if dell would read BlogsNow


If Dell would read BlogsNow they could have saved millions in PR by reacting quickly to this brewing PR debacle

tv: 7500 US$ a year


there is money in content

Aparently there are people that spend 20 US$ a day on TV.


daily life technology

coding, tetris, nicotine and lots of other things:

this might explain why

cheap end

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher OSX

no new features, but a new price: 500 US$ for shake

Apple should put old stuff into the public domain. That would help build trust.

Apple is lately a bit distracted: If you pay 150 US$ more to get a Macbook in black you still get a white power supply.
That would be normal way for Dell and all the others. But Apple is about the details. Having a white power supply feeding your 150US$ more black laptop might be acceptible in emergencies, but selling it like this is very lame.

What happened? Did they present to Steve Jobs running on a battery at all times? This is the kind of thing that he is famous for: Attention to detail. I wonder how this could escape him. What is he doing?

100 best video

confessions of a pixel pusher media

As with any good ‘Meme’ the videos from the 80s site triggered a couple of follow ups. Like this top 100 list. Even though the content comes from youTube is the horrible flash format they actually reference the sources for most of the videos.

Now if I were a postproduction house I would try to get all those DVDs and put the decent content on a server for the clients to enjoy. A collection of 500 amazing Music videos from all times in great quality might be a great way for the agency to spend some time with while they are waiting on those renders and lay offs.

and of course it’s so predictable what movie executives are thinking now

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing

look, there is a head floating Zardoz like over the uncanny valley

Interesting, and I think pretty smart, move on Warners behalf to put a little “Making of” out there.
Something tells me that Warner will not give Panavision the same nice vendor treatment that R&H enjoyed here on this show.



A rumor about !!M a Nintendo IM applications it seems.

The DS Lite is in high demand with my son and daughter. Nintendogs is my daughters first game, and she does like it allot.

My son came home yesterday talking about GTA San Andreas that he played at a friends house. Good thing that he still tells me these things. Bad thing that his friends parents let an ten year old have a game that is rather gruesome.

It is interesting how the DS Lite is an instant favorite while the PSP was ‘neat’ but never got any following in my family. The actual hardware is probably superior on the PSP, yet the DS Lite is the device they care about.

da eighties

coming to a museum near you communication history internet media

1400 music videos from the 80s.

Haven’t counted them. Flash encoded. Which -of course- sucks. Ripped from various source it seems. Hardly legit. Nenne Cherries “Man child” I missed back then. Interesting how motion-control + green screen was enough back then to be concept. It is a shame that it is not MTV that does make this work acessible. I hope they kept copies of things they did broadcast. Probably on “D2” tape. Over the last 30 years society has accumulated a huge amount of so called ‘pop’ culture. That video wasn’t cheap. It is not entirely rubbish either. There is just no way to really access it. I am sure as I write this somebody is deleting unknowingly a rare copy of something that will be missed.

MacBook Pro: Don’t get one

Apple OSX

The brief history of my OS X laptops:
Titanium 15 inch (thanks Jerry)
It’s hinge broke, as they do.
15″ Al was not out yet, so I got a 12″ Al. Small, fast and hot.
15″ Al then at some point. Very nice. Actually nicest laptop I ever had I think.
Leaving job and therefor Laptop behind.

With the looming Intel transistion ahead I got an iBook G4. Maybe that is the nicest laptop I ever had? The keyboard is somewhat noise and the screen somewat small. But apart from that I like it. Stays cool, white plastic not as fragile as the Al shell.

Two weeks before the MacBook came out I had to get a MacBook Pro. It’s pretty as the PowerBook was. But it’s actually annoying. I kept the iBook G4. Have them both with me. Weapon of choice: iBook G4 in 80% of all cases. The MacBook Pro get’s hot. It makes horrible noises. One seems to be the drive or heatpump and then there is that CPU! Disabling the second core via CHUD tools does indeed get rid of it. But isn’t it that I just bought a V8 just to disable it down to a 4 cylinder? Very annoying. And this machine gets ridicolously hot.

Ever since the broken hinge days I know that Apple will never own up design flaws. At least not as long they are common.
I am not sure about the MacBook as an alternative: The glossy screen is nothing that I would like, and they seem to have a very annoying edge around their body. Where your palms would rest.

to apple or not to

Apple history internet marketing

Mark responds to a daring fireball post that was triggered by Mark switching from Apple to linux. Or some other open OS.

I agree with Mark 100%, but don’t have the time or nerve to do something about it: I let my personal data march knowingly into slavery. Be it apple or google. I use them, and now they own what I accumualed.

Yet, going on in gmail. I could get back to the copy on my linux machine, but it would take a while, since the mail file grew unattended and is unfiltered. So that lump of linux mail is a theoretical possibility.

This is probably what all the current corporate frenzy is about: capturing peoples data in propretiary formats and systems. I am sure that’s how Microsoft keeps their user base. Standards change only very little, people seem to change even less. Not a new thing. Smokers stay smokers. Great product! When ads for smoking are legal then they target the young people. To make them start, but mostly to make them start with a specific brand. Certain brand habits never really change in the life cycle of a consumer. I still use ‘Persil’ for my laundry. If only I could get in the US. It’s neither better nor worse then other powders. It actually rocks, but even if it wouldn’t I would not switch to any other brand any more.