
art free of any reason technology

super nice

Sometimes I really really hate the fact that I am always working and never have time to play with things like the above.

I wouldn’t mind building a decent jacket that would write things that were related to the persons position – or something like like that.



Poor danish people. They are really among the nicer europeans.

Really: ever since the Vikings not much bad things came out of Denmark.

I wonder how many people burning embassies now could find Denmark on a map?
Probably about the same percentage then that of americans finding iraq on a map.

It really is the same problem: Stupid people and mental short cuts.

Sony’s clock is ticking

confessions of a pixel pusher history marketing media Sony technology

Sony makes amazing technology. Their professional Broadcast division did a great job with the HDCAM SR. Only the name was a gigantic mistake: Much like a Porsche competitor would call it’s car a ‘Yugo RS’.

Branding for the “bravia” seems to be working ok as well.

But: There is no Playstation-3. And there will be none that you can buy this year.
Blueray sounds like Betamax.

Sony was always bigger and more important than the other consumer electronics companies in Japan.
It will have been this size difference that led to their demise: They are not what IBM was to computers in the 70s
or Apple is to the mp3 player market. Still they are big enough to think that they can push their own formats
alone: Betamax, Minidisc, MemoryStick, iLink (only the name was different), and now blueray.

Sony leaned out of the window last year with the Playstation-3 Presentation. They would need to deliver
this year. And I am taking bets that they can not.

Sad really: I loved those Trinitron TVs in the 80s. Nothing came only close.

what are these people smoking?

internet media

Times Online writes about Google and their future plan.

Google buying dark fiber is reasonable, makes sense but is hardly any news. Going off in a tangent about google boxes and Cringleys chipping containers would be alright for weblog.

Newspapers are great. Many of them put great care in what they are writing about. But often with technology their quality is poor.

Years ago there were these big discussions about ‘bloggers vs. journalists’. The discussion is pointless. How can you compare a profession to literally everybody? It’s the usual problem in change: People apply the old categories on a new problem: It used to be that Journalists were the only ones that could publish. The internet allows everybody to publish. From 7 to 7 million readers. That’s all. Some people said that the credibility and depth of research would favor Journalism in comparison to bloggers. I think it’s stupid to divide things at this arteficial line. The article above is not a good one. It mixes facts with rumors and pure speculation and is not based on any profound knowledge of the matter.

Some areas of the press where never as good as some people claim it was. Now there is competition.
O google you probably find better information in weblogs then in newspapers. On other matters that might be different.


Apple history internet OSX

but nice

in a land far far away

history politics

I am just read through the state of the union address from the current President.
He says:

In September the 11th, 2001, we found that problems originating in a failed and oppressive state 7,000 miles away could bring murder and destruction to our country.

Many people would want to believe that this would be Iraq. If somebody would ask to name the country,
he would not say it would be Iraq, since there is no link between 9/11 and Iraq. None.
But there is still some hard core supporters the the administration does not want to confuse. At some
point there were 70% that believed that Iraq was behind 9/11. By now it’s probably less.

So which country would he mean then? Maybe Afghanistan where the Taliban ruled in 2001. Those idiots where stupid enough to let Osama Bin Laden into the country after he got kicked out of Sudan.

Interestingly enough this is still not the right answer. Saudi Arabia is where most of the 9/11 hijakers came from. It has never had an election. The King is ruling the country in absolute monarchy. They chop your hand of as punishment. But they deliver oil, lots of it. So democracy will spread elsewhere first according to the Bush plan.

one artist less on the planet

art history

I thought he had died already

if there is a need there will be a product

daily life free of any reason

#12 on the Sharper Image sales list.

smile if you see this alarm clock.

Interesting image on their website that suggests that this device will help you to find out when the baby steals the necklace.

postfix and the magic slash


When messing with virtual mail boxes stored in mysql for postfix make sure to append a / for the directory described in the postfix.mailbox.maildir column. If you don’t do that, then you can accept mail at the virtual user / domain but it will not be stored in the maildir format. Which will cause courier-imap to complain.

simple. yet not.



I had a suse enterprise (yeah right) machine freak out a display all the time. It really really wanted a super high resolution. Even in the boot (F2) text mode. Not sure if that is the default or just a mis install. The remedy is easy once you know what to tweak. In /grub/conf/menu.lst the default line had a screen entry like vga=0x31a
Once I changed that to vga=0x317 the whole thing looks much nice.