iTunes podcast is nice, BUT …

internet media OSX

iTunes does a good job in keeping my hard drive full with nice audio and video.
It’s easy and wide spread.

It still had glitches though:

Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts

contains those files. No matter if video or audio.

When you delete a podcast then files are not deleted at times.
I just found some old things that should have gone.
The current playback within iTunes is very lame. There seems to be no
easy way or preference to let quicktime handle these files.

But it’s better than nothing. It’s somewhat tragic that there was not
nothing before Apples move into this market. Many Applications worked
much better with RSS and media enclosures. But they failed to gain enough

smart splogs

google malware

not your usual link collection.

google spams

BlogsNow google internet malware

ok, provokative title. Let’s rephrase: google tolerates spam.

Blogger is owned by google. It runs the biggest blog service on it’s blogspot domain.

It appears to be very simple to create hundrets of thousands of ‘weblogs’ like this:

Created solely for spam purposes. So called ‘splogs’. You set up a robot and there is nothing in the blogger software that stops you from adding all the blogs you like.

This is not new. Google / Blogger / Blogspot knows about it. They did nothing against it in the last years.

It should be relatively easy to make sure that there is a human in front of the computer if a new weblog is created at Simplecaptchas are very common today.

There are two possible explainations why this did not happen yet:

– blogspot engineering is amazing incapable


– there is no real rush to get rid of splogs on googles side.

It might make sense:
You have to forget the “don’t be evil” and “organize the worlds information and make it easily accessible” google dogma’s for a second though. Google knows one thing very very well: how to run a scalable service. They have the lowest cost per stored bit due to their own file system technology. It uses commodity hardware and adds failover management brilliantly. It does cost google not much to host millions of splogs.

But wouldn’t million of false blogs pose a danger to the result-quality of a search engine?


Google knows from which ip address a blog get’s maintained. Nobody else does. They have the actual blog data readily available for further parsing. I doubt that the googlebot comes through the front door to blogspot. The bandwidth alone that you could be saved by crawling blogsport internally should make up for the ‘exception’ that this would mean to the googlebot operations. I don’t know these things. It’s a guess.

Every search engine has to have spam combat tools these days. Google is one of the most useful search engines and in the US they have an ok handle on search engine spam. Isn’t it funny that they don’t use their insider knowledge and acess together with their anti-spam tools to simple turn off splogs on blogspot?

Last October there was somebody that scraped famous blogers sites and reposted that content splogs. That got some attention, and stopped. But splogs did not.

Blogspot hosts lots of splogs. But also lots of legit and very powerful weblogs. Nobody can really afford to ignore the biggest weblog service. Yahoo, Msn and even my little BlogsNow have to crawl blogspot in order to find out what is going on. Google can skip the skip, all others have to deal with it.

There is also a third theory that is the most plausible:

splogs don’t matter to search engines. They have to crawl billions of pages anyway. Who cares about a couple of million spam blogs here and there. That’s probably what it is: The aircraft carrier keeps on going regardless if there are 50% more roaches in the kitchen or not.

california sun

daily life internet

It’s a gorgeous clear day here in LA. Sunday. No traffic. Just great. At 3pm work is done and get I a bite to eat.
I dragged my laptop with me. Hoping that I could get some non-internet work done. Of course there is wifi
here. From somebody. How am I supposed to kick the internet addiction if it is everywhere I go?

afp server

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher OSX

Just added ten more Terrabytes to the Xsan. When republishing the volume via afp on a OS X 10.4 server box I had to:

sharing -a /path/to/volume
serveradmin stop afp
serveradmin start afp

Things that are not obvious in this:

The path in the sharing command can not end in a slash. But the shell WILL add it if you let it finish it.
The stop / start is needed. sharing -l will show the new volume but clients can not mount it.

Another neat trick that I learned today is that you have to slice an Xraid into 2 LUNs in order to overcome an internal 2 Terrabyte limit of the Storenext *cough* Apple Xsan software. That alone gave us an unexpected 2.7TB boost.

honda civic spot

confessions of a pixel pusher internet marketing media

a nice spot from W+K London for Honda.

As a flash player movie. The usual sad story:

I think the concept is brilliant.

