this american life


The NPR radio show “This american Life” is available as podcast.

Finally. Excellent!

bravia teaser


After the balls in SF Bravia ad Sony is making another one. The teaser and some stills.

Ives Klein would have loved that. Wait a minute I just had an idea. Sony, can I make a commercial, please. Pretty please?


Apple free of any reason

“… to take one of your earbuds out and put it in her ear. ”

Yeah, that’s gonna work, Steve! Probably works with him. Reality distortion field of a billionaire on a park bench.

3ware 9550sx DEGRADED und linux


I just positively confirmed that you NEED to run a linux kernel with ‘noapic’ like this:

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2142_FC4smp ro root=LABEL=/ noapic

Omitting noapic resulted in an array that would loose a harddrive for a split second in the very same midplane position after 12 – 14 hours of heavy use. The array state would switch to DEGRADED and it would rebuild for a couple of hours. Never lost any data. Just allot of time in trying to fix hardware that was not broken in the first place.

old news

free of any reason politics

It really is old news
And nothing special. Just a guy. That got shot. 68 times.

But hey he allegdly had shot a police officer and a police dog.

Movies and realities blend into one for some people. Which is an academic excersice. As long you have the right skin color and social contacts and drug habits. Once you cross that line things don’t look pretty. Not at all.

taking a page from Rove’s book

media politics

This Audi commerical -even though made for the UK market- will not really generate sales for the german car in the american midwest.

Audi’s thinking might be similar to that of republican strategist pursuing topics like the Geneva Convention or Gay marriage as ridicolous they are: If you lost half of the population anyway, you might as well go all the way and put out an extreme statement to get you attention. And voters at the polls or yuppies into the dealership.

about those one point six billion

google history internet

the youTube founders came up with a ‘video’ for the occasion

“Two Kings came together” ?? wtf!

Honestly, I would rather not be in their shoes. Good for them that they cashed in like they did.
But not being a dork like they are: priceless.

It reminds of the “King of the World”.
Somehow the gluttening reference to royality is a sure way to make you disappear.

one point five fps

confessions of a pixel pusher internet

does sound awefully slow: one point five frames per second. Actually it is a number that makes me happy: It is the performance of the first beta test transfer of the interdubs software that I write. It allows the direct exchange of material from discreet framestore to framestore. Runs in the background, once set up (2 command lines on each end, zero install) it needs not further interaction.

Uncompressed 720×486 at 1.5fps in the background surely beats fedexing a digibeta.
And the 1.5 fps limit is not on my end. I should be good for a bit more. Actually so much more that it’s not worth wondering about it: There are no connections out there that could reach it. I think.

one point six billion

google internet

google buys youtube

Didn’t google try their own video thing? If you have it, then you can pay 1.6 billion for making your own solution worse than the one coming out of a garage somewhere. The only problem is, that once you start doing this you loose the edge. Gmail was the last thing that google did that really worked. Search is still of amazing quality for them. Maps is decent,
but video they screwed up, and now they pay the equivalent of the GDP of Mongolia for their mistake. OK almost, that one is 1885 Millions.

iTunes cover art meets monty python

internet media

with a twist of 2006 gore

I like

the idea
how quick the iTunes 7 cover art download was able to inspire this
that blogsNow keeps finding these things for me

I dislike

the story (or absence thereof)
the cheap-o Monty Python ripp off, wasn’t funny when Guiness did it a couple of years
the random violence on the level of fart humor
the fact that the quicktime is 4 by 3 aspect ratio!! People, please think. Not outside of the box,
just along it’s corners.