swetka 06 edition


realtime approval rating visualsation

os x: copy fails after 4gb

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher OSX

When copying a huge file to a drive you could see OS X freak out with a cryptic error messages. Around the lines of “Copy of file XYZ failed with error -NUMBER”.

One possible reason is that the target drive (maybe a shuttle one) is formated as “MS DOS” not as “OS X Journaled”.
Command-I when having the drive selected will tell you.
The file size during that error message is up on the screen will be pretty exactly 4GB. When you close the error then the file will be gone. Of course nothing get’s logged in the system log. Not sure if the finder has a log.

OS X: great unix. Kinda …

fedex ants


I mean planes


Apple history

The ultimate product association: a fruit
Who wants not to have one?

sony turns 60

Sony technology

E3 is on tomorrow. Just enough time to surrender some prophecies to the google bot:

Sony really really needs to show some impressive PlayStation-3 now.

I’d say that Sony the company has a future if they show working devices in a form factor that will ship.

But they wont.

One level down we get to see how good of a smoke screen they can show. Most importantly will be the details on the game titles: Coding for the 7+1+1 CPU architecture of the PS3 might be horrible. Just how horrible it is one might can deduct from the quality of the demos, and if there are surprise moves and shifts. This year’s E3 will be the first where the Gaming industry has to wrangle growth slowdown issues. Much like any other media industry the battle for human time has reached the section that seemed invinicible for the last decade: The digital lifestyle leaves not even enough time for games. And time is money.

Sony’s 75th birthday, what will it be like?

where is it?

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher

shanghai -> ancorage -> indianapolis -> los angeles
that’s how far my new computer has traveled so far.
in less than 48 hours.

I still like my 1.5GB / 100GB iBook G4. It worked well during the first 9 months of freelance work.
Looks like I will get my 15″ MacBook Pro just in time when the MacBook’s come out.

software could easily suck less

confessions of a pixel pusher technology

Lazy people suck. Specially if they code something that I am trying to use.

Today I wanted Apple’s shake to read dpx files that I had generated with ImageMagick.
The message I get is:

Dpx reader got an invalid or unsupported encoding value

I don’t mind the error. Fair enough. DPX files can have all sorts of flavors. I don’t expect shake to support them all. What is really really stupid here is the fact that the code finds a value and it does not like it. But it just tells you that. If the coder that wrote this would have any clue then he / she would have included the received value and the range of expected ones in the error. How about the actual DPX header field that this value originates from?
Takes even a moron only 2 minutes to code this, but it would help the whole user community and the coders and the support people to save countless hours.

Stupid lazy people.

Adding -depth 10 did start to create 10 bit dpx files. But shake still was not happy,
I ended up patching the header of the files like:

dpxfileheader.orientheader.XOriginalSize = 1920 ;
dpxfileheader.orientheader.YOriginalSize = 1080 ;
dpxfileheader.genericimageheader.ImageElement[0].Packing = 1;
dpxfileheader.genericimageheader.ImageElement[0].Encoding = 0;
dpxfileheader.genericimageheader.ImageElement[0].DataOffset = dpxfileheader.genericheader.ImageOffset;

and then it worked.



Just what were they thinking?

Probably nothing, since < a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-NAvPzdjj0&search=made%20out%20of%20meat"> they are made out of meat.

time code converter

confessions of a pixel pusher

since I have to calculate from 24 fps timecode and back allot for the movie,
and since there seem not to be any decent simple tools for this, I hacked one in 2 minutes:
timecode < => framenumber

fps 24, nothing else. Again, a 2 minute hack.

suse sucks


Moving a development project form OS X to a Suse linux machine. Trying to install XML::LibXML.
Of course there is not the right lirbary. Which in itself is not a big deal. But Novell still is stuck in the last century: they have a page for the lib in question. But they have no download link for it! They really point to the CD. Which simply means one thing: Whenever I have the chance to recommend a linux distro it will not be Suse. Sorry, but there is neither the room nor the time for stupid crap like this page. What a tease! They say they have it, just that there is no way to get to it. Crap.