another percent


June 25th: The dow claims back a full percent in the late part of the session. The reason, and no, I don’t make this up: Many regulations put on banks after the 2008 financial meltdown were dissolved.

Again: The abolishment of measures intended to prevent another bubble – and therefor it inevitable bursting – actual fuels this one.

One more round. Bubble always aim for same thing: One more round. Just one new delivery of fresh blood. Robin Hood money gone already? How about another stimulus, or – no – wait – I know: The banks have to allocate billions as collateral for their swap deals. Just let them not do that anymore. All that money liberated. It will be peachy!

All the whilein the same time Covid-19 infection numbers in the US rise to levels that had not seen before. While there are zero novel approaches on the horizon to actually deal with it. 2020 will continue to be a very interesting year.

swamp crossers


Turns out the danger wasn’t outside the boat after all. Made a little while ago by who some call the fascist Normal Rockwell this oddity did not age very well. Likelyhood is not really the painters thing (although he seems to think otherwise). So assisting here among others are: Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Jeff Sessions, Sarah Sanders, John Bolton and John Kelly. Aside from family and the VP this leaves just Pompeo and Carson. The later one no depicted with a visible belt …

how many people are infected in the US?


The WSJ headlines today, on June 25th 2020: More Than 20 Million Americans May Have Had Coronavirus, Government Says

So, there are two numbers:

  • 2.3 million people are officially counted as infected.
  • 20 million says ‘the goverment’ might already have it

What we know is, that sadly 122,000 people died in the US from Covid-19 so far.

Herd immunity does not have the best reputation. For good reason. Since actual mitigation in the US is not doing so well right now, lets pick it as a working assumption here. Based on those two wildly different infection counts and assuming a 70% infection limit the US would end up with either:

  • 12 million dead, if it were really only 2.3 million that are infected, or it would, like the Government choose to believe, be rather
  • ‘only’ 1.3 million people who would succumb to that novel pathogen that keeps us on our toes this year.

What horrible bookends for this scenario! Both numbers are not cool. Neither for those who have to look at this fate personally, nor for their kin, nor for the country as a whole.

Sadly I don’t make this shit up. It is a grim possibility. One that is worth avoiding. Which can be done. Other countries are doing it. The US better start acting like it can as well. And soon. Any mitigation efforts take a while to take effect. During which the pool of infected people grows, and it gets exponentially harder to contain the outbreak.

FUD – brought to you …


by the WHO and BBC? How strange. Of course many Britons will take the headline and think “at least we have Brexit to protect us”.

People reading on in this byline-less ‘news thing’ will not find any hints just where Covid-19 is ravaging on the continent as the headline implicated.

Boiling up an alarmist (Covid) headline for clicks is nothing new. Just strange to see the venerable BBC and well meaning WHO being engaged in it.

If Dr Kluge does indeed not care to name those eleven countries with “very significant” resurgences, why does this junk info even get multiplied? As a Regional Director [Clever] Hans should know better than to provide such incomplete information that can be cast into alarmist dross.

Ankermann PC


I wondered how much a Windows10 PC with SSD would be. Turns out in June 2020 200 EUR at Amazon is all I needed to pay for a black box described as:

Ankermann Business Work Silent leise PC
PC Intel CPU 2X 2.70 Ghz dual Core HD Graphic 
8GB RAM 240GB SSD Windows 10 PRO Office Professional

Got here when it should. Was well packaged. Didn’t smell. Even came with a DVI to VGA adapter. Yes, it makes a tiny little bit of noise. But otherwise I can not complain. Lots of connections, card slots, DVD recorder. Windows10 pro worked fine, Office is pre installed and licensed as well. For what I want to do this will probably be do just great.

EDIT1: The machine did everything it was supposed to do. Time to try some more stuff. Fusion 360 installed, but was sluggish and rightfully complaining about the graphics adapter. Da Vinci Resolve kinda installed (itself and lots of other things). After a couple of reboots that were required it said that it was not able to run. Which is totally fine. A small standalone app that could quickly check a machine configuration in respect to the Resolve requirements would probably a neat addition. Also helpful for support etc. It would pay for itself if it would generate links to purchase things that can improve the specific situation. It would run and spit out what you currently could do with your configuration. It would show you what you could do if you would upgrade CPU, Gfx, disk system. And it could tell Blackmagic Design what people are running their wonderful software on.

I ended up adding a GT 7100 with 2GB for 50 EUR. Fusion is much happier and snappier (which makes me happier) Resolve did install and launch. Haven’t worked with it at this point. The system boots into 4K right away and looks decent.

Inserting the card I was surprised how the case is built around so much air. The whole system would fit into a 40% of the current volume. Funny that a larger case is the cheaper thing.

s u p p o r t


google is a strange thing. On one side their machines kind a run the planet. On the other hand they are so obtuse in dealing with clients it is outright comical.

