but Alice Cooper says


Alice Cooper knows better.

Is the mindset of Mr. Cooper a majority in the USA?

interactive map

history politics

of iraq

oh no!

daily life history

shark attacks were also dominating the news in September 1 – 10 2001.

A Terrror attack would help GWB ratings probably more than the capture of OBL.

today on the internet:

daily life


good morning.


simple and true


this NY Times editorial
is short and very much on the point.

If you believe in this administration and its war you kind of are a person believing that the earth is flat. Let’s stay in the picture for a second:

Before the Iraq war you could have argued that Christopher just returned, but maybe it was not India he came from.

But now you are sitting in a 747 circling the globe. Sure somehow you could still argue that the world is flat. But it gets harder.

this is how crazy they are


I had no idea what kind of nutcase John Ashcroft was

postfix or qmail


ok, the ‘bat book’ and sendmail are seriously weird and scary. So years ago I chewed my way through a qmail install. It was allot of work. It was strange. it ended up to be working, but I was not looking forward to doing it again. I looked what people hat to say about other MTAs. Some people mentioned postfix, but there was a back and forth about qmail and postfix.

Then I lost some email. That is motivation enough.

I tried postfix. I thought it would take hours, like it did with qmail.
Instead it took minutes.

Postfix is so much nicer than qmail for the casual mail hoster,
it is unbelievable. qmail? shiver. Don’t even bother. postfix is it.



made us pay for our bagels

interesting article, sorry for the skewed and misleading link.
could not resist.

what would she say about it?


i hope this is not true

whatever happened to:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.


says who

free of any reason

I have to tell you. It's just a great time in my life. I'm really happy. And, you know, I'm engaged. I'm going to be married. I can't restrain myself.

who would have said this?

the answer

Next role: “Battlefield Earth II” which goes straight to dvd and will be sold out to the deciples within three minutes.