Version 108

BlogsNow internet media

Version one hundred and eight of BlogsNow:

BlogsNow has feeds. With a twist, of course: the title contains ‘BlogsNow’ to make sure that people realise who brought them a topic first. Links click trhough BlogsNow so that I can see where which links get used and scraped. I also add the time in the link, so that I can see how long links linger out there. There are more rss bots than ever it seems. I am curious where the BlogsNow rss content will show up.

I then looked at the css file and messed around. Some people would call that a redesign. I would never attempt to consider my css dablings to be design. If I can read the text on the page then I am happy.

The logo did not feel right anymore, so I got rid of it. Which does not feel right either. Maybe I will have an idea. Yeah right.

Finally I added BlogsNow in the list of links. Click on the ‘x links’ below the subject and you can see the link history. Where did a topic show up when. Interesting to see how BlogsNow compares to other trackers.

IBM about the PC in 1981

history media

qt snippet

C as in Crazy

Apple media

John C. Dvorak writes that Apple would drop OS X and run Windows. When he mentioned this theory of his on TWiT a couple of weeks ago I bursted out in laughter. I think his full name is probably John -C as in Crazy- Dvorak. The real problem here is that he will continue to be listened too. Credibility seems not really needed anymore after the demise of the MSM.
Actually he is alright on TWiT. His snap judgement remarks are refreshing in all that geek mumbling.

thanks Amanda!

internet media

Rocketboom mentions BlogsNow:

15 seconds of fame

the end of Sony (again)

media Sony technology

Another perspective on Sony’s problems.
It is indeed tru that Blue-Ray has less bandwidth than recent DVD implementations. What’s the point in BlueRay?
Just the capacity? H264 compression will help there.

my clients and the superbowl

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing media

In alphabetical order:

A52, West Hollywood
Honda “Mudflap”

Brickyard, Boston
Mobil ESPN “Sports Heaven”

Mac Guff, Los Angeles
Nationwide “swing” “gondola” and “proposal”
Hummer “urban techno”

Mass Market, NY
Sierra Mist “Scanner”

Method Studios, Santa Monica
Budweiser “Wave”
Toyota “Tide”
Hummer “Monster

R!ot, Santa Monica
Ford Escape Hybrid “Kermit”

Nice lineup of work. Congratulations to everybody!
No, I did not work on anything directly. My job is it mostly not to get in the way of the real work and to provide the tools so that the work can get done. part 2

internet media

BMW thinks that 0.4% of their webtraffic in germany would come from google.

So they even has less of a clue than one would assume:

Search engines direct more than half of all web traffic.
Google is the biggest one. So despite their lame cheating attempt that got them banned last week they only get
0.4% of their traffic from Google? Somebody gotta tell these bozzos how to read a log file.

Most mom and pop shops in the US have a better clue about the internet than BMW.


google wants all your keystrokes

google internet media

had not seen ‘chat in gmail’ yet

a car

internet media

And what you can do to it:

Google video slowly starts to host all the things that mattered on those internet. This clip has been around for a while. I saw excerpts years ago.They will never sell any Videos over at google video, but hosting all this is nice nevertheless.

Sony’s clock is ticking

confessions of a pixel pusher history marketing media Sony technology

Sony makes amazing technology. Their professional Broadcast division did a great job with the HDCAM SR. Only the name was a gigantic mistake: Much like a Porsche competitor would call it’s car a ‘Yugo RS’.

Branding for the “bravia” seems to be working ok as well.

But: There is no Playstation-3. And there will be none that you can buy this year.
Blueray sounds like Betamax.

Sony was always bigger and more important than the other consumer electronics companies in Japan.
It will have been this size difference that led to their demise: They are not what IBM was to computers in the 70s
or Apple is to the mp3 player market. Still they are big enough to think that they can push their own formats
alone: Betamax, Minidisc, MemoryStick, iLink (only the name was different), and now blueray.

Sony leaned out of the window last year with the Playstation-3 Presentation. They would need to deliver
this year. And I am taking bets that they can not.

Sad really: I loved those Trinitron TVs in the 80s. Nothing came only close.