A good segment on ‘class warfare’ as per Fox & Co. I wonder how random stuff from Fox from that time would hold up: Not so well.
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I wonder if there was a ‘talk like a fascist‘ school that these guys all did go to?

From the mans Twitter feed. It is amazing that there seem to be people wanting to believe that every single job added is his work.
While every job lost, every one of them, is just not his fault, and could not possible been have avoided.
His presidency is currently around 10 million jobs in the minus. Or 5 years of growth. Growth years that had exactly the same level under Obama or him. Look at the graph of job growth in the past: You can NOT find where things switched from Obama to Trump:

If the Democratic Party had any sense then they would communicate this clearly.
Instead they let the man sing his praises – over nothing. Without having a clear message that he makes shit up that is not like that.
T didn’t win in 2016. Hillary lost it. And she was a much better candidate than Joe Biden is right now. T will not win 2020. He can not.
The Democrats however might very well loose this years election.

Offensichtlich von 2016. 2020. Aber warum dann immer noch Frau Clinton? Had Putin vergessen für die Photoshop Lizenz zu bezahlen?

This piece of performance art has a whole new dimension in epidemic times.

So he “advances to Apple Fellow”. Apple newspeak for loosing your job. I was not a fan of his. Jobs was a BS artist as well, his antenna response ‘you are holding it wrong’ has a clear and distinct part in America’s history of BS. PT Barnum, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump: What you say does not have to be true to be sucessful.
Phil was doing the same thing. SD card slot? Magsafe? Working keyboard? Away with it for the progress of all mankind.
Sure he got rich. But I would not want to switch with him for a single second: Bending the truth for a living must be horrible.

Finally what looks to be a real interview. Confronting the man with the facts. Exposing his blatant falsehoods for what they are.
Of course most people will get hung up on the frenetic paper shuffling that comes along with the strange defense attempts.
Canon has a cloud service. Today I found out:
Some of the original photo and video data files have been lost. We have confirmed that the still image thumbnails of the affected files have not been affected.
Also new to me is that canon is a top level domain.
Just because big vendors don’t loose any data does not mean that this never gonna be the case. Even if people run on good infra strucure there might be issues on levels above it. In both directions:
- having not enough copies of your data (as in zero, or 1 which will lead to zero)
- having too many copies of your data (as in security not being the way should be)

According to Audibles Chapter 7 of Gareth Russell’s excellent “The Ship of Dreams” there were 1420 tons the ‘tuberous crop’ on the ship with the well known fate. Funny how nobody during the production realized that this amount would make for a very big pantry, vast appetite and rather long journey …