kevin smith releases directors commentary for Clerks II on iTunes

internet marketing media technology

It looks as if Kevin Smith will release a directors commentary for his upcoming Clerks II movie on iTunes. The story floats around on the internet. People point ot a Times interview with him. Of course this is a great idea. It makes allot of sense. Specially for an audience like his. I did watch most of video podcasts that he had running along the production of the sequel. They vary, some are nice, others are not. He ran through his crew and asked people like the loader, script supervisor etc. what exactly they would do on a movie set. I am surprised that these posts never got any big traction on the internet. I only watched the Singer/King Kong episode from similar King Kong and Superman projects. I wonder is “Snakes on a Plane” needs one. Probably not. That movie got made by those four words. Four words can get a movie into your head. No podcasts needed.

don’t try this at home



photographers on the internet

art history internet

well known photographers and how the internet would treat them

Microsoft buys iView Media Pro

Apple M$ media

Peter Krogh comments
iView Media Pro has a stupid name but works fine otherwise.
I understand that they sold themselves to the people out of Redmond. I just don’t see how the product would benefit from it.

where is the apple media player?

Apple technology

The device is pretty much clear in everybodies head. A bigger iPod with a big screen that plays clips. There are non Apple ones on the market, but why does it take Apple so long to come up with one?

One plausible explaination is that they don’t have to. As long their market share remains unchallenged it is better for the bottom line to hold the next Version back. The longer you wait with a high tech device the more time you have to get the system right. Write the proper software for it. And prices are declining on all components. A video player will have allot of hardware in it that is still in the beginning of it’s life cycle. Hightech component prices pretty much follow the same curve: They are very expensive in the beginning of their life cycle and then get much cheaper. The longer Apple waits the more profits will be left for them.

MacBookPro noise

Apple technology

While using the iBook G4 for all things the MacBook Pro sits there, downloading stuff and doing other things that don’t need my attention. Annoying: that whinning noise. Disabling the 2nd CPU with ‘chud’ helps, but when the thing goes to sleep it does forget it. Another observation is that when the screen goes dark the noise goes away as well. Try setting the brightness to low and it stops.

As an extension to the ‘old people can’t hear high frequencies meme’ I think that the MacBook Pro does have this annoyance since Jobs simply can not hear it. His ears are not as sharp as his mind people say. That’s why the iPod is so loud, and that’s why is claiming that he replaced his fancy rich-man-stereo set with that thing called ‘HiFi’.



In order to win the soccer World Cup Germany has probably to win against:


If they should be able to do so with real games and not as a matter of luck then they actually deserve it.

where is that file?

Apple OSX

Looking for a specific file that I had modified today.
This did the trick in the terminal:

mdfind -onlyin ~/ 'kMDItemFSContentChangeDate > $'

Spotlight is great, just that it’s standard interface is lame. Pretty much unusuable.
But there is always the terminal …

connexion to be sold?


Boeings system to have internet on planes is maybe on the market

I used when on a plane with Lufthansa. It might be a marketing issue: Most people in the US do not know about this system. If Boeing would have given it away to one national US carrier for a discount, then the others would have needed to follow suit.

that would be the problem

internet media

google gives away free videos!

well, actually it scheds some intense light on the actual problem of Google video:

Why would you want to spend between one and five US dollars for this?

Essentially there are two broad uses for the internet:

You look for something specific for whatever reason.

You click around for entertainment.

The later mode could be compared to ‘channel flipping’ on a TV. The first one is search. And there there is everything in between. Google video satisfies neither. Video is mostly of the second kind, and youTube caters to this market way better as Google ever did or will do. They went into the video market from the corporate aspect, and they lost. They can afford to loose. But they certainly don’t have the web-midas touch. Actually most things they tried are kind of lame. If you consider that they get heaps of free PR for anything that they start, then it is kind of lame that gmail and google news are the only ones that are in wider use.

Today GOOG trades around 400 US$ which makes it worth 122 Billion US$.
Which would mean that the company is worth as much as the nominal Gross Domestic Product of either Israel, Colombia or the Tchech Republic. if I understand this Wikipedia list right.
That’s right: countries with millions of people, all they make in a year worth as much as company in Mountain View employing a couple thousand people.
I think we should rename the stock symbol to GOOF.