

Never mind if ([^<]+) means nothing to you. If you do you know then you might be a fellow scraper. Whether scraping is bad or not we don't know yet. It's possible, and that's all what matters to me right now.

what got me into computing

history misc technology

now things are coming into the open

1. I am that old.
2. I never used the gained knowledge

in case you care to know


In case you care to know how and why the US is in this the state that it is in.

takes a while till he get’s going, but is interesting never the less.



a plane checked out Wilma and found -yikes- that it’s pressure is the lowest of all 2005 hurricanes.

Since I am not a hurricane expert I have no clue what this means, all I know is that it #1 at BlogsNow right now. Bubbled to the top in the fast lane.

this discussion reads less dangerous.

corporate logos


worth 1000 corporate logos
via boingboing
via blogsnow

bubble 2.0


mtv buys ifilm.com
aol buys weblogs, inc
verisign buys weblogs.com
yahoo employs the author of blogdex
yahoo buys upcoming.com
yahoo bought flickr

google pretends that sun exists
google might spend some money on AOL
Yahoo and M$ will link their instant messenger application

if you look into the sky then you will probaly see a Learjet
with some exec’s rushing from deal to deal.

google trades for around 300 since months, Apple is a 53 right now.

I would call this a bubble.

or like this


leads to
which leads to
del.icio.us filetype:mov
which contains
last link you better mute the audio …

of course


there is no global warming

all on one page


My dear friend Andrew deserves his american citizenship. Only a true american can go to Europe and have the results of it on one page.

Seriously: As always gorgeous pictures.

it’s true


it really smells