history internet marketing Sony technology

would be hyperbole but is actually true.

What exactly are media companies thinking?

double take

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing

“Imagine the car igniting the environment that it passes through”


This dialog happened twice:

Ford Fusion AND
Toyota Avalon

both have these amazing capabilities.

LTO labels

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing

A tape robot is kinda nice. Sometimes. In order to operate on several tapes you need to have labels.
In the case of the Exabyte Magnum 1×7 LTO robot it turned out that one sheet with 20 labels did cost 29 US$.

That is highly ridicolous. The fact that such a 10,000% markup scheme can exist is almost depressing: I don’t even want to know how many corporate drones order sheet after sheet from these people. And then it get’s hidden in some IT budget.

Don’t do that: LTO barcodes are simple. They are the ‘Code 39’ kind. I had to print them out with a scale of 122% (not
sure why and or if that was needed). It ended with L2, so I did that and the robot was very happy eating those selfmade labels.

Hummer Money

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing media

bands rejecting hummer money

Modernista made some of the best car commercials for the ‘Hummer’ brand. I am lucky enough to have worked on and around some of them. I think that the Hummer is a really really stupid car. But I did not reject the ‘Hummer Money’. Well it would be kind of weird if I would turn the servers off because the images on them contain a gas guzzling SUV.

I respect those bands for making this decission. But I rather would work on a decent Hummer commerical than on a shitty one for a product that would make more sense. That’s just me. Everybody has to find his/her standards here.

As these incoherent ramblings show it is a matter of that is still bouncing around in my head allot: Where does the responsibility end. How much influence do you have. Not an easy question to solve. Except for when you stand at the sidelines and never get asked in the first place. Then of course it’s easy and conveinient to say “I would never do that”.

the yin and yang of google

google marketing technology

I don’t get it they must be too smart for me. I can not see how this would be anything that google would be doing and why this makes any sense.

On the other hand this makes allot of sense
Imagine you are a small company: You pay some MS Exchange Expert and Microsoft quiet some money just to have email. Most features you would want you might get for free via “caribou”. Or for very little money.

I think it would make sense if the service is free. Eyeballs pay for it. Support could cost money. Putting ads in
outgoing email would be a big ‘nono’. Being a small company you don’t want to expose that you use a cheap/free service for email.

my clients and the superbowl

confessions of a pixel pusher marketing media

In alphabetical order:

A52, West Hollywood