It got implemented alright, although not appropiately: I am not sure about that the frozen car in the middle for instance).
Imagine for a few seconds what Frank Budgen would have done with this spot.

I like that they did a 120 again. Of course by now it’s the trend:
cog, hate, bravia: they all use the new format at least in the time dimension.

Aside-1: Nobody really used the freedom of aspect ratio yet. It always takes years for people to understand and use change.

Aside-2: I hope that they get it and make decent cinema commercials out of these overlong web edits. All of them would work great. Did the Bravia have a cinema media buy?

Then they have ‘viral’ intentions. And that’s usually when things fall down. Sony thought they needed to put things into a zip file for Bravia. Lame. W+K has an IP address and a flash player for the movie. YouTube and google also use this player.

It is a shame that Apple messed up and was unable to put quicktime in this place. Now we have to live with the wrong flat color and weird resizing artefacts. And with the fact that its’ tricky to download.

Google video:

I thought they would not get it all. It gets slowly better. Of course nobody will ever buy any contentfrom them. I think that Apple and Google are in for a surprise: there is no 2 dollar clip market.

Maybe G&A think that if you can make billions with ringtones that you might be able to monetize something a bit more meaningful like clips. I am not an expert on the ringtones thing, but isn’t it that it’s somewhat tricky to get free ringtones? The default costs money. Clips are different. There is ample free content.

Which is where google video starts to become better. I like that you can copy paste links:

THAT is something that W+K should have done for their “Viral”.
It’s easy and it respects the laws and dynamics of the internet.

Maybe next time. Or in five years. Ideas take time.

there is a quicktime / mpeg4 Version that looks so much better.

There is also an iTunes video cast Version with a 3 part “making of”. Maybe that campaign has more depth than was initially visible from that one link I found everywhere.

it work’s
digg, the whole nine yards. I am sure boingboing will follow. They are late these days.

vilodex the wiki

confessions of a pixel pusher internet media

vilodex has a wiki now

In theory this might be a good idea. What comes from it we will see.

buy and destroy

internet media

the independent writes about MySpace, Murdoch and YouTube

He paid 0.6 Billion for the site. Then he started altering content secretly. At least thats what the article says. If that is true and should continue, then I am very very curious how long it would take for a competitor to come up with a different site.

Yes, there is the ‘power of default’, and how many kids do really care about this kind of cheating from Murdochs side? Interesting question. It will show much of “Web 2.0” will be left once the big money interests are done with it.

the chain of events;

1. Some service is what people want and becomes huge
2. Somebody arrives in a Learjet and drops billions
variation MySpace:
3. Corpogreed kicks in, and the the very asset that they bought for all that money evaporates
my desired outcome:
4. People show this kind of behaviour the finger. They go somewhere else, and the person
in (2.) bought a really expensive domain name. Like “”

We will see.
The article ends with the mentioning that Murdoch gave Jeremy Philips 1 Billion US$ for future acquisitions. He is 31 and head of News Corp internet strategy or something. Bubble Bubble Bubble.

firefox on the mac


Firefox 1.5: nothing works better than with the 1.0 I had on my Mac. Nothing I would notice.
But things are less stable.

And suddenly pdf files only wanted to open with the ‘default’ Acrobat reader after a Firefox download.
Normal OS X associations were fine, nothing in the Firefox preference pane, nothing in the about:config
I downloaded the Rc Default Apps system extension and it did not have anything set to Adobe Acrapobat. FINALLY installing a program from 2003 called Misfox did the trick. There I found the connecting in question. Changing it, and then launching firefox again did indeed fixed it. Convoluted, too convoluted, if you ask me.

this page helped eventually.

push push push

internet media technology

CES breaks loose in Las Vegas, and a big and involuntarily sigh of relief escapes me:

“Finally some content for the internet”

Video! Great, from Google; Music from the lovely M&M combo via ‘Urage’.

It got kind of boring out here on the net. All those TV episodes
and music files to pay for is what was missing. Now I realize.

And if you have a Windows PC, then you can have not only Microsoft
and anybody in Russia with an IQ above 87 on your machine. No,
also Google can be part of the party on your hard drive now:

With the aptly named GooglePack comes GoogleUpdate which will
provide you update versions of anything that they think might be good
for you.