smart trash

daily life history technology

Not sure when this will happen, but I am pretty sure it will. Unless mankind abondons culture and civilistation for whatever reason.

When the trash can will be picked up it’s contents will be read via the RFID tags that every product will have. Now that makes for ample opportunity. The trash collectors can recycle, locate misplaced things for you and can sell your complete consumption profile to everybody who could benefit from it. From here it is pretty easy to figure out if you should change your diet or drink less. If your trash and credit card records don’t line up then that could mean allot of things.

A garbage truck costs tens of thousands of dollars, the technology needed to implement this will be only a few hundred once RFID tags are every where.

I’d say we better get the NSA back in check before they can wrap their -granted limited- imagination around these possibilies.

Version 108

BlogsNow internet media

Version one hundred and eight of BlogsNow:

BlogsNow has feeds. With a twist, of course: the title contains ‘BlogsNow’ to make sure that people realise who brought them a topic first. Links click trhough BlogsNow so that I can see where which links get used and scraped. I also add the time in the link, so that I can see how long links linger out there. There are more rss bots than ever it seems. I am curious where the BlogsNow rss content will show up.

I then looked at the css file and messed around. Some people would call that a redesign. I would never attempt to consider my css dablings to be design. If I can read the text on the page then I am happy.

The logo did not feel right anymore, so I got rid of it. Which does not feel right either. Maybe I will have an idea. Yeah right.

Finally I added BlogsNow in the list of links. Click on the ‘x links’ below the subject and you can see the link history. Where did a topic show up when. Interesting to see how BlogsNow compares to other trackers.

spring, spring! 2006! really!


Sony did spend the last year confirming a launch date of Spring 2006 for it’s next generation game console PS3. As late as December the company was re-iterating this mantra. People were somewhat surprised, since the very same empty ‘concept design’ hulls were all that could ever be seen of the PS3. There were ‘example’ videos, but nobody would really think that those were rendered on an actual PS3 system.

A week ago news spread that Sony would showcase the PS3 on the Taipei Game Show this week and that got people excited. Microsoft launches the Xbox 360 in Taiwan on March 16th, and many gamers expected that Sony would reveal more about the PS3, maybe even show one, in order to dampen Microsofts growing marketshare. It turned out that Sony still has no real PS3 to show. Just some more promo videos.

And some executive PR statements:
Sony will sell 100 Million PS3s
PS will launch this year

The latest is that Sony needs some extra time and care to protect the PS3 against pirates:

Our No. 1 competition is not other companies but counterfeiters.

No word where they will launch first. No prices. No working consoles. No schedule. Sony also says that it will an online component called “HUB”.

Contratictory to so bleak non-news
Sony’s stock price
has been going up since mid last year. According to Businessweek Sony lost 290 Million US$ in their electronic – and made 365 US$ with their gaming-division last year.

I think that we will see the stock price go below thirty US $ until summer.

Here the real story about PS3.

(I don’t know this, I have no inside knowledge. I would not write about it if I would. It’s just an educated (?) guess)

Sony is depending on their gaming division revenue. More than ever. None of their established fields did well lately: They ARE the Walkman company, but never got mp3’s. Their Trinitron Tubes were the best around, but the prettiest Flatscreens came from Samsung and Co. Computers ? Well, not really that hot either. Movies are hit and miss, they have a big music division, but we all know how well CD peddlers do.

Leaves games. In games people still pay for content. The bigger the current problems of Sony in total grew the higher the expectations rose in their Gaming Division to deliver the goods. In Japan, uf you are asked to deliver then you do. Or you pretend to do: Kutaragi got years ago Millions and Millions in R&D for the next gen console. He suceeded with PS1 and PS2. Now, in his early 50s, it was time to build some legacy. So he set amazingly high marks for the specs of the PS3. Nothing less than dual 1080p should this machine be able to push. More than ten times the screen resolution than the PS2 can do. A huge leap ahead. Sony liked to hear that: It would secure the revenue stream off their gaming divsion. They knew all to well, that they sold 100 Million PS1s and 100 Million PS2s. . It is no coincidence to see this number now been cited in respect to the PS3. In reality it might just be whistling in the woods.

There is no PS3 yet. Not one has been built. At least not one that would be worth showing. Sony went to Toshiba and IBM to get the very very latest in CPU technology: The “cell”. Based on Kutaragies specs the CPU is supposed to do wonders. I think that this is were the problem is. Launching a new CPU is a big deal. There is a learning curve for everybody. Lot’s and lot’s of things need to work together real well. If you have a working system and you ‘just’ tune parts. Not so here: Most things inside of the PS3 are new. Eventually they will work. And might even work well. Sony’s bigger problem is to internally manage exactly when the machine will be ready.

If the executives cite now piracy concerns then I think that they simply telling the world what their engineers told them. The real fact is that things just got out of hand. The box is too complex to handle. But it sounds better if you tell your boss that you need extra time to protect against all those pirates out there: “Those damn pirates, you hate them too Mr Stinger, right? You don’t want your pretty new PS3 been pirated right? ” While the truth is rather different: Sony tried to leap too far. Last year they had to show most amazing videos at E3, because that was what Kutaragi did promise his elders for years. Now they are stuck on delivering this. Kutaragi said that he would expect people to get a second job in order to pay for the PS3. That’s how amazing he thought it will be. I think now he would be really reallly happy if could cram a working system into those slim empty case they did show since almost a year. Just a system that is up to par with the XBox 360, with some games for it. Maybe even this year. So that Sony can plug into where the gaming money really will be: online connection of gaming consoles. XBox Live becomes right now the ITMS for small little games. A whole new concept. There will be ample games for a few dollars: Gamers are happy, since they have the choice, developers are happy, since they get to market quickly, get new trends and have no production cost. Sony is lightyears away from having anything like this.