Edit: and then I got two emails back in record time asking intelligent questions in how they could help. Surprised. Delighted not just yet: Easier to emit boilerplate than to actually fix something. But still, so much better than no response.

Edit2: In the end support came through. Or it just started working again. The support experience was not as I had feared after all.

Ich versuche es ja


Immer mal wieder versuche ich auch woanders Bücher zu kaufen. Es gibt Händler und Verlage die einen Gastzugang erlauben. War hier bei Temmen leider nicht so. Man soll sich durch 5 Punkte hangeln, am Ende belohnt dann das Ausrufezeichen vom “Fertig!”

Bezahlen kann per Lastschrift. Aber eben auch nur so. Ne, dann doch lieber nicht. Klar man kann so bezahlen. Ist natürlich nicht wirklich unsicher. Ich habe nur keine Lust jetzt noch mehr Sachen einzugeben. Dispute sollen auch eher byzantin ablaufen.

Das Buch habe ich dann dort gekauft wo ich es immer tue. Das geht richtig schnell. Die Menschen die sich gerne über die Allmacht des Internethandels Konzerns aufregen, täten gut daran zu eruieren woher diese Vormachtstellung denn eigentlich kommt. Oft ist ja zu hören, dass die dort Arbeitenden aufs schrecklichste ausgebeutet würden. Es stimmt bestimmt, dass man als Picker nicht viel zum Popeln kommt. Aber die Ausbeutung von Arbeitenden ist es auch ganz sicher nicht die das eine Unternehmen so groß gemacht hat: Auf den Trick wenig zu bezahlen und Menschen dann aufs perfideste anzutreiben sind andere schon gekommen. Schon seit langem, immer wieder und in deutlich schärferen Ausmassen.

Der Unterschied ist vielmehr dass das Unternehmen customer centric ist. Der Kern aller Aktivitäten ist es, den Kunden weiter zu helfen. Darum geht kaufen dort so reibungslos. Und darum lehnt man es dann ab mit Seiten zu arbeiten die nur eine Zahlungsart zulassen. Schade für Temmen.

rejection mk2


Doing the same thing – expecting different results is supposedly a definition of insanity.

As catchy as that phrase is, I don’t like it very much. It does insanity a disservice. Even though it has an interesting origin. One that is surprisingly recent.

If you would consider now, that I could see the slightest upside in that orange mans disastrous reign you would be wildly mistaken. A bit sad is, that one has to place such a signifier of ones position next to even such a benign observation: After all, it is what it is. There is no need to talk from a specific side about the facts. One of which that is, that all polls (in case you were asking “which polls”) had him loosing all the time last time as well.

A bridge in China


China grows. If you grow you have more traffic. Building bridges helps with traffic. Today, 2020 June 24, a new bridge over the Han river opened in the five million city of Xiangyang in the Hubei province*.

The actual size of the project is not really noteworthy, but the design and color scheme are not like bridges we used to see in the past. I am not fond of it, but new and different stuff has some allure. We will probably be seeing more Chinese design in public buildings.

*In 2020 allot more people around the world know where Hubei is.

sar 1 0


The unix sar command is a nice way to have a quick view of how a system has been doing. The default shows cpu and IO, but its output can be customized to your hearts desire. Should said organ harbor indeed things of that nature.

Looking live at values is possible too. You just have to give the program the sampling time in seconds and -and this is the kicker- optionally the number of repetitions. For instance: observing how the next minute works out for your machine in 6 six equal time chunks would require you to enter:

sar 10 6 

So far, so good. But what if you want to look constantly? More than 20 years ago I learned that using

sar 1 0

would just give me that. The zero as the last parameter was interpreted as having no end to the repetition. Zero resulting in an never ending eternity. Yes, if marketing people don’t breathe down your neck, you can put things like this into what you create.

But no good deed goes unpunished. It turns out an even smarter option is it, to make that second parameter entirely optional:

sar 1

already gets you that desired simple output. That works, is awesome, and the right thing to implement it like.

Working on a more recent machine (we are talking decades here, not even kidding) I did not get the expected output when I applied finger muscle memory and then old known pattern. Then it got funny: I read the manual, googled around, emailed the author. I just felt solving this. Apparently I felt like writing about it too. All the while the machine – that I am now successfully looking at – revealed to me what it was doing, when it got bogged down.

I am unaware about what has led to my actual epiphany to consider the omission of the second parameter. Paying closer attention to such circumstances seems like a very fruitful enterprise.

I looked back, and I encountered the issue 2013 already. Back then, I must shamefully admit, I solved it by just entering a large second number.

Two years ago it actually took me 7 seconds to find the right solution already. For me a quick solution will seemingly not be remembered when there are so much previous habits and repetitions.