Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0


using launchd under OS X 10.4. I see sometimes errors:

Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0

They google as being harmless, and I have not seen bad things that I could relate to them.

6 years in five minutes and other links


Noah Kalina

Paris a la Banksy

google news archive

PS1, PS2, PSnope


4 days ago I wrote that the PS3 is in trouble Given how grim it looked to me I thought that I might have gone too far in my assessments. Suddenly those predictions look less outlandish. From 2 Million at launch down to 500,000. US: 400K, Japan: 100K and Europe: none, launch in March 2007 over there. Imagine you are a game developer for the japanese or European market. Imagine you bothered to develop for the PS3 at all.

The official Sony PR speak ‘blames’ a shortage in the blu ray diodes. Those do cost like 1 US$? 10? Sony is a propoenent of Blu-Ray technology since 4 years. They knew they would need those blue Lasers at one point. Still they rather make laptop batteries for Dell and Apple, instead of producing this rather essential part? C’mon, it’s called ‘Blu-Ray’. I have problems buying that it’s this little laser that kicks Sony’s next console strategy like it supposed to do.

Beginning this year Sony delayed the Ps3 launch from Spring to November saying that the DRM for the BlueRay discs would not be finalised. Which was obvious BS. They did have enough laser diodes back then? And those dissapeared?
Interesting also that there were standalone players in early summer with working DRM.

I think that the ‘blu-ray-shortage’ is a straw fire to direct the attention away from the real problem. The Cell does not want to run inside of that puny little case that Sony dreamt up. It does, but it gets way hot. The yields are beyond horrible. But if you say that now, then people that run their shiny new console under a blanket will blame Sony for their ‘over heating failures’.

With the ‘blu-ray’ spin Sony says that they very expensive PS3 contains this precious thing that is so amazing that you can not even make it. It’s a rare gem. So they want everybody to believe. “Whoa, you managed to get a Blu-Ray laser”?

Awesome. Kids like Lasers. It might even work. For a week or two. Till people will start looking at the PS3 online component. Anybody heard anything there? Wouldn’t it be time to give out teasers? Getting attention away from the Xbox by announcing details? Well, there is nothing. Which is not a good sign.

laborday links


Banksy does Paris
Nature does Irwin
Leopard does tabs
Terminal does Tetris
The register does rumors
Hillary does everybody a favor


art internet

in halflife

disable trackback for older posts to get rid of spam

this weblog

‘trackback’ is a neat concept: You put a link in a blog post and the blogging software (wordpress in my case) will try to notify that link that there is some comment / info about it on this page.

Of course it only get’s abused by spammers. I turned active trackbacks off, so that posts get submited quicker.
Then I turned trackback as a target off in the workpress preferences under “Options” “Comments”.
This will change the default for new posts not to allow ‘pings’ which in this case seem to be synonym for trackback.

However older posts are still pingable / trackable etc. Instead of clicking 581 times on some check box I changed the
status of those past posts via mysql:

update wp_posts set ping_status = 'closed' ;

will do the trick.

option ARMs

daily life malware politics

Business week on so called option ARMs.

I always thought that ‘interest-only-loans’ would be a scary thing to sign.

Those poor people that will loose everything and then some. Many of them probably have jobs that require lots of time and effort to make some money. All they probably wanted to do, is to get ‘in on the action’ during that housing boom that is now so clearly over.

geek fight!

communication internet technology

If you enjoy people getting at each others throats and like geek subjects (that’s all four of you) then you could follow the discussion between Joel and David.

I think it’s about Ruby on Rails. I didn’t read it. Although Joel writes usually nice, and David really loves Ruby. He is the one that came up with the Quicktime screen capture movies that show how to do things with Rails. Better get over there quickly, usually smart people ( they both certainly are ) realize very quickly that fighting is not the smartest thing to do. I think they will find a peaceful agreement, or at least will leave each other alone pretty quickly. Then you have to turn to politics again for a good fight. Actually those are not as good, since they are deeply rooted in stupidity.

why flash sucks (continued)

internet marketing

Just wondered what a Mini S would cost. They have a website. They have a ‘configurator’. After 5 minutes of trying they lost me. I do have a fast computer am behind a 3-tier T1 and still the website was useless.
I kind of know what a Mini would cost, sure. But I wonder how many people really endure such a crappy interface. Typical case of broken feedback loop: BMW feels they need a ‘configurator’. Since everybody hacks them together in flash they do so as well. The ‘designers’ present it probably on a local network, and nobody analyses the actual CTR and usage on the site once it is up.
Next new car the same people get the job again. Another 100K down the drain …

out of the valley …

confessions of a pixel pusher

this image is supposed to be computer generated Here the WIP posting

Of course on a still you can do lots of tricks. And 1 expression does not make something look alive.
But still, things get better in the department of computer generated reality.