Ironically it will be Microsoft that will be depending on it’s gaming revenue much like Sony has been for the last years: Vista will fall /way/ behind internal expectations for various reasons. But Xbox will make continue to make money.
And Sony? Well, they will be known for the mobile TV Set’s they flew into NY with a 747 in order to meet demand, the Walkman and the Trinitron TV. And the Playstation1 & 2. The rest is history. Not the pleasant kind. Sorry Sony. No better news for you.

IBM about the PC in 1981

history media

qt snippet

“but os x has viruses too”

Apple malware OSX

no! It hasn’t.

But now there is the first
trojan it seems.

You need to download and click on it. It’s finder icon appears to be forged to look like a jpeg file.

Now would be the time to see if the “Broken Windows” theorem holds true.

C as in Crazy

Apple media

John C. Dvorak writes that Apple would drop OS X and run Windows. When he mentioned this theory of his on TWiT a couple of weeks ago I bursted out in laughter. I think his full name is probably John -C as in Crazy- Dvorak. The real problem here is that he will continue to be listened too. Credibility seems not really needed anymore after the demise of the MSM.
Actually he is alright on TWiT. His snap judgement remarks are refreshing in all that geek mumbling.

VES Awards

confessions of a pixel pusher

The VES Awards were tonight at the Palladium in LA. There was allot of work out there last year. Nice to see that Framestore got an award for the Chemical Brothers ‘Believe’ video. DD got one for the NIN Video “Only”

The one-shot-4400-frame minivan sequence out of “War of the Worlds” got recognised twice. Well deserved I think. Most credit should go to whomever had the idea to realise a scene like this in this way.

Two awards were actually for work in video games. A bit eerie: The audience knows all to well that video games will take some of the money away from the movies that would have gone to visual effects as well.

The ‘bag-o-swag’ was actually pretty nice. Four DVDs and PC game. Do I need to buy a PC now??

Like in all these events it was nice to see so many people again.

And then there is one more thing. I will be writing about that shortly.

ps3 in September? better be, but probably wont

history Sony technology

PlayStation ‘HUB’ and a September Launch of PS3 in Japan and the US are been rumored here

Of course XBox Live needs competitions. Not sure what Sony can pull of till September. But it is indeed crucial. Like the whole thing. I think the PS3 release date is the one dimension of the watershed decission that is due this year: If they release in September or earlier and if PS3 as well as the online service are comparable to what’s out there right now then Sony might have a chance to survive. The quality of PS3 and online service are the other dimension.
Since nobody has seen anything yet, it can only be speculated upon.
But the fact that Sony has shown nothing since last years E3, and those images were clearly not from a real PS3 point in the direction that the PS3 will not be as great as Sony tried to make everybody believe last year.

If Sony had any images or release date then they would need to put this out right now in order disturb the momentum of the competing technologies: Every day people buy XBox 360s. These people will buy games for that machine, and not for the PS3. Decent hype around the PS3 could stop the ongoing proliferation of the 360 somewhat.

A friend of a friend said that there will be final devkits in June. If that would be true then a September launch is impossible. And that in turn mean that Sony is done. Toast. Over with. You probably can still buy a Flatpanel TV in 5 fives with those four letters on. But chances are that it’s actually from some chinese company that picked up the brand.

samba samba-3.0.14a-2 and OS X 10.4 wont work

confessions of a pixel pusher linux OSX

If you try to mount a samba 3.0.14 volume from an OS X 10.4 client then the mount will never finish / connect and you will get an entry in the syslog of your server like:

smbd[30115]: [2006/02/14 18:15:46, 0] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_mem_get(537)
smbd[30115]: prs_mem_get: reading data of size 2 would overrun buffer.
smbd[30115]: [2006/02/14 18:15:46, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_bind_req(919)
mailhost smbd[30115]: api_pipe_bind_req: unable to unmarshall RPC_HDR_RB struct.

The fix is easy: just upgrade samba to 3.0.20 and things work again. Fedora Core 4 comes with
this ‘bad’ samba, and only OS X 10.4 barfs on it according to the net. 10.3 is supposed to be fine.

bad memory on a Mac and how to spot it

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher technology

If you machine freaks out at really random points then I would recommend testing it’s memory. The “Techtools deluxe” you find on the CD with the red edge you got from Apple appears to be pointless. Duing 15 minutes of beachballing I was able to click on 3 different messages, but it never worked. At least on the G5 that was broken today it was a complete waste of time.

I downloaded this very very nice memory tester
it it worked right away. Found the bad memory and that was that.

Here a little how to:
1. Install the program
2. Reboot your mac and hold command/apple S while the machine is coming up
3. You will be in the text based single user mode. Don’t be scared
4. type /Applications/memtest/memtest
(tip: hit tab or ESC twice to auto complete the command)
5. see what the test is saying: bad memory kicks out lots of error messages