yahoo buyw konfabulator


Yahoo continues to buy good things. Their purchasing team almost rivals the one from Trader Joes by now. This move makes allot of sense for both sides:
Konfabulator survives the complete rip off that 10.4 is. And Yahoo get’s a reference implementation for their XML services. Which puts them more in the middle of things. There were rumors that google builts its own browser. Yahoo has now something a little bit apart from a browser, but fully supported,
with developer community and known javascript. Nice.

I am personally a little bit attached to Konfabulator, since I wrote the first game that my son designed in it.

one trick pony


A while back somebody figured out that it would look neat if you take a line of pixels and repeat it over the screen.
It is very sad that MK12 still makes an entire music video based on this simple gag in 2005.

I liked the effect. When I saw it in the first 3 commercials and videos. I am still surprised how people will over use everything. MK12
did some really nice work. How sad that they seem to be trapped in their own concepts.



in Germany you might get prosecuted for saying something like that

It’s called “Volksverhetzung” and Germany has very good reasons to restrict the freedom of speech, where it’s damning entire populations.

zoom out



4000 airports


a hack that I wanted to do since a long time

good idea





that’s what they are
looks terribly familiar.

who is afraid?


this looks odd in light of the general reaction of people in england towards the recent terror attacks.



lot’s of them

realplayer? obscure avi? your problem!


There are still lot’s of formats out there for video encoding and pakaging. I have he decided that I will not download any more codecs or players. No content is important enough that I would bother with more programs that need updates etc etc.
So, dear content provider, if you care about my precious eyeballs, then please encode your clips either in



windows media

Quicktime is preferred. The best looking content on the web is encoded in quicktime. Streaming should be avoided: You don’t have the bandwidth. Repeat after me: No matter how many servers and connections you might have or dream off: You don’t have the bandwidth. Unless you are Apple, but that is a different story.

If you do streaming, please do not use wmv. It simply does not work right.

Yikes! If somebody uses realplayer then you can be pretty sure this was a decission made by a big corporation trying to protect it’s ‘precious’ content. It will be protected alright: Nobody will care about it. No matter how many big media outlets have wasted years with pushing this junk. Real is dead. Nobody wants it. Case closed.

Oh, everybody has flash. And there are lots of “web developers” who actually just click around in the Macromedia UI. So writting 4 lines of html is too hard for them. The problem with flash is not only it’s bad quality. The UI of the player is always different. Maybe nice for the ego trip of a 23 yo “web designer”, but not good for usability: Remember it is a player. Not the center piece.
Nobody paints pictures on their TV cases. Ok, not many people do. Flash looks way ugly, can not be linked to, and really does not work.

AVI with some obscure Divx revision encoder.
Yeah, whatever. People pushing this content love to install the latest greatest codec some kid came up with. Nothing ever blew
me away. OK, not bad for a school kid in denmarkt. But definitely not worth the trouble.

So, please, quicktime.
