eighteen Months ago the vice president predicted that the Iraq war would be over soon
What is ridicolous is that this administration is still been taken serious by some. Their track record of mis judgements is pretty stellar.
eighteen Months ago the vice president predicted that the Iraq war would be over soon
What is ridicolous is that this administration is still been taken serious by some. Their track record of mis judgements is pretty stellar.
this could be the next President
And that would make America the great country that it can be.
It’s Pearl Harbor Day. There should be a national 9/11 holiday. Instead of a pointless war against a country that had nothing to do with it. Bush, that man got stellar approval ratings when he promised cowboy like to ‘smoke them out’. Well, he failed, if you simplify the issue as the administration actually did for a while: OBL is still at large.
Why is it, that the good causes have always the worst
implementation of their communication attempts?
Hummer commercials are pretty cool. The car is pretty much the definiton of ‘sucks ass’. Ah, there is the ‘Sucks-Ass-one’, look how small the ‘Sucks-Ass-Three’ actually is. The commericals are pretty good though.
Maybe the sixteenth chapel is the way it is, since Mr Buonarrotti did it to pay the bills?
Today the 10 was packed. Stalled. All the way. The ’10’ is a highway in Los Angeles. Luckily I was traveling in the other direction. When I pass these traffic jams I wonder how much the cars are worth that sit there on the other side of the Highway. Since I am waiting on computers right now anyway, I did the math on that. I came up with 153 Million US$ dollars that I passed in ten minutes of driving. Assuming 15,000 US$ average car value. Since we are talking Los Angeles, so that might even be low.
The next thought is how much money has gone into expanding and maintaining that strip of road. How many new roads have been built? But the number of cars certainly has gone up.
The problem is, that people don’t make the connection anymore between traffic jam and road/car ratio. They just sit they and endure it. People actually endure allot of things.
Some things are so odd, weird, strange and yet predictable, you simply can not make them up:
Microsoft launches two products right now. “Vista” and “Zune”.
they migh have trouble working together
In case you don’t trust a site called “appleinsider” to break news about Microsoft products, here it is from the the horses mouth
OJ can stand for the juice of oranges or for a strange man, that had an even stranger run in with the legal system.
Youtube has now attorneys. And apparently they are bored.
top 10 spammers are supposed to create
80% of all spam.
I guess that each dollar a spammer makes costs around 10,000 US$ in damages. It might be good for the world, if these individuals would be prevented to use computers. Maybe a few companies get together and make sure that the top 10 spammers are always being caught?
A few weeks ago Karl Rove claimed that he was in ownership of the math. According to that he predicted a clear win of Senate and House for the Republicans. Somehow that did not happen. In 2004 the two biggest problems for the Democrats seem to be Kerry and that he opens his mouth and the myth of Karl Rove being able to mass mail always enough people to the polls making them believe that there are two choices: vote republican or Sodom & Gommorrah.
Since Mr Rove messed with so many people and was instrumental in keeping an administration in power that was clearly on the wrong track all the time it is only fair to dwell for a short time in glutony on his defeat. He was the one supposedly having ‘delivered’ elections. Not this time.
Mr. Rove: your math, even though you might think it is ‘the’ math, does not add up. Faith based math never engineered an airplane or anything that worked for that matter. Fundamentalism and it’s ignorance towards science never worked. If it appears to,, than it’s because there is real math and engineering going on behind the scenes.
As expected Mr Hussein has been convicted for crimes he commited in 1982.
Unrelated the voices get louder that call for the resignation of Mr Rumsfeld.
A google image search for both will show an image of both men in 1984. Back then Iraq was a friend of the US, since they would wage war against Iran.
After being in captivity for 1059 days the verdict against Saddam Hussein is expected for tomorrow. Two days before elections in the USA.