web 2.0


web 2.0

Speaking of 2.0s, whatever happened to the Internet 2.0 ?

What would Google 2.0 look like?
Microsoft 2.0 however might be as chinese as IBM is now.

Nielsen Rubbish


Alan Little started an article with this quote from Jakob Nielsen’s blog top 10 mistakes:

If you publish on many different topics, you're less likely to attract a loyal audience of high-value users.

When Mr Nielsens list made it’s BlogsNow debut I think I read it. But I must have skipped # 8. I think that this point is utter rubbish. That is the whole point of weblogs that you get comments, links and news presented from a specific voice. In the more interesting cases this voice is a mix of aspects and interests. If this voice is genuine and authentic then I do enjoy the read, as long there is enough overlap with my interests.

Yoga, for instance, I don’t care about. Alan writes among other things about Yoga, Mac’s and Munich. Since I care about Mac’s and have lived twelve years in Munich I can relates somehwat. And, even though I don’t care about Yoga, that specific weblog would be less interesting if it would not have that area of interesting.



refound this artist’ web site via this amazing collection

I did miss him


Charles Petzold
I did enjoy reading him, when I was still coding for Windows.
15 years ago? 20?

This speech is fun to read I think. I still like his writing style.
Should I read his Avalon book just because of him? That would
be geekish: Reading text books becuase of the the Author.



google base is for real.

Google tries lots of things. But that is what you can do with the web and if you have an ‘unbrand’ like those colored letter.

Much like Apple could sell a white square block of solid plastic Google get’s the attention of the web, not matter how odd the idea may be. Google Video for instance is not gonna go anywhere. DOA.
They just didn’t get the real dynamics of internet / moving images.

Froogle is kind of there, but not making much impact. I have not read anybody talking about it.

Google Base is, of course, a brilliant idea. Let the people bring the data directly to Google. They better make sure that it’s not full of spam like Blogspot. Oh, wait: Blogspot according to google is not full of spam, since they know what is spam and what isn’t. Technorati and Ice Rocket don’t. A good spam filter is these days a very very competitive instrument. Look at gmail: It’s spam filter works. Same with traditional search: search engine spam is huge. And google constantly change it’s engine to combat this. It sounds like that their steps get more severe: “jagger1” has shifted results for many semi-pro and pro SEOs all over the planet. Let’s see what the next weeks and the two more stages that Google will deliver in search will bring us.

Google Base could take some out of the market from eBay, Amazon and craigslist. It’s that one extra click that people don’t want to do.
They want to utter a couple of keystrokes and WANT the first result to be what they want. The internet is a mere extension to google it seems. With Google Base they just pulled the content a bit closer into their data centers. New products can go online instantly.

But the devil is in the details. The /concept/ of google video was brilliant. Or had some brilliant aspects. The actual implementation is stupid. It showed clearly that google does not understand what is going in this area.

I give them a better chance to understand the world of eBay / Amazon etc.

And then there are rumors about google money. If these things work out, then the current stock price of 346 (!) is not the highest we might see. The Market Cap of a couple of companies in Billion dollars:

General Electric 360
Microsoft 266
Wal-Mart 188
Google 96
Apple 46
Ford 16
General Motors 16

At some point this whole internet thing might tip:
Google’s might reaches a level of domination that the whole
rest will be just secondary. Much like the desktop OS market tipped into Microsofts direction at one point for 90% of the people.

Once you store all the email, classified ads, products, blogs, images, maps AND give the people decent access to it, who could possible compete?

There always was only one eBay. A second one had never a chance, since you want the access to the biggest collection. That and the brand keep Amazon and eBay in business.

Sadly only the leftovers might be interesting and worth pursuing in this brave new gworld. Leftovers not in respect of volume: Google practically invented the long tail of the internet. Leftovers in matters of content: Only the junk that Google can not associated with will be traded outside of the big G.

Orson Welles had the entire movie Studio to play with when he was young and made “Citizen Cane”. Brin and Page have the most dynamic thing on the planet to play with. And they don’t have to negociate with a studio. They own it.

weblogs.com down


That didn’t take long: weblogs.com did notify the universe about weblog updates. For years. More and more weblogs existed, and weblogs.com got sold to Verisign. A real infrastructure company.
Those put the ping service on their own servers five days ago.
With the result that it is broken since four hours. I think that the privately run weblogs.com was offline for so long in the 20 months that I was pulling data from it.

Let’s see how quickly they are back up, and what the ripple effects are for the blogosphere.



Never mind if ([^<]+) means nothing to you. If you do you know then you might be a fellow scraper. Whether scraping is bad or not we don't know yet. It's possible, and that's all what matters to me right now.


free of any reason

a miniature town made out of Jell-0. Render this, Maya boy !

what got me into computing

history misc technology

now things are coming into the open

1. I am that old.
2. I never used the gained knowledge

in case you care to know


In case you care to know how and why the US is in this the state that it is in.

takes a while till he get’s going, but is interesting never the less.