
economy free of any reason

Business 2005

del.icio.us and blink


In 1999 a company callled blink did social bookmarks.
It’s founder reflects what went wrong

Web 1.0 vs. 2.0: Same basic concept. 12 Millon VC money vs. 1 guy and a mysql server and tags.

dear morons at Kodak

free of any reason

“If you would have been not asleep at the wheel for the last fifteen years, then you might have gotten ‘digital’ and would be able to stay in business without ridicolous and pathetic marketing attempts.”

Thinking about it for seven more seconds, I can not believe that this real. Somebody must have ironed on some logo’s on some panties for whatever reason. It certainly is a stupid idea.

misc links


things on a poster via veer

one blogger dreams

another blogger dreams

Fast Company about the future of Hollywood

worth the click for the first quote alone. I didn’t know that one, but I like it. Of course.

dear Santa


never mind, one day I will get myself a 85mm 1.4 Nikkor

quick links


the other ichat

crawling out of the uncanny valley

maybe I should pick up hacking again
celebrity hacking.

intro instead of ads


The recent update (Version 92) to BlogsNow will go mostly unnoticed for most people. If you have never clicked on a BlogsNow link then you see a very reduced menu and an intro instead of ads. If you are new to BlogsNow then this should make understanding it easier.

If you are a veteran BlogsNow user and you don’t see the full meny anymore then you probably have cookies disabled.

Update 12/19/05 : looking at my numbers I decided to skip ads entirely for now.



Andreas Pavel invented the Walkman

I knew about this story for so long and told it to so many people that at certain points I wasn’t even sure anymore if it was real or an urban myth.

black is the new black


I am surprised that this is news or a rumor. Of course there will be black laptops from Apple. Or any other color that sells. It was never about ‘apple is the computer maker whos cheap laptops are white’. It was about ‘apple cares about design’.

Apple’s design is alright. It does stand out, since all the other computer makers just make crap.
The only other nice laptop that I saw was an IBM one.

apple and microsoft in 2006 and beyond

Apple M$ technology

I am not sure if Adobe is that important.

But the underlying question that Apple is indeed challenging Microsoft’s operating system monopoly is interesting. And not news to me.

What I had not realised is the vertical integration depth of all those Office applications and macros arouund it. This will most likely not go away. Ever. Vista will have a chance if all those tiny little visual basic thingies continue to work.

Those IT monsters will not go away. They rather turn the internet off of safety and glue the CDROM drives shut before they try to migrate those tangled webs of IT gopher tape to /anything/ that is different.