It is 2020 and Birkin bags are booming


A birkin bag is a strange thing as it is. Jane Birkin recorded a song with a 41 Serge Gainsbourg in 1969 when she was 23. Their relationship was probably a bit of a scandal in 51 years ago. Today it would not be great for PR. And, yes, typos are seemingly a staple of news these days.

Da hat wohl jemand einen Apple Laptop


Jahrelang verkaufte Apple Laptops mit Tastaturen die schlicht und einfach nicht immer funktionierten. Nicht weil sie kaputt gingen, sondern weil sie einfach so gebaut worden waren. War kein Problem für die Firma.

It’s a boy. It’s a girl. It’s a tie


Entirely possible that there will be an open outcome in the election in 9 days. It would probably creep towards this state over a couple of days. If not weeks.

While in the meantime Covid cases surge. November 2020 will be rather interesting. There is a best outcome scenario:

  • end of Trump
  • Bojo’s Brexit crashes on the cliffs of Dover
  • a vaccine appears and works very well

Nobody knows. A nailbiter it is.

Here, have some emojis instead


Apple kicks RSS readers out of their Chinese app store. RSS is a wonderful technology: It lets people simply create a news feed based on their content. It is open, fast, simple. A RSS reader allows you then to actively curate yourself where your interests are. Yes, you can build a perfect filter bubble with it. But it is you building it. By actively deciding what to subscribe to. I love this technology. It can potentially change the world, and it certainly did change my live. 20 Years ago.

In contrast people today let some obtuse AI show them in their Instagram, Google News or Facebook feeds what the AI feels should be shown to them. It could work out OK. Spotify shows how AI can really help with auto curating the world for people. Netflix for instance is really dismal in this respect. Youtube is OKish. Sometimes bad, sometimes good. Their ads are horrible though. Glad that I don’t see them, since I spend $10 / month. Point being that RSS helps as an antidote to the world being constructed around people.

Of course Apple does not care. They are not as malign in their core as Facebook and parts of Google are. But they rather not get in trouble with the middle kingdom over some small Apps. There is no money in RSS. Really none. It is just pure information management. Which is nice, since it has been left alone. Probably also been the reason why many (not all) news papers left their feeds intact instead of paywalling or add-i-fying them as some of them have their front pages.

“Reflect” by Max Cooper


Whoa. This song is awesome. All his work is (seems to be). I had no idea about him. But “Reflect” is awesome. Thank you spotify. AI does not have to suck. Bummer that the youtube AI still so bad. Netflix: I don’t even want to talk about your issues if it comes to recommendations.

Back to Max Cooper: his work makes me very happy. I really like it. And I would have never found it, would the Spotify AI not have guided me.

Covid-19: We won


Back in the beginning of the year Covid-19 was not making me happy. I was freaking out in January and in the beginning of February. Information out of China was obviously doctored (death and infected counts happened to be at a constant ratio to each other for a whole week). It was clear that it was airborne, and seemingly China felt that locking up 23 million people was the right thing to do.

Compared to that potential outcome, and now in September 2020 things are not that bad. Even in a shithole country like the US there are enough ICU beds right now.

Covid being a drama is now part of peoples news habit. Much like its absence was early in the year. When I freaked out. I still would freak out based on the information I had: Back then nobody really knew how lethal it is. African swine fever killed probably 40 million pigs in China alone. Biologically there is not that much difference between a pig and a human. For a virus the difference is far smaller than if you are sitting in a Boeing 747 or Boeing 747sp of the same built year.

Of course pigs have considerable less favorable living conditions. The worst of the worst that people ever had to endure is barely touching what the best of standard farming has to offer for that species. That makes a difference. A big one. In life enjoyment and in the spread of infectious diseases alike. Biologically there isn’t anything that would magically protect us from being a potential victim of a virus like ASF.

Compared to that outcome we did win. And we lucked out, since Covid is not ASF. And medical care for pigs is not on the same level than it is for humans.

Yes, I know, close to a million people have died from Covid. A horrible death. They and the people who knew them would beg to differ that we won. But still: This could have been so much worse. People overall behaved much better than I have anticipated. Team human won. This round. Again.

“yesterday European Nations experienced 50% more deaths than the US”


What a god damn lying mutherfucker Trump is. He claimed that there were 50% more deaths (from Covid one would assume, than in he US). Based one Worldometer there were 1208 deaths in the US and 34 + 30 + 14 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 119 deaths in Europe. So 10 times more in the US than in Europe.

Monica Piloni and Anna Uddenberg


How useless this whole Internet thing is: There is not a single page comparing the work of Monica Piloni with that of Anna Uddenberg.

It would worth creating on. I am not qualified though. I equally respect each artists work. It is different, unique, but somehow rotates around a similar center.

Like little paper boats around the maelstrom of the Hoover dam outlet. The source of electricity for Las Vegas’ many lightbulbs that illuminate its striper poles. Maybe one should do a sundial with a stripper pole at its center. Vampires are envious on how little daylight those devices get exposed to.

Told you I am not qualified.

Warntag: Hat nicht geklappt


Um 11:00 Uhr hatte ich heute einen Termin. Selten, aber es passiert. Und ich hatte schon gedacht das wir das Gespräch dann gleich pausieren würden, weil doch die Sirenen losplärren würden. Und man weiß ja nie wo die nächste ist. War aber nicht. Wie vielerorts ist der Warntag gescheitert.

Was passieren kann. In den USA funktioniert das besser. Die Warnungen erreichen jedes Handy. Man braucht keine App. Traurig dass niemand in Deutschland schaut was man von Amerika lernen kann. Alle Länder sind anders. Man kann immer was lernen. Sei es etwas zu tun, oder nicht zu tun. Letzteres wird scheinbar bevorzugt.

Einfach neutral über den Tellerrand gucken ist leider nicht üblich. Schade.

why did he talk to Bob?

In 2018 Bob Woodward, who was instrumental in getting rid of Tricky Dick, released Book about Trumps Whitehouse. The man in charge commented on Twitter: “The author uses every trick in the book to demean and belittle”

Yet, subsequently he spoke to the author, on the record, on tape (it is always the tapes with Bob) and on 18 occasions.


If he talks like this to the man who took Nixon down, and would clearly care to bookend his career with two presidential resignations, how does he to talk to people like Putin?