misc links


Some misc links:

the usual Sony drama around shipments of the PS3.

Cinemas dragging their feet and having generally no vision nor clue. I guess that if you business model is to sell thousands and thousands of tons of pop corn it can not really have a great influence on your creative mindset. Cinema operators probably see themselves more like hog farmers. It’s all about the logistics of getting the corn to the mouths.

Vanessa Williams says HD is not her friend. sqrt(pixelcount) + age of actress * secret Hollywood factor = constant

the paradox of choice

economy history politics

of course I had to watch another TED video while I was at Google Video. Since it’s such a long way there.

Barry Schwartz talks about choice

I agree with him that the choice is by no means linear to happyness. But I dissagree on his remedy. It’s not a decrease of choice that would be the ideal solution. It’s the management of it. People are not in a situation to make decent and educated descissions. Like mine how to spell certain words for instance. But when people are looking into the options and only choose what makes sense, then all the rubbish will disappear. If you buy crap, or equally worse, let your friends buy crap then you inititate the production of more of it. If you only choose things that are good, then you will steer things in the right direction. The choices will follow.

There are so many junk things around us, since people can survive their wrong choices. So they keep making bad ones.

And finally:
Dan Gilbert about happiness and choice

multi touch interface

media not existing yet technology

a quick demo of a multi finger touch interface

Make sure to have alook at the image organisation application he shows around 3:40 before you click away.
There are lots of other TED demo’s online. This is -I believe- the first year that they publish these presentations. Worth the browse.

for the next president

Apple history politics

Can we please make sure that the next President and Administration at least have some basic understanding of something like this?

Please imagine GW Bush looking at a website like the one above. How long could he look at it? How would he describe what he saw to somebody else?

This is the guy supposed to run stuff for 300 Million people in all the things where there needs to be somebody running things. Like war and peace and the financial future of the government.

It seems that America has issues with interlect and clarity, as some links might illustrate:

A democrat activist site has an analytical look a CNNs front page in 2000 and 2006.

The GOP is doing the old Terror trick. They were in power for five years after 9/11. Spent billions on war, yet were unable to get OBL. That’s why you NEED TO VOTE for THEM. Amazing that there seems to be an audience going for that.

Politics, always have been messy and partizan. Let’s switch to technology. There never have been any Mac Viruses. I know of a couple of hundret Apple users, or know the people that are responsible for them. The users are a very mixed crowd. Nobody had ever a Virus or malware issue. You get spam email on a Mac too, your google search results are at times full of spam, but that’s where the malware drama ends for you. It is as simple and as clear cut as that.
Still people write articles like this. There are no factual obvious blunders in this. Except that this blurry mixed bag of facts, statements and quotes seem to hover around this bogus theory of market share. This article exists so that people that benefit from it can point to it and say “Look, Mac’s have viruses too”.

If there is an obvious outbreak of stupidity it causes sometimes a clear response.

But generally it seems to cheap and easy to generate messages and ‘news’ that everybody does it. And most people have an agenda to push. The average american is surrounded by communication that is all meant to pull him in one direction or another. People simply give up on having an opinion that is based on facts. They just swim in a pile of soundbytes and pick whatever seems approiate in the current moment. That’s probably why politicians get away with all the crap that they are coming up with.

It was not always like that: In the age of reason there was an attempt to know things. There were discussions, and a quest to find the best solution based on as much objective findings as people would get a handle on. I am sure there were snake oil merchants back in the day as well. I want to believe though, that it was clear and simple that these people were peddling there goods and had no part on a serious discussions about serious matters. OK, maybe I have a slitghly idealized perspective on a world in that the American Constitution has been created.

cellphones, their cameras and missing features

daily life not existing yet technology

Many Cellphones have cameras. Wether you want it or not. While I had no problem taking 70,000 images with cheap Canon pocket cameras that then became twexus, I never really used the camera in the Motorola flip phone I am using right now.

I find it amazing how there are no phones that make use of the camera for themselves. Phone and camera share the power source, that’s about it. When I want to call somebody that is not in the address book I have to read the number and then type it. Not a big deal. True. But the camera in the phone could do that for me, right? Either trying to OCR a humanly readable number, or -slightly more involved- read a special barcode that could mean all sorts of other things as well.

star trak

daily life internet

sucks to be famous these days.

os x APIs

Apple confessions of a pixel pusher

Learning new stuff. Again. Will it ever end?
When trying to figure out why on earth there is no easy and obvious way to find out why a writeToFile has failed in Objective C the google gods had some mercy and sent me to this page that not furthers my question a single inch. Wil Shipley is the author of Delicious Library and what he had to write let me go further for 48 hours to look into this whole Cocoa thing. And that’s after spending three days to prepend 4 (!) 7 digit phone numbers with 310 since there are now overlay area codes. Cleaning up your address book with Objective C is a rather interesting excersive in patience.


confessions of a pixel pusher technology

Filesystems store what we use on our computers. They are not an act of god, they are man made. They seem to have an impressive resilience if it comes to innovation though. The folder / directory structure was more or less the last break through. Since the the storage capacity did grow: You mom might manage hundred times the storage now than a mid sized team of lab coat wearing engineers did when she was young.

This general rant got inspired by an rather unpleasant observation: Many filesystem become unstable or only slow in the better cases when they become full. Xsan and xfs
have technically not that much in common, but you better keep 10% space available.
Which is tragically exactly the opposite from any real life use I have seen. Now I am talking about professional storage for media. It always is full. Brimful.

wynn vs. picasso

free of any reason

Ah those billionaires


communication confessions of a pixel pusher marketing Sony

Conceptually it was a well intended follow up: Sony’s Bravia commercial using exploding paint instead of many balls.

Execution wise there certainly are amazing explosions. There are few good camera angles. But most of them are, well, uninspired. The idea of using an abandoned housing project is interesting. Somewhat. I have just seen to many of them being blown up. Somehow you expect them to sink together once they become the object of the camera. But it was not this non delivering on the expectation that broke the spot. It was the unispired music choice together with that I call dismal editing. I can only write this, since I have not looked up yet who did it. It’s easier that way. And I am sure it was the usual clusterfuck of decission making or pure lack therof that pushed this brilliant idea of a follow up into the lower ends of mediocricy. The sport lives from the real Bravia. Not more, not less. A typical sequell that can’t deliver. Too bad they blew it.