gruber ups the ante

Apple malware

he is willing to give a MacBook away

On September 9 we will know what it was about this “Mac’s can be hacked” meme that everybody duplicated but nobody did research.


Sony technology

“It’s Living” Sony’s slogan for the upcoming PS3

“It’s dead, alright” me saying that PS3 might sink Sony much quicker than people think.

Sony said that they would have 2 Million PS3 on launch, 2 by the end of the year and another 2 by the end of March ’07. Of course they think that all of them will be sold. There are more than 200 Million PS2 consoles out there. To launch a next gen product with 1% of the existing install base seems reasonable. You expect a healthy run on those precious devices. And they feature a Blu-Ray DVD player. Standalone players retail for around one thousand dollars. The PS3 only for 600. What’s there not to love?

A whole lot. It’s September, and officially Sony has not started to make the thing. They have ten weeks to produce two Million units of something that they have not made yet. At this years E3 they showed playable Dev kits (think full size PC) and bluray players inside of the nifty designed cases. It might be very well the shape and design of the box that will make the PS3 the disaster that might take Sony out within a few months. Please note the the double might in the last sentence. Sony is a huge company, how could they fail so disastrous? It’s unlikely, but also the possible truth.

The PS2 saved Sony. The win of that ‘console war’ helped to hide other disasters that the company experienced. On the heights of the PS2 internal and external Sony-might Kutaragi could pretty much ask for anything in order to ‘secure’ Sony’s dominance of the gaming sector. Naturally the next generation console would be the battlefield that needed to be defended and won. Sony planned to throw around it’s might and simply went off and invented a new type of CPU. Over four years IBM invested 400 Million US$ into this thing. First application: Millions of PS3s.

Now let’s suppose that things went ok, just not ideal with the Cell. That happens. Actually all things that are visible to the general public indicate that that is what happened. And this might sink Sony quicker than anybody could imagine. In 12 weeks we will know more. In twelve weeks there should be millions of PS3s in homes around the globe, computing the hell out of everything. Sony’s PS3 is expected to ‘awe’ every viewer. It was the japanese electronics behemoth itself that set this level of expectations in widely recognized speeches and announcements.

Back to the ‘what if the Cell was only ok, not perfect’ scenario. The XBox 360 had won the launch time race. Sony countered by releasing enormous numbers for their next generation consoles. Coupled with equally enormous prices. They also revealed a design. Being in the business of making decent looking things for years it was a logical step to present the public of how the thing will look like.

Sony could be in the following simple situation right now: The thing simply does not work. Putting the Cell CPU in a case like they envisioned will melt it. The Xbox had thermal problems. The PS3 case is very small, and has no visible fans. Again: Nobody has ever seen a working PS3 in public. Ten weeks before two Million should hit the street. The yields on CPUs and BluRay diodes are supposed to be very low. If the current Cell does not work in the current case Sony has not many options. They are notoriously bad in pro active crisis management. The last push in the release date came pretty much exactly when the console was to be released.

Of course the likely hood of the instant Sony melt is not high. But it’s not entirely unlikely either. If Cell and cases simply would not work that would explain why Sony did not start making the devices yet. Instead of claiming such simple and embarrassing reasons they might point to a shortage in blue diodes for the Bluray drives as a reason for shortages. Would make the thing more ‘precious’. And would leave less room for people complaining about their overheating devices.

Even if they get the 6 Million units done and sold by March 07 I don’t think that Sony can repeat the PS2 with the PS3. The world has changed. PCs and their gfx cards will soon be much faster than any game console. Gaming consoles have excluded themselfs from the pace of upgrade cycles that are possible in the PC landscape. Good and bad, but fatal for the PS3 in the mid future. If it it’s not DOA that is.

two minutes after posting this rant I came accross this image of the PS3. Interesting amount of holes in the side there.

Bentley, the other Volkswagen

daily life economy internet

Autoblog reviews the Bentley Continental Flying Spur

Nice read if you like cars. The 2 door cousin “Continental GT” is kind a ‘dime a dozen’ car in some parts of LA. The Warner Brothers parking lot for instance. The price tag hovering between 1 and 2 hundret thousand US$ scheds a completely new light on situation in some parts of the economy.

Glad I read the review, so that I can hold of the purchase until they get a navigation system that can compete with a Camry.

Royal Automobiles

economy history

Arriving at the parking lot of a theme park in Germany in-midst 8,000 sparkling middle class vehicles my daughter asks “Kings drive what kind of cars?”.

Cars are a product of industrial mass society that is incompatible with feudalism that supports Kings. One clearly came after the other.

Looking at the current situation we are somewhat like Kings with cars. Fossil fuels make energy dirt cheap so that we can clutter our material surroundings in the wildest ways. In the same time we already have access to information technology that is clearly evolving the mass culture of the 20th century into something new that has neither name nor definition yet.

neat idea


google did a quick little game to let you add tags to images.
It’s actually quiet nice, since it seems to have a couple of innovative ideas and it does even work.

on editing

confessions of a pixel pusher media

It’s not that often that a mainstream newspaper comments on details like editing
No comments on the authors opinion though.

slim and cheap server

confessions of a pixel pusher linux technology

Of course 1.50 US$ a GB is ridicolous

But the whole concept of a 1U quad drive cheap-o system seems intruiging: Raid cards are still expensive. They certainly deliver in many cases the best solution. But 3TB (4 x 750) cheap ‘scratch space’ for data that can be recreated could certainly exist in a 1U box for a pretty sweet price point. Sacrificing 25% storage and you have save space.

And as long Moors Law keeps deflating disk and system prices it is still the best strategy to buy as little storage as late as possible. To paraphrase Einstein just not to late or to little.

ten years later


10 years after the first image stored longitude and latitude site started flickr finally ads this feature.

There have been solutions around for a long time to combine the path from a GPS with the timestamp in the EXIF header of the images.

I’d say we have used about 10% of all GPS applications that make sense. Lots of fun to be had with these two floating point numbers that put anything on the map.


free of any reason linux

the sudo command

wikipedia’s entry for sudo

and the first use will be …

media technology

Lumalive by Philips.

Somebody will have the ‘creative’ and ‘orginal’ idea to sell advertisement on garment.