comment spam

this weblog

got lots spams attempts on my comments.
trying a simple turing test right now.

info djungle


Just booked a hotel in NY. For next Friday. A little bit late, of course.
I had a couple of Hotels to start with. Finding their phone numbers was not easy. Nor was it to reach somebody. Google is NOT your friend when you try to locate some service like a hotel. Nor are the Hotels themselves: loading flash for 90 seconds, just to get to a phone number is ridicolous. And they just opened last year.

the multi million dollar rumor


this is a very damaging rumor for Sony and the very best that could happen to the Xbox 360 right now. I wonder if there is a market for rumor spreading these days.

blogdex where are though?

BlogsNow google internet malware

Blogdex is still down. So I thought I might run some google adwords pointing people to BlogsNow.
Turned out somebody was faster: Right now I see an add for blogturbo dot com. Interesting what google advertises for:
It costs only 149 US$ and you can generate thousands of weblogs pointing to your site. This looks like a keyword spam tool to me.
Interesting that google runs ads for it.

Then I wonderred what is going on at
Turns out they are down as well …

update November 1st
Blogdex: “up” again, yet results are old/pointless right now.
Daypop: back up again, results make sense. the usual 24 hour delay
blogturbo: still showing ads on google adwords for blogdex.

shoot on focus


Yesterday I tried to take a picture of my daughter on a swing.
I like shallow depth of field of the 90 US$ 50mm 1:1.8 II Canon.
Needless to say: It didn’t work, since I suck.
But maybe Canon could do the world favor and add a fourth Autofocus mode: “Shoot on Focus”. You set the lens to manual,
focus at the distance that you think the subject should have. Select this magic fourth AF mode and press the button: The moment the camera sees focus it takes a picture. Simple as that. With digital you don’t care if you need to take ten or twenty to get a good one.
Canon, please, could I have it, let’s say in the 6D? I can, or rather have to, use the 10D till then anyway. No funding for the marvelous 5D …

the good ole NSA


No Such Agency. Back in the day. They were the holy grail of high tech intel.
Today it seems as if a simple digg reference seems to bring their servers to a grinding halt:
I am getting 2KB/s right now. Which means that I have to wait 15 minutes for their collective OS X wisdom.

What happens if the NSA gets slashdotted?



One of the tools for Vanity search is PubSub
The idea is you tell it what you care about and it will remember where it found the mentionings. Nice idea.

It is in my “let’s see what happens around BlogsNow” FireFox stored tab. It is stuck since a week. Or it’s posting order is confused.
I would guess that they have splog trouble as well …

Update 10/30: From my current IP I can not access PubSub anymore. But from other machines I have in the internet it worls just fine. PubSub probably blocks my ISP. Which is fair enough: Despite the fact that T-Online is the biggest ISP in Germany, they also suck. Their IP range gets blocked rather often by US companies. They don’t understand that this is a big company in Germany. All they see is an ISP that does not care to get rid of annoying and misbehaving users. I would ban them as well, wouldn’t I know what the Bundespost used to be.


free of any reason

counting up to 1023 with both hands

one company promises and the other one will deliver.

Apple M$ technology

And winFS will come from Apple after all.

At least Longhorn is on track. Timewise. Just that WinFS will not make it. Poor Microsoft: They announce a book deal, and nobody cares. If Google or Apple do anything the world is jumping up and down in excitement.

Microfost only gets the attention if Balmer jumps up and down.

blogdex broken

google internet

Blogdex did inspire me to write BlogsNow. Blogdex was great. Just a bit to slow, and took just a couple of thousand Weblogs into account. And it was not first aggregator like this either. Just the first one that got wide spread attention.

Now it’s broken. Today is Friday and it says:

Blogdex was improperly shutdown over the weekend, and should be up and running soon.

This might be related that it’s creator is no longer at MIT but took a job at Yahoo.

Blogdex Alex Rank is still very high. Interstingly the development on Blogdex stopped over a year ago. And most visitors it gained AFTER that.

I thought I do the people looking for Blogdex a favor and point them to BlogsNow.

Technorati and Icerocket both showed a couple of pages
where people noticed that blogdex is down.

Google however shows this:

a huge splog fest

Makes google blog search useless. I thought that Google would know what is spam on their own Blogger service and what is not.

Apparently not.