this is gonna be weird


I will be offline until 3/30. No internet. No phone. No nothing. A first for almost ten years.

I am sure that everything that can go wrong will.



google maps This planet, really.

wikipedia link

It must suck if your capitals skyline is dominated since fifteen years by a gigantic failure. I wonder if the leadership of North Korea has ever considered flying a passenger jet into it. Isn’t it that tall buildings will collapse if that should happen?

on attention


Scott Berkum writes about attention

machine woes


This computer has had issues. It has been down for the greater part of March 15. Hope google picks this entry up before it craps out again.

quick links


ping get’s it’s pong

the pope get’s a pod

Brown bites back

A looser is loosing it

And the AC 130’s are going back to Iraq.
They, of course, have only one purpose: to spread democracy in the middle east. That’s how you spread democracy, right?



ok, this is getting ridicolous:

Google stock opened at 407.38 this morning.

Now they are at 427.50

In other words the value of Google has been increased by 5,955 Million dollars during today.

If you assume that market cap is the same as the value of a company.

misc links


things on a poster via veer

one blogger dreams

another blogger dreams

Fast Company about the future of Hollywood

worth the click for the first quote alone. I didn’t know that one, but I like it. Of course.

quick links


the other ichat

crawling out of the uncanny valley

maybe I should pick up hacking again
celebrity hacking.

twexus on PSP

misc Sony

I picked up a PSP just after it came out. Finally I got around and upgraded firmware on it. And now there is a web browser. The pairs mode of twexus runs nicely one it. 10 pixels get cut off, but that is fair enough for a website that I wrote three years ago. It actually looks decent. This is what my webserver says in the agent column:

Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00)

when the PSP comes along.

Boston Hotel


If you should ever stay in Boston and don’t need the generic upper class marble stuff. Or don’t want it, or can’t afford then I can wholeheartly recommend the

Newburry Guest House
261 Newburry

800 437 7668

Very nice rooms, decent atmosphere.
I like it allot.