Lawyer Art

art economy

Christopher Schulz makes Sharks. Chrome Sharks. Sometimes he adjuncts the animals alongside weapons parts.

It is nice to look at. Art for men. Older men. Or other men that engage in inner monologues about their fading vigor.

Good for the market is that some of these men have money. And offices where they can place these objects. They do not know that with the purchase of a piece like this they communicate their insecurities. All they see the novelty of the combination of Chrome and Shark. That must be Art. Art they can understand. So it is good. And then it is expensive. They can afford it. And they have taste. Are modern. Their Grandma would not like it. She would see a shark in chrome. They like that about the work. She likes dolphins in porcelain more than sharks in chrome. Actually they are the same.

Nice to look at. Kitsch.

5G and Covid-19: Coincidence?


Of course. Are you nuts?

Sorry, yes, there is no way 5G could have anything to do with ‘the China virus’.

An example: All items in your kitchen, like knifes, forks, pans, etc. If you sort them by color or by length does that influence how fast your car can drive? Yes, if your car keys were in the kitchen and you no longer can find them after the ridiculous enterprise to resort all items in your kitchen. Smart you are. But that is not the point: The ability of your car to reach a certain top speed has no relationship to what you do with with stuff in your kitchen.

5G is a specific protocol. Magnetic waves mean something different in 5G than in other ways. A virus has no way of being influenced by magnetic waves as 5G shapes them.

the Corona app: It Workz.


Seems that that were was one contact. Somewhere. At some time. The app does not know where it is. It solely relies on the exchange of anonymized tokens via low energy bluetooth.

Strange that people would not give the German government their data, but happily shovel (knowingly or mostly not) all their live into the silo of evil tech conglomerates.

With the Germany government the biggest danger would be that they loose your data. It is no evil. While those corporations are. One had the motto: “Don’t be evil”. It no longer has it.

very much under control

media politics

Nonsense. 24/7 nonsense. Which is bad but tolerable in times when everything is humming along. In times when Government can make a difference it shows.

Russian Firsts


Just a list of things where Russia was first. If this list triggers emotions, then maybe reflect why. National pride? Or an attempt to frame this list as propaganda? Are you looking at Russia without emotions?

Whatever happens with the vaccine: We will find out. Just one can find out if masks work: There are countries that used them early, there are those that still have a hard time implementing them. And there are victims. Or not.

two habit books


Recently I reread Charls Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit” from 2012 and James Clears “Atomic Habits”. I liked them both. Again. They are good books to revisit after a couple of years.

If somebody would ask me which one they should read then I would think that people below 30 should read Clear while others might find Duhigg more rewarding. Reading the other respective other book is helpful too.

The things they point out are simple, true and immensely powerful. Having implemented some over the last decade (Duhigg wasn’t the first Author to point certain things out) I can attest to the fact that reading and understanding is one thing. Applying it consistently however is not as simple as it might feel. So reading about this part of our nature repeatedly and redundantly is a good thing. For me.

Titanic suicides

history media

In the wonderful “Ship of dreams” I read that 10 people that survived the Titanic died by their own hand later in life. I instantly explained this to me that the tragic event must have tarnished their life.

Turns out that the overall rate of suicide compared to other reasons of death is 1.4%. Since 705 people survived the disaster the statistics would predict exactly that amount of people.

Jon Steward: I miss him


A good segment on ‘class warfare’ as per Fox & Co. I wonder how random stuff from Fox from that time would hold up: Not so well.



I wonder if there was a ‘talk like a fascist‘ school that these guys all did go to?

plus and minus


From the mans Twitter feed. It is amazing that there seem to be people wanting to believe that every single job added is his work.

While every job lost, every one of them, is just not his fault, and could not possible been have avoided.

His presidency is currently around 10 million jobs in the minus. Or 5 years of growth. Growth years that had exactly the same level under Obama or him. Look at the graph of job growth in the past: You can NOT find where things switched from Obama to Trump:

If the Democratic Party had any sense then they would communicate this clearly.

Instead they let the man sing his praises – over nothing. Without having a clear message that he makes shit up that is not like that.