German for dubbing. Since there are lots of people Germany had english movies dubbed. One got more or less used to the mismatch between sound and lips. A strange effect was when the actual voice of the actor felt wrong, since one had only heard the assigned voice actor. For some of them the rise to fame of the thespians they had spoken and therfor be assigned to became a windfall.
This wired piece is about deepfakes and how Covid might give it a boost. Or it just might be a PR piece for companies trying to sell their solutions. Or both.
Soon humans we look at will no longer be as unaltered as we assumed they were. Which of course was never really the case anyway. Make up, lighting, everything got used to alter peoples appearance. Marlene Dietrich very rarely if ever looked like we remember her.
In the near future actors might speak in foreign tongues, and naturally their faces move in the proper way. Don’t like how the movie tested? Change the plot after words. Test the new version and see if “he killed Todd” works better as “he didn’t kill Todd” did. Possibilities are endless.
Of course the people in the death star are scared and looking forward to that: No longer any actors to wrangle. But what if ‘tech’ (that dreaded 4 letter word in Hollywood) could generate an inflationary amount of charactors? Each version more appealing. There is right now a certain lifespan management for actors. Individual drug encounters and religious awakenings aside it is in the total sum almost predictable how career earnings develop in average. That all will change.
For the death star it will probably not matter anyway. In hindsight it was a real tragic move to bloat the operations with assets around live performance in order to have enough critical mass to go public.
Back then it looked very smart: Live performances are the ONE thing were “tech” would not turn everything on its head. As with most tanked prediction the problem was not to evaluate the pieces on the board in the wrong way. It was the illusion to think that one knows about all the pieces that the game has.