9.5% quarterly decline results in 33% annual rate


Both in the US and Germany the GDP declined by around 9.5% in Q2 2020. The news also talks from an annualized rate of 33%. Which I did not understand until I realized that you have to apply the decline four times on the number that already has been lowered. As in:

100 * 0.905 * 0.905 * 0.905 * 0.905 = 67.079

Then it does make sense.

stock market and GDP

In the last 12 weeks stocks rose around 40% while the GDP fell by around 10%

Sense this makes none.



Where voting becomes optional. His logic is sound. In his head. And in the ones of those of his disciples that have followed him down there far enough.

Edit: On second thought this appears to be a typical T move. Trying to distract the public opinion from devastating news that could hurt him with a non substantial outlandish crazy provoking claim. He has no decency to loose. Which is something he uses: The economy tanked in Q2 2020 in historic dimensions (April 27th he said about Q2: “you’re going to have GDP lack of growth” – fuck yeah, I’d say an annualized 33% decline would qualify as ‘lack of growth’ – some would call it an abundance of shrinkage). So his attempt to meddle with Democracy gets everybody upset. Despite the fact that he can not do so. And will never find a majority for it. But his reasoning is to distract from the horrible numbers both on the economy as well as on Covid.

He did the same when it became clear that Hydroxy was a dud: He suggested the light shining into the body thing. And his critics focused on that nonsense instead of pointing how that his unfunded medical advice did cost human lives.

Edit2: Die FAZ hat den gleichen Gedanken. Todays German word to learn: Ablenkungsmanöver. Much better than the simple “distraction” that English has to offer..

Sergey, Larry, anybody?


Googlependance is only noticeable if things don’t work:

Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists.

Electricity and running water (in and out) are needed for civilisation. By now so is GOOG. People would bitch and moan if you take the Facebook away from them, but we would manage. The same if they no longer could pay top dollar for Cupertino trinkets. But turning off Amazon (the AWS part) Microsoft or Google is no longer an option. The Stone Age starts right after Mountain View, CA.

seat belts, masks & countries


I was wondering if one could use the seat belt use of different countries to predict how different countries would fare in a pandemic.

In theory the cultural attitude towards safety, behavior alteration for a non direct benefit should equally apply to Volvos invention as well as to mask wearing and social distancing in general.

As usual things are not as simple as I think they are. People in Greece, for instance, rather have Sirtaki liberties behind the wheel while they did not have a Covid issue. Sweden is not surprising using seat belts like no other countries, but its Covid numbers are – well – lets say they are not so great.

middle ages


One of the delights of using feedbin and collecting rss feeds is that things like Dr. Elenaor Janega’s wonderful Going Medieval appear among the usual news BS that is usually so utterly repetitive.

The good Dr she is not: Her writing is wonderful, and the choice of topics is adding an interesting context towards all sorts of things.

Recently she wrote about 45s favorite doctor.

How people have interpreted their sleep problems in the past and what kind of stories they conjured up around it is immensely interesting. I think that much of what has been projected into the existence of incubi and succubi is caused by good old sleep paralysis. That and then cultural issues around sexuality. Young devoted Christian men wake up with boners, much like other people. But depending on your moral compass that you like to use during day hours you need to construct some kind of explanation. People being people those can be truly bizarre. Our imagination does not have boundaries in the respect on how far it can venture into outlandish possibilities. While in the same time ignoring 99.9% of all aspects of the nearest and most plausible explanation. We’d rather think about Alien DNA.

11 satellites and one shooting star


I like to look at things. Were it not for clients, family or organs inside my body communicating needs I could pretty much sit everywhere and look. For a rather long time I guess. A moon and cloudless night sky is one of these things that never gets old on me. Lately it got new on me though: Lots of satellites. They used to be not a thing, then they were far in between, now they clutter the sky. Seeing a couple of them at the same time on the firmament is not uncommon. The root of this word is ‘firmare’, which has nothing to do with movement.

I must admit it makes me angry. Fucking billionaires wanting to give everybody Internet through their clusters. If ever there will be a ostracism against those super riches then I will happily write MUSK on that piece of broken ceramic, or whatever we will use to decide who will go into the soup to feed the pour, or at least restore some sense of justice.

I am not very violent. But having the night sky sliced with with his Starlink BS (he is probably too young and ignorant to remember Iridium) devices makes me mad. More than it should …

then you might as well pay for it


99% of closed rooms are owned by somebody. If they are rented out then the responsibility of what happens inside goes to the renter.

Covid 19 gets transmitted in closed rooms.

So it is simple to make the people that house the locus of infection responsible for it. Have them cover the hospital costs of those infected, and those that got infected by them. Just trace the Virus DNA: It is different enough in some details to support these kind of chains.

There will be much less parties and gatherings. Covid would not have an easy way of spreading in the first world as it has now.



Last year I deleted my account. My real friends were not on there anyway, and if they were we did not communicate with that thing. It is a truly horrible system: People have the illusion to be among their peers. They think ‘everybody’ has seen what they post. Which is not the case. It amplifies stupid human traits. Extensive posters will suck the air out of the room. The most insane conspiracy theories run amok. Arguments do not happen. Trolling is a past time for many that have nothing better to do. And while you have an account you go back to that junk. Again, and again and again. Listening to Mark Z about how it builds community is gut wrenching. FB has enough money to engineer a system that would support the better angels of our nature. It could have made a positive impact in the world. It did clearly not. Which interesting concept emerged on the platform? There is nothing. Billions of people spend aeons on the system, without having any gains from it. Before the Internet it often had been said that “TV makes you stupid”. FB is much much worse. It amplifies the voices of those who would have yelled at the TV in the olden days. It amplification system for messages is plain broken. It stinks. It is the worst. Whoever designed it should be ashamed of himself. Turn facebook off today and you do the world a service. People will find ways to communicate. In better ways. No, twitter ist not it. Talking to people in reality or with a phone is a good way to connect. It makes a huge difference. Of course we can not go back. People didn’t smoke en mass until around 120 years ago. It was a real bad idea, and did more harm than good. FB is like that. It is addictive for its users, but it provides no benefit. Leaving FB was a really good thing. Not having to endure the nonsense that people utter there about Covid is a real relief. I very much doubt that it magically became sensible in the last eight months. People might be under the impression that it is just their friends that are so stupid. That others have enlightened, witty, wonderful conversation on that platform. No, that is not true. It is an outlet for things nobody wants to read. And people return to it for the same reason they rubber neck when they pass an accident on the highway. Human suffering interests us. Out of pity, schadenfreude or actual compassion: our attention steers towards it. And with FB we sit alongside a constant stream of the horrible lives that our ‘peers’ seem to lead. We see their failed attempts in self promotion pass by in a stream of other crap and ads, and it is not the live that we ever wanted to have. But FB communicates that this would be the only way of human existence that is around us. Of course it is not. We are much better than this crap. Just hard to see when you turn for human interaction to Mr Zuckerbergs contraption.

Dr Stella Immanuel


One needs to read about her in Pidgin. It much betta.