youtube and copyright

google internet media

the slate sheds some interesting light on Copyright and why youTube might be in less trouble than everybody claimed.

fxguide podcast

confessions of a pixel pusher media technology

The nice people at fxguide were brave enough to record my incoherent ramblings and put them up as a podcast. Luckily Angus Wall and Jeff Heuser were in the same podcast. They added sense and reason and made it so worth listening to.

multi touch interface

media not existing yet technology

a quick demo of a multi finger touch interface

Make sure to have alook at the image organisation application he shows around 3:40 before you click away.
There are lots of other TED demo’s online. This is -I believe- the first year that they publish these presentations. Worth the browse.

this american life


The NPR radio show “This american Life” is available as podcast.

Finally. Excellent!

taking a page from Rove’s book

media politics

This Audi commerical -even though made for the UK market- will not really generate sales for the german car in the american midwest.

Audi’s thinking might be similar to that of republican strategist pursuing topics like the Geneva Convention or Gay marriage as ridicolous they are: If you lost half of the population anyway, you might as well go all the way and put out an extreme statement to get you attention. And voters at the polls or yuppies into the dealership.

iTunes cover art meets monty python

internet media

with a twist of 2006 gore

I like

the idea
how quick the iTunes 7 cover art download was able to inspire this
that blogsNow keeps finding these things for me

I dislike

the story (or absence thereof)
the cheap-o Monty Python ripp off, wasn’t funny when Guiness did it a couple of years
the random violence on the level of fart humor
the fact that the quicktime is 4 by 3 aspect ratio!! People, please think. Not outside of the box,
just along it’s corners.

Lucas and the future as he sees it.

history media

Variety quoting George Lucas on the future of movies. Or rather the non existence of that concept. I think he has a point or two and misses on others. But it is worth mentioning since Mr Lucas spend some time on making films.


BlogsNow daily life media technology

I will miss Youtube. It’s as close I want to get to TV these days. BlogsNow is crawling back into existence. Slowly. It would only find two links worth mentioning right now. Bothsurrounding the Page meme. I wonder what the Republicans will come with. Maybee bomb North Korea?

Meandering through youTube’s suggestions I watched a bit of Daily Show (there is lots) and finally ended up with a video almost dedicated to Maf54.

confessions of a dangerous mind

history media

Watched Confessions of a dangerous Mind. Part of my catching up program. I need to fill up a couple of years of movie history. DVD’s are how people will judge a movie. It’s too bad if the movie falls technically apart on the media that it will be remembered from. There are lots of little gem’s in this show. It is very sad that the DI of the 40s flash back scenes falls entirely apart in it’s DVD rendering. Very likely much more a technical than a creative problem. It may even have looked interesting on film. The DVD however revealed a sole posterize orgy of 3 colors in those crucial scenes. A bit more care during post could have gone a long way here. This is especially sad since the attention to detail is so amazing in the rest of the movie. And it would have been pretty easy to avoid a mistake that takes you out of the movie for no good reason before it really gets started. Maybe Disney will go back to the original negative for the Blu-Ray or HD-DVD Version. Yeah, right.
If they can find it.



numbers on TV usage

There are more TV’s than people. The average person watches four hours thirty five minutes of TV.
That’s 494 505 frames of NTSC flickering. Every day.

I wonder how many people have no TV at all. A TV is the last thing I miss. They are huge, show crap, and just
sit there demanding to turned on. The laptop I fold, and that’s that. It’s gone, out of sight. Well, if it weren’t for the little white annoying pulsating light. One day I will cut the cord to that. It is annoying.