you have been had.

history politics

some poll data from 2003

After September “the eleventh” (as Mr. B likes to call that terrible day) americans put allot of flags on their cars. Mr B. had a cool approval rating, after all he promised to ‘smoke them out’ those people that were behind the most shoking act of Terror in history.

That “War on Terror” stirred some strong emotions.
Those needed directions, so some people thought. And it worked:
When the War on Iraq started half of the people believed there were Iraqies in those planes. The war in Iraq became this part of the campaign on Terror. The former regime in Bagdhad was as bad as the one in North Korea or elsewhere in the world. Just that they had nothing to with the Terror act of Sept 2001 nor were there any real weapons of mass destrcutions that could be found.

With all this the american public would have no problem with.

As long as the US would have won the war. Officially they did so a very long time ago. Only problem is that the peace needs more soldiers and money than the war. And it’s not going anywhere.

There were always ‘milestones’ in the US view that would make things better: The hand over of sovereignity (done in a coup 24 hour before it was scheduled to dodge an onslaught of Terror) or the elections or the building of the government.

Americans like a success story. They like the winner. They were not winning in Vietnam, and they will not in Iraq.

the admnistation on Iraq: what they said …

history politics

… back then and now

Still my favorite is that Rumsfeld compared Iraq with Post War Germany a couple of weeks after his Boss declared major combat of being over.
Somehow some people must have not gotten that memo.

since they can


In case you really want to know when a famous person was born, you could also ask google:

just add ‘dob’ after their name.

It does make sense Google knows from what people are looking for. Cost them close to nothing to see how often people were looking for birthdays. So they just add it. The people will find,
eventually. There is just so many of them. They will find
everything. And then tell each other about it.

more at blognewschannel found via BlogsNow, of course.

The Cartwrights and the Riddler of Baghdad

media politics

it’s worth the read

oh linux!


… so I am installing some ancient linux (redhat 9) on some similar ancient hardware (don’t ask).

All goes well. Suddenly the install hangs. I follow the instructions to get rid of __db.* in /var/lib/rpm and do a rpm –rebuilddb only to get an error message:

error: db4 error(16) from dbenv->remove: Device or resource busy

Too me that sounds like something is broken. Tried it again, and it behaved the very same way. Since nothing is running on the machine I decided to reboot. Still the same error. Finally, I google for it, and find that this is ‘harmless’. “harmless” ? OK, why dosen’t the error message say so then?? This is just plain stupid. It would have taken the original coder 3 minutes to give people a little hint that this error is well, not an error. That it is ‘harmless’.

no more Kodak BW photo paper

coming to a museum near you photo technology

nothing really surprising

Just that I think I will ad an category “coming to a musuem near you” here.

it’s the law


forty million credit card numbers walked out of a building somewhere.

The CC companies said there was so far no more fraud activity “beyond the ordinary”.

Lately there has been a flurry of reports. As the linked article explains there is a new California state law that requires businesses to notify their customes when their personal information has been exposed in a security breach. That explains allot.

audio cassette : finis

coming to a museum near you daily life economy history media

the audio tape

remember what was on the first mix tape you made?
the first one you gave away as a gift?

If you should be that age.

From the above link:

Oddly, Philips did not charge royalties on their cassette patent, allowing numerous other companies to use their design for free. This ensured the quick acceptance of it as a new form of media.

Now isn’t that something that Sony (MiniDisc, MemoryStick etc) should read and read until they do understand it ?

and, of course, this commercial comes to mind

five short sentences

history politics

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

“C” being Richard Dearlove, head of the UK MI6. The britisch version of the CIA. Nobody has denied that this quote is real.

The date being July 23 2002. At this time George Bush told everybody that the US would only go to war with Iraq if they would not disarm. And that war would be a ‘last resort’.

There is a contradiction here. And nobody looks to Mr. Dearlove for being the one not telling the truth.

This is important, since it is a matter of war and peace. War is a terrible thing. If you base it on lies then you need to be held responsible for it. Clinton got almost impeached for having bad taste in picking his mistress.

slogger + spotlight = bliss

Apple internet

installing slogger on OS X is still a bit tricky. But now with
spotlight I think this will be great. Making my computer
remember things. That is a sound concept. Let’s see when
I run out of space …