
was the year that the last TV was made in the USA. Seems to have been AKAI branded. Akai, the japanese company, had been defunct in 2002, while inMusic would only pick up the brand 7 years later. The picture here is from the history of Magnavox page. Which I found since I wondered about their defense division “Magnavox Electronic Systems”. Min Kao had worked there, when Gary Burrell recruited him to work for King radio. In 1989 then both started Garmin which made them very rich. Garmin employs 13,000 people and seems to have malware problems right now.

There is a story here: People from defense tech, starting a big successful thing based on GPS that decades later gets kneecapped by some Russian hackers with generic ransomware. A bit like stopping a tank with sticky tape. In tech that is possible it seems.

Dolls for Singapore


64 years ago dolls were made in Canada to be shipped all over the world. Funny how the skin and hair color of these figurines is not worth any reflection in the idea that dolls go all over the world from that factory in Canada.

what happened?


It is so strange to look at all these countries that have an increase in Covid cases after having had such a good curve bending moment end of May:

Back then it look realgod for all of them, and then – suddenly – it didn’t:

What is strange is there does not seem to be a pattern in their policies, not even in their climate. They all had things seemingly under control and then cases started rising again. I have no explanation either. Not even a far fetched theory. Which is strange in itself …

Frankfurt Hahn – fake geographic name


The Airport Frankfurt Hahn is not close to Frankfurt, it takes a minimum of 90 minutes by car, much of it on surface roads, to reach its namesake city. Ryan Air had insisted that it would be called this. Now they reduce operations. What is left is a very confusing name. An ex US airfield that is loosing money and is owned by a Chinese company.

The audacity of the name change is striking.

An der Goldgrube 12


ist die Addresse von BioNTech in Mainz. Kommt hin …

Trump trails in the polls


We have seen this movie before: An unelectable man trailing against somebody out of the Obama administration with a long Washington history. HRC was a flawed candidate, Biden comes out of the very same corner of the democratic party that never understood in the first place why 2016 was lost to the GOP. On top of that Biden’s middle name would be Angriffsfläche, if there would be such a thing as middle names in Germany, and if he would be from there.

If this one gets lost again then it is not caused by he winner, just like last time. All that banter coming out of the orange monkeys mouth can not bend this, as much as he would like to believe it himself. He didn’t win 2016. The left, the democrats (party and people) gave it away. Stupidly. Avoidable. With grave consequences: The justices alone will haunt progress for decades. The US lost its trust in the world, in a situation when an international role would have been needed more than in the last 40 years.



I am not on facebook. But from what I hear discussing masks is all the rage over there. What the fuck! There is nothing to discuss. It is simple and clear. There are no 2 sides to this argument. Pretending that there are does kill people. Very straight forward. Mark Zuckerberg shares responsibility for those deaths. He built a system that structures discourse the way it does. Reading his building community in light of this, is the recent equivalent of Orwellian newspeak.

Facebook has 2.5 billion daily active users, it got founded more than 15 years ago. Name one positive thing that emerged on that platform.

One thing that moved mankind further along.

Just one …

in my filter bubble


This Forbes (sorry) piece is my ‘for you’ google news section. So it is what Google-AI thinks I like. And yes, I agree with what the author says. It scares me, but I agree with much what he has to say.

Interestingly there are no new insights, no data points. Just an opinion that aligns with what I have been thinking. And so I like it. I nod while I am reading.

Time will tell if the crash will happen – or not …

In the end nobody knows. But that does not stop me from being emotionally (and financially) invested on one side of the potential outcome.

spaces in filenames


It is too late now. But it was a mistake to allow spaces in filename. An _ would have the same purpose. And everybody would know that This_thing would be a file. While that thing could be anything. It would also bring the point home that there might be a length limit to yet_another_thing_at_least_what_its_name_is_concerned.

There would be no downside. People get used to everything. Engineers failed to put up good resistance towards weird requests. And then have all the troubles to implement the stuff that users actually don’t benefit from.

And they could not put spaces in the end of the name, which leads to all sorts of funny things. Yes, academically speaking you can have all sorts of things. The question is just if there is benefit, and what get impacted …



The wsj writes that BlackRock’s profits jumped 21%. They manage $7.3T for their clients. In comparison the GDP of Japan was $5.7T last year.

Covid-19 has negative impact on 99 out of 100 companies. Just Zoom, care takers and the makes of ventilators might see an uptake in business. Did the geniuses at BlackRock invested in exactly that tiny slither of the overall economy? Nope. The WSJ writes:

But after the Federal Reserve rushed in to stabilize markets, many investment firms reaped the benefits of the Fed’s intervention in the second quarter.

In other words: They backup up their money tankers just in the right moment when the Federal Reserve turned on the money pump. How convenient. For the people who own the 7.300.000.000.000 dollars that BlackRock manages.

If BlackRock would be seized, and its managed assets would could be distributed evenly among all Americans everybody would get $22.500.