taking a page from Rove’s book

media politics

This Audi commerical -even though made for the UK market- will not really generate sales for the german car in the american midwest.

Audi’s thinking might be similar to that of republican strategist pursuing topics like the Geneva Convention or Gay marriage as ridicolous they are: If you lost half of the population anyway, you might as well go all the way and put out an extreme statement to get you attention. And voters at the polls or yuppies into the dealership.



The president, the terrorists, the lies

Olbermann delivers a commentary. Watching it you can also ‘test’ the Microsoft video service.
Much like Zefrank does not seem to blink, Olbermann does not need to breath when he talks.
He has a good writer though. And he is not holding back.



This weeks it’s trying to blame 9/11 on Clinton. Last week it was the rejection of the Geneva Convention. What it is ? Voter mobilisation attempts for the hard right wing people. Nobody votes in America. So if you get a core group ralied up enough to move their overweight asses of the couch and go to the polls then you win.

Karl Rove knows how to get those asses moving. He did so in 2004 with the gay marriage issue. A couple hundred thousand people went to vote against Soddom and Gommorah, and the whole country get another four years of the most incompetent administration it ever had. And, yes, once upon a time a guy called ‘tricky Dick’ ran the greatest country on earth. Still, the current regime tops it all.

Back to Mr Rove. He actually likes it, if people start a discussion. About Torture for instance. If he can get those people of their couches, because they think otherwise all of Al-Quaida get’s a free Disney Cruise as punishment than he want. He knows all to well that there is no way of convincing that large part of the population that his written off this President and his gang of Clowns. As long Rove’s people get rallied up enough to vote he wins. That’s why they roll poor Mr. Clinton out: The right wing voter base hates him. Still does, and by trying to tag 9/11 on him they try to brush over the little Iraq debacle.

who knew

daily life free of any reason politics

The Saturday stroll through those internets. Things I found along the way:

Spinach is bad for you while booze isn’t

Men are smarter than women and coding in Basic is awesome

In politics that are not occupied with an impromptu re-enactment of mideval ages there is Herman Munster (again!) and a President that will fix everything, with, well: Torture if his own Party would only let him

But there are also more substantial things to find, like the Stormtrooper Effect

option ARMs

daily life malware politics

Business week on so called option ARMs.

I always thought that ‘interest-only-loans’ would be a scary thing to sign.

Those poor people that will loose everything and then some. Many of them probably have jobs that require lots of time and effort to make some money. All they probably wanted to do, is to get ‘in on the action’ during that housing boom that is now so clearly over.



simple yet true

branding synergy


internet politics

this kind of moron gets elected

freaking clueless. OK. So be it. But then they start to meddle with the very things they have no freaking clue about. That is plain dangerous. I guess they might understand as little about the internet than they do about the other things they pass legislation on. Bunch of jokers. Since the people are asleep they get to decide what happens next. Good luck!

swetka 06 edition


realtime approval rating visualsation

since we wont need AFBs anymore soon

free of any reason politics

we could convert them to disco’s

The cold war was over. Just that too bad that certain people then got us into ‘perma-war’.
Good money for them, bad for ours

nine trillion???

history politics

nine million million US dollars
That’s more than thousand US$ for every person on the planet. Billions of them make less than that in a year.