Max Mara coat


10 more minutes not more. They never showed up in time. Not the only thing she disliked.

It gave her time to wonder how all this had started. Yes, the money was good. Too good. The only reason she didn’t stop. Or was it?

The first time it wasn’t really something she set out to do. There was an opportunity. It had cried and just to calm it down she lifted it out of the stroller. The noises stopped. Somehow she started walking. Five short exciting seconds later she was around the corner.

It took a while before she realized what just happened. There was no plan. Her car was not far. She put some pieces of laundry in the foot room of the passenger row and placed it, now crying again, gently there.

She remembered the messages she had seen when she bought party drugs for her cousin Luiza. Luckily nobody would notice something strange about her when she carried an oversized armful of clothes into her house.

Was that them? A dust cloud on the horizon announced the arrival of a 4×4. She hoped.

Occasionally she had doubts about what she was doing. The money was amazing. It also was exciting and interesting to look for opportunities. She had quit her job in the nail salon. She no longer needed the money and it took her time to drive to different
towns, look for opportunities. She told herself that she just filled the gaps that the bureaucracies of the adoption system would leave.

What would happen once she had made the trade was never something she thought about much. She rather thought about what she would do with the money.

Yes. It was them. In 10 minutes ti would all be over and she could do what she wanted again. She didn’t have any more diapers either, and they get so annoying when they their own feces give them discomfort. One of these aspects of her job that convinced her further never
to have kids herself. Besides, you never know if not somebody would steal it.

The Edge of the woods


Charles Courtney Curran painted this in 1912. Probably somewhere around The Gunks. He seems to have split his time between the small Cragsmoor and the not so small New York City.

The world of 1912 was naive and unknowingly standing at the end of an epoch of progress and change. The time between 1914 and 1945 would smash it into ‘modern times’ – if it wanted it or not.

Today we have no knowledge on how large the changes are that started to unfold. Covid is part of it, but the bigger ones are AI, the phonication of peoples minds and the unstoppable ascent of China.

Between 2014 and 2018 I was telling myself: Well it is better than 100 years ago. This holds true. But if you ask people about it many might claim that they’d rather be back on those 20s that they called roaring. A world with mud roads, cobble stones and before antibiotics.

Unrelated: Worpswede in the Teufelsmoor seems strangely similar to Cragsmoor on the Shawangunk Ridge. I am sure there were lots of other artist colonies during that time. Their styles differ and are also similar. Funny how that happened. Without an Internet or easy faithful color reproduction methods.



So, it is over for NZ and South Korea. He says.

Reality (on a log scale!!) looks different.

It is shocking how simple, stupid and blatant his lies are.

His supporters (more than 30% of Americans) seem to not mind or actually eat up the version of reality that he prepares for them.

There are no 2 sides here. There is one that has gone off the deep end. Simple as that.

VW vs Prevent


Building cars is a very integrated business. A couple of years ago Volkswagen and a Bosnian supplier no longer looked eye to eye.

For a brief period production was impacted. A VW employee made recordings of meetings on this topic. He is dead now. His car burned. It might have been suicide.

man findet immer was …


… im Internet von 2020. Nur leider ist es oft nur Müll der erzeugt wurde damit er dann auch gefunden wird. Das ist einfach & billig. In diesen Vor GPT3 Tagen kann man es noch als Datenmüll erkennen: Zum Beispiel: Dahin linken tu ich besser nicht.

Einen 25 Jahre alten HP printer / plotter 750c Polus aus einer Erbmasse konnte ich nicht stehen lassen. Er geht sogar. Die TCP/IP konfiguration musste ich ein bisschen suchen: Nachdem man TCP/IP KFG auf JA* setzt much man Pfeil Hoch eingeben. Das hat mich 30 Minuten gebraucht darauf zu kommen.

Er braucht ziemlich lange sich in der Welt zurechtzufinden wenn man ihn mit Strom versorgt.

Vor einigen Tagen schaute ich mir einen 60 Jahre alten Röhrenfernseher an. Den Einschaltknopf zu finden war auch nicht leicht: Am Lautstärke Regler ziehen scheint der Trick zu sein beim Modell Rafael. Auch schön ist das die Glotzen den Namen alter Meister hatten.

Is Berlin safe?


What if Alexei Navalny dies under strange circumstances in Berlin? Would that not be the best outcome for Putin? It would send a clear signal that Berlin is not safe if you are on his list. Zelimkhan Khangoshvili got killed last August in Berlin. Probably by the FSB.



Vince Beiser’s “The World in a Grain” is alright. Not amazing. Not great. It is an OK listen. It starts out with an ungainly heap (see what I did here) of lists of items. Non of it very interesting.

Overall not bad. I did not return it. I learned something about Dubai. Did even finish the whole book. But would I wholeheartedly recommend it? Unlikely.

Boeing: Max? What is this “Max” plane you are talking about?


Looks like Boeing rebrands the latest version of its 737 jet. As Trump had suggested in a tweet in April 2019. Interesting that the Guardian article fails to mention that.

terra incognita


Nicht oft geraten Aspekte von ungeklärten Phänomenen in die Medien. Leider kommt unsere Kultur nicht wirklich gut mit den Grenzen unseres Wissens zurecht. Die andere Seite wird sofort mit wilden Spekulationen (Hände beidseits des Kopfes erhoben und synchrones Queenschwenken vollführend ) zugemüllt.

Mich stimmt es froh das wir nicht alles wissen. Nicht weil ich dann da irgendwie was schönes alles erklärendes hin projizieren könnte. Sondern weil es spannend ist was dabei raus kommt. Menschen wussten noch nie alles. Sie haben schon immer die Lücken mit Geschichten aufgefüllt. Die wahren mal schön, und mal schrecklich. Und oft leider auch der Grund sich gegenseitig viel Leid anzutun.

Aber jedesmal wenn wir etwas rausgefunden haben war was wir gefunden haben wirklich interessant. Besser als unsere Geschichten. Und Grund für neue Fragen. Oder Anwendungen von denen wir alle profitieren. Anwendungen die Leiden vermindern. Und das ist cool. Wenn es was gibt an dem man sich orientieren sollte, dann ist es die Verminderung des Leidens. Nicht immer so einfach wie es erscheint. Man muss sorgfältig hinschauen. Sonst hat man mal schnell einen Genozid mit dem verringern des empfundenen Leidens des eigenen Volkes organisiert …



In a world where a Senator can use a snowball as an “argument” it is hard to hope for science getting the attention it deserves.

But maybe the fact that the record from 1913 of 56.7C will tumble soon might make people realize what is happening. It has no scientific meaning. But people are not science literate. They take the benefits of science every minute of their live. But they can afford to ignore it.

The fact that the earth is hotter than ever before might be understood once the hottest temperature measured will be the one of this summer. And the next, and the one after that. It is 54.4C right now in death valley.