
internet photo

The internet discovers Candida Höfer.

weird news

free of any reason

Maybe the people
that got canned from AOL
for the “Data Valdez” mishap found a new job to promote movies. While other AOLers dig for spammer gold. Calacanis is probably orderer to lead the shovel pack for obvious reasons.
While youTube hopes that Paris Hilton will save them it turns out that Osama was/is a Whitney Houston fan. Probably just a stunt by the CIA to get him out of his cave. The best one sofar.
not only Dell has problems with Batteries catching fire. The first Maglev trains hoverd in 1971 in Germany. But nobody wanted to buy them. Then the Chinese did. Now they are not so sure if that was such a good idea. Munich will get one eventually to connect Airport and City Center. If it should get build.

update: it seems as if the snakes in a cinema story is one of these things that wrote itself.


internet media

The internet is a funny place. You can make things that make no sense, and they can exist for a while. YouTube for instance. I love it as a user. By now I have given up to frown about the horrible quality. For most of the youTube content the visual aspect is secondary. Flashvideo has won the format war. For years people were writing about quicktime, windows media and real player. Looking at every move of one of these formats. Predicting this or that. Along came flash video and it was all other. No self respecting internet video site would choose something else. No pundit had seen it coming.
It looks worse than anything, and people don’t care, since it looks good enough. Apple lost this one.
YoutTube is trying to find money now. They turn to Paris Hilton. Maybe Paris’ dad sells a Hotel every Tuesday to come up with youTube’s bandwidth bill? Seriously, it might be a rude awakening for youTube to realize that they are able to recoupe 3% of their operating cost before they start loosing audience since the ads get in the way. iFilm had an alright selection, but they never became a youTube. One of the reasons were rather pesky ads.

The content that youTube will continue to be there. But I still think that youTube is a bit like Napster 1.0: Something that works really really great, but that is built on non existing conditions. Napster 1.0 ignored copyrights, and youTube ignores the fact that bandwidth costs money.

macbook wifi: what gruber said

Apple media

I hope, really hope, that Mr Gruber never catches me when I do anything wrong.

His 6335 words about the story of the Macbook wifi exploit say all that needs to be said. And those words aren’t pretty. Yet needed. After Gruber the record is probably set straight.



Animator vs. Animation
it helps if you have done some flash animation.

How about somebody putting a flame UI in a commercial now?

wishful science

history technology

One more round for John Galt’s motor aka the perpetuum mobile. Didn’t Tesla invent something like that?

Since everything we have accomplished is based on energy, it seems not surprising that people continue to dream up scenarios where energy would become free.

Wouldn’t it be nice?

Well, then we would need to rewrite the Laws of Thermodynamics.

hacked hacked hacked, an apple got hacked

Apple communication internet

Few weeks ago lots of people wrote that somebody had hacked a MacBook via Wifi.
There were never much details or example code available. But the need for the story was there, so felt the people, and everybody repeated it. It seems as if the hackers installed 3rd wireless soft- and hardware on the Macbook and then hacked this software.

Which renders the whole thing to a non issue.

Of course all computers can be hacked in theory. Including Macs. But as long it did not happen, it did not happen. I am sure lots of people read the first (non true) part of this ‘hack’ story, and will miss this conclusion. Those will argue in a year from now “Mac’s aren’t safe either” based on this misinterpreted news story.

Getting down to the truth becomes increasingly complex it seems. Much of the communication surrounding people has been made with an intention. Truth comes second. Which IS a big deal, since it invalidates the whole reason for communication. It was communication that got us of the trees. If we break it, since it seems not to matter, then we might have trouble getting back up into the trees. “Sabletooth tiger!” “Where?” “Just kidding, want to buy a coconut?”

Zodiac at Millimeter


Millimeter Magazine’s coverage of Zodiac

Including some of my own ramblings if you scroll down.

movie title screens


movie title screens



Ads on super market conveyer belts

I wonder why such stuff still gets PR. There are ads on the breakfirst egg, on the paper towel in the public bathroom. If there are blank square inches where human eyeballs come to rest, then some ‘marketing’ person will ‘invent’ a way to put an add there. What’s there to report about it?

Most of it is stupid and it folds. Those abandoned attempts just clutter our surroundings. Like the flat screens in the back seats of a cab in Boston. Outofdate rubbish starts blaring in your direction every five minutes or so. Easy to click off. But still annoying.

One of the best comments on this useless trajectory of the current society was the rsstroom reader last December.