
confessions of a pixel pusher history internet media

The accidental hit that is not so accidental. A movie that takes 1 second in your head. From start to finish.

Also a first is that the fan base alters the actual piece. Curious how this one develops.

As the HR article points out: the actual movie website is probably not worth mentioning. I never been there.
The real discussion happens everywhere. Or nowhere. Which also means that you can not buy it.

Of course I am sure there are 20 wannabees “SoaP” clones being pitched: “Spiders in an Elevator”, “Lions on a Boat” wait a minute, “Crocodiles on a Bus”.

An idea sometimes only needs four words. And then there are millions and millions of words around it.
Just copying the original thought and altering randomly by 2%. Till something else hits.

A380 making of

history internet media technology

The soundtrack is boring. The editing uninspired. The camera angles lack anything that I would consider to be good work. It’s seven minutes long. It’s about an industrial process.

And still I think it is really really great. I am a geek and I like technology. I spend to much time in airplanes not to care about them. Every new A380 will fly over my house once when it will go from the Factory in Toulouse to the client center in Hamburg where it will get readied for the hand over. I think that clips like this will have a great future. There are fans for all sorts of products. People care where things come from. And most things are being made in a very interesting environments. You think people would watch a clip how an iPod is been made? How workers in a google data center push a shopping cart with replacement servers down an ever ending aisle of computers? Of course we care. Enough people do. If Airbus would have needed to buy 7 minutes TV airtime then they would have not had a success at hand. With those internets that is a different story now. Different technologies have allowed content to develop and take new forms. It takes a surprisingly long time though. For years early movies were nothing else then filmed theatre performances. For years the internet had to cary TV movies and ripped CDs. Only recently people realised that the internet can cary different content than existing / older media. There are hundreds of new genres to be discovered. This clip is a good example for one of them.

as we move forward

history media

the images change new content still lags behind years.

Will Wright on games

internet media

I have no time to read this, but I certainly will try to see what Will Wright says about games

since sxsw sucks

internet media

maybe it’s me. sxsw of course does not suck. But I could not find a RSS feed with media enclosures.
I can not be bothered to listen to mp3’s in my webbrowser. That’s that rss 2.0 with enclosures aka podcast
is good for. Their xml file did not work with iTunes. It was quicker to write a quick scraper than to navigate their site and make a big R&D project out of it. So here it is the homemade rss feed that will work in iTunes:

This might even work directly in iTunes

the story of the movie Tron

confessions of a pixel pusher google history media

Looks like an interest article about Tron.
Just that I have no time to read it right now.

tron on youtube

tron on google video

I let you decide what is more relevant and more interesting.

May 23: blue ray DVDs

media Sony

Sony will release a couple of blue ray movies. It is nice to hear that they set a precedence by outputing the analog signal at full resolution. How could the growing HD DVD competition not follow suit?
Having test signals as an ‘easter egg’ on the first blue ray disks makes sense: People that spend one thousand dollar for a device with ten titles instead of 300 dollars for one with 1,000 titles two years later really need ‘test charts’ to justify they purchase. This is the small, yet luctrative, market where you can sell a power cable north of a hundret US.

Hummer Money

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing media

bands rejecting hummer money

Modernista made some of the best car commercials for the ‘Hummer’ brand. I am lucky enough to have worked on and around some of them. I think that the Hummer is a really really stupid car. But I did not reject the ‘Hummer Money’. Well it would be kind of weird if I would turn the servers off because the images on them contain a gas guzzling SUV.

I respect those bands for making this decission. But I rather would work on a decent Hummer commerical than on a shitty one for a product that would make more sense. That’s just me. Everybody has to find his/her standards here.

As these incoherent ramblings show it is a matter of that is still bouncing around in my head allot: Where does the responsibility end. How much influence do you have. Not an easy question to solve. Except for when you stand at the sidelines and never get asked in the first place. Then of course it’s easy and conveinient to say “I would never do that”.

making of for a fake jpeg

Apple internet media

this video
is the ‘making of’ for the video ipod pictures that where roaming the internets.

No comments on the Microsoft Origami d-kitchen video. Not clear if intended or not.


internet media

I will not say anything about the fact that a viewer for internet based clip content is called “democracy”.

I tried it anyway. The site looks rather ‘pro’.

Impossible to google for, that’s what you get when you call your software ‘democracy’.

The things looks interesting. It has quickly put 2GB into ~/Movies/DTV.
The mix of python,VLC, bittorrent and quicktime is definitely a good recipe. We will see many ‘media meals’ based on these ingredients.