faces move in the proper way. Don’t like how the movie tested? Change the plot after words. Test the new version and see if “he killed Todd” works better as “he didn’t kill Todd” did. Possibilities are endless.

Of course the people in the death star are scared and looking forward to that: No longer any actors to wrangle. But what if ‘tech’ (that dreaded 4 letter word in Hollywood) could generate an inflationary amount of charactors? Each version more appealing. There is right now a certain lifespan management for actors. Individual drug encounters and religious awakenings aside it is in the total sum almost predictable how career earnings develop in average. That all will change.

For the death star it will probably not matter anyway. In hindsight it was a real tragic move to bloat the operations with assets around live performance in order to have enough critical mass to go public.

Back then it looked very smart: Live performances are the ONE thing were “tech” would not turn everything on its head. As with most tanked prediction the problem was not to evaluate the pieces on the board in the wrong way. It was the illusion to think that one knows about all the pieces that the game has.

8 months with feedbin: still love it


Since October 2019 I pay for feedbin. I think it is 5 dollars. I had to look it up, that is monthly. So, at $60 a year not super cheap. For me it is worth it. There is still a surprising rich amount of RSS feeds out there. News generators that don’t have them? Well they don’t get my attention then. Last time I checked it is a buyers market: There is ample supply for peoples attention in 2020. There are many content generators who switched to newsletters. Makes sense to push things into people email inboxes. Feedbin has a great feature: You get an email address that you can have newsletter sent to.

I have not experienced a single bug or outage. The system is fast and realiable. More than happy to pay $5 for it. It actually is better than google reader. Google made a couple of cardinal mistakes during the last two decades. Shutting down reader was one of them. They wanted to migrate people over to Wave. Google Wave. Look it up, it was a thing …

Feedbin is very much a thing. It makes my days better. Every single one of them. Which reminds me: I want to try to stop using the Internet one day a week.

Motorradfahrverbote am Wochenende


Als ich das erste mal davon hörte dachte ich es ist ein Scherz. Ernst kann es auch wirklich keiner meinen: Das Motorradfahren am Wochenende zu verbieten. Der größte Unsinn überhaupt. Ich glaube es ist ein einfach nur Versuch von Aussen im Land Unfrieden zu sähen.

Diesen Gefallen tun dir Grünen der AfD und Putin ja hoffentlich nicht sich auf der falschen Seite des Argumentes aufzustellen.

changing PR messages till one sticks – for the moment being


First here was the man, the giver of ventilators. That got old, in his final briefing he suggested shining a light into peoples bodies, or they just drink disinfectant. For a while things simmered along. Now, that the infection rate is climbing again the new message is supposed to be as simple as Get used to it, get over it. Under normal circumstances such an idea would be outlandish, and clearly made up. But with this administration it could even be true.

3 books by Jonathan Haidt


I read 3 books by Jonathan Haidt: The Happiness Hypothesis (2006), The Righteous Mind (2012) and recently The Coddling of the American Mind (2018). I enjoyed all three. They are great books. Better than most that I read. I would recommend the first the most, the second then and his most recent work as the last. Not that his writing would have become worse. I find it to be awesome in each of them. It is just, that the topics of his books follow what is going in the world. In 2006 it was fine to focus on how it is, that circumstances are not horrible, yet people are not happy. In 2012 it was worth looking into how people became so partizan, and in 2018 it seemed that people freaked out quiet a bit. Which, in light of 2020, was rather prescient.

Haidt is a rare author that takes science and explains what goes on. And he does so in a way that does not cater to the usual left / right dichotomies. He makes an effort to look at the world, and tries to understand something about it. Whatever it might be. Then he does an outstanding job to condense it and explain it well, so that even people like me can benefit from it. With each of his books I was left with the feeling, that I understand life and society a little bit better once I had read them. Which is really awesome and much appreciated.

It is not his fault that between 2006 and 2018 the world fell into this info-cesspool and people in general rub their noses bloody on the Internet by means of their phones. He would deserved a better world. And there could have been one. If more people would have read his 2006 book it would have made a big impact. Likewise would we have had different candidates in 2016 if ‘The righteous Mind’ would have found a better and broader audience. They would have been better candidates too. I have nobody particular in mind, just that the election of 2016 only could happen in a certain ignorance that he already had elucidated a way out of.