in bad taste


sorry for the victims, all 7 of them

Still: was too good to let is pass by.

An apt illustration of the Republican reign that started 2016.

meets the eye


The term

What meets the eye

could be used to show a rather interesting aspect of our being: A meeting means that both parties make an effort. If it only would be to open the door, having time. There is an effort on both sides. So it is with using our eyes. Specially with our visual sense we give in to the illusion that it would record objectively what is around us. We ignore the fact that it is only a 2degrees wide cone that we can see non blurry. When a magician has skillfully guided it away from where he does the thing we are not supposed to see we are convinced that he did invisible things. He did not, he just made us look elsewhere.

There is allot of beauty in the world that we can see when we reflect on how we use our eyes and give us the time to do so differently.

querdenken 711


Da halten sie dann das Grundgesetz hoch. Vielleicht sollten sie den ersten Satz mal lesen:

Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.

Am Ventilator zu liegen ist schon nicht sehr würdevoll.

Das Internet schafft es leider, dass im Grunde wohl nette und vernünftige Menschen von totalen Vollpfosten (die es leider immer gibt und gab, aber zum Glück ja in sehr geringer Menge) von aussen nicht mehr klar zu unterscheiden sind.

Wer da in Berlin gerader mitdemonstriert ist einer von denen.

US debt: June 2020 larger than first 200 years


Specially interesting since allot of things happened between 1776 and 1976. Many of which would have a debt component, like Wars, space exploration, infra structure buildout, etc.

Der Wolf ist nicht mehr in aller Munde


Gemüter erhitzten sich. Meister Isegrim war wieder da. Aus dem Osten. Arme Tiere reissend. Oder eben Natur die dann wahr und heilig ist. Menschen konnten sich nicht einig werden. Viele waren aufgebracht. Und es schien so wichtig zu sein wie man sich den wilden Vierbeinern gegenüber verhalten sollte.

Und dann war es plötzlich kein Thema mehr. Nicht das die Wolflosigkeit der letzen 150 Jahre wieder hergestellt wurde, oder das intesive Studium der Gebrüder Grimm zum gesellschaftlichen Konsens geführt hätte.

Nein: In der Schublade “bedrohliche Natur” machte sich einfach ein andere Neophyt breit. Und damit ist der Wolf dann kein Thema mehr.

the dress that we didn’t learn from


Earlier I was claiming that Facebook had not added anything to culture. Not true: It gave us The Dress.

We could have learned from that even the sense that we trust the most and consider to be the most objective one can raise two interpretations.

We could have leaned that ‘those people are wrong’ is not as strong of a statement as we might think. Of course there is a reality, and of course it matters how far we are away from it with the stuff that jumps around in our heads. We should have learned that what jumps around in our heads is not automatically and always the right view on things.

We didn’t learn. We elected a reality TV star as President. And we get the result in 150,000 Covid deaths.

9.5% quarterly decline results in 33% annual rate


Both in the US and Germany the GDP declined by around 9.5% in Q2 2020. The news also talks from an annualized rate of 33%. Which I did not understand until I realized that you have to apply the decline four times on the number that already has been lowered. As in:

100 * 0.905 * 0.905 * 0.905 * 0.905 = 67.079

Then it does make sense.

stock market and GDP

In the last 12 weeks stocks rose around 40% while the GDP fell by around 10%

Sense this makes none.



Where voting becomes optional. His logic is sound. In his head. And in the ones of those of his disciples that have followed him down there far enough.

Edit: On second thought this appears to be a typical T move. Trying to distract the public opinion from devastating news that could hurt him with a non substantial outlandish crazy provoking claim. He has no decency to loose. Which is something he uses: The economy tanked in Q2 2020 in historic dimensions (April 27th he said about Q2: “you’re going to have GDP lack of growth” – fuck yeah, I’d say an annualized 33% decline would qualify as ‘lack of growth’ – some would call it an abundance of shrinkage). So his attempt to meddle with Democracy gets everybody upset. Despite the fact that he can not do so. And will never find a majority for it. But his reasoning is to distract from the horrible numbers both on the economy as well as on Covid.

He did the same when it became clear that Hydroxy was a dud: He suggested the light shining into the body thing. And his critics focused on that nonsense instead of pointing how that his unfunded medical advice did cost human lives.

Edit2: Die FAZ hat den gleichen Gedanken. Todays German word to learn: Ablenkungsmanöver. Much better than the simple “distraction” that English has to offer..

Sergey, Larry, anybody?


Googlependance is only noticeable if things don’t work:

Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists.

Electricity and running water (in and out) are needed for civilisation. By now so is GOOG. People would bitch and moan if you take the Facebook away from them, but we would manage. The same if they no longer could pay top dollar for Cupertino trinkets. But turning off Amazon (the AWS part) Microsoft or Google is no longer an option. The Stone Age starts right after Mountain View, CA.