“yesterday European Nations experienced 50% more deaths than the US”


What a god damn lying mutherfucker Trump is. He claimed that there were 50% more deaths (from Covid one would assume, than in he US). Based one Worldometer there were 1208 deaths in the US and 34 + 30 + 14 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 119 deaths in Europe. So 10 times more in the US than in Europe.

Monica Piloni and Anna Uddenberg


How useless this whole Internet thing is: There is not a single page comparing the work of Monica Piloni with that of Anna Uddenberg.

It would worth creating on. I am not qualified though. I equally respect each artists work. It is different, unique, but somehow rotates around a similar center.

Like little paper boats around the maelstrom of the Hoover dam outlet. The source of electricity for Las Vegas’ many lightbulbs that illuminate its striper poles. Maybe one should do a sundial with a stripper pole at its center. Vampires are envious on how little daylight those devices get exposed to.

Told you I am not qualified.

Warntag: Hat nicht geklappt


Um 11:00 Uhr hatte ich heute einen Termin. Selten, aber es passiert. Und ich hatte schon gedacht das wir das Gespräch dann gleich pausieren würden, weil doch die Sirenen losplärren würden. Und man weiß ja nie wo die nächste ist. War aber nicht. Wie vielerorts ist der Warntag gescheitert.

Was passieren kann. In den USA funktioniert das besser. Die Warnungen erreichen jedes Handy. Man braucht keine App. Traurig dass niemand in Deutschland schaut was man von Amerika lernen kann. Alle Länder sind anders. Man kann immer was lernen. Sei es etwas zu tun, oder nicht zu tun. Letzteres wird scheinbar bevorzugt.

Einfach neutral über den Tellerrand gucken ist leider nicht üblich. Schade.

why did he talk to Bob?

In 2018 Bob Woodward, who was instrumental in getting rid of Tricky Dick, released Book about Trumps Whitehouse. The man in charge commented on Twitter: “The author uses every trick in the book to demean and belittle”

Yet, subsequently he spoke to the author, on the record, on tape (it is always the tapes with Bob) and on 18 occasions.


If he talks like this to the man who took Nixon down, and would clearly care to bookend his career with two presidential resignations, how does he to talk to people like Putin?



It is worth reading the press with a delay. Like piece about the many ways that Mrs Clinton could win. Of course hindsight is 20/20. It is just funny how steadfast these people were in their ways. Googling Jeff Berman is sad. Just sad.

push the button


by Money Mark is 22 years old now. It aged well.



Das Problem mit der Bild Zeitung kann man ganz einfach lösen: Wenn 50 Restaurants in Hamburg Aufkleber in ihre Tür hängen. Neben der Info ob man denn nun mit Kreditkarte zahlen kann, oder nicht kann ja ein kurzer prägnanter Hinweis indizieren daß “Bildredakteure hier nicht essen dürfen”. Das triggered sie dann gleich, so dass sie, Streisandt effect be damned, sich gleich im Netz und im eigenen Blatt jammernd darüber auslassen werden dass sie das nicht verdient hätten.

Und irgendwann sind dann nur noch Leute dort die noch schlechter schreiben als ich.

middle ground


There is no middle ground with humans. Masks were so sparse, nobody could get them. Then they started up littering the storm drains. It seems there never was a moment when we just enough of them.



Wikipedia has a random page function. Which is great. Usually a good way to escape the filter bubble – or news in general.

This robot karaoke however brought be right back where my mind was before.

I don’t get baseball. And the Japanese affection is equally strange. Having a Spot & Pepper dance routine in front of empty seats is as bizarre as the attached flat screens, flags and caps.

Interesting is also the complete absence of Japanese characters on all signs and logos.

This is not how it works


The attorney general is the head of the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction is the part of the government that making decisions based on the law. Laws are being made by the legislative. In the US divided in Senate and House of Representative. Finally there is the executive. Like the President or the FBI. All being bound by laws. This is how it was set up in every decent democracy. The US was one of the first ones in modern times.

A person got shot by the executive. There was no court case. This is not how ‘law and order’ works. If the executive gets praised for this kind of direct action by the head of the jurisdiction then what the founding fathers had in mind is no longer the guiding principle of what is going on.

This is fucking bad. And indicates that violent mobs are very much active. If the executive is not abiding the process defined in the constitution then it is not different from a violent mob. Uniform or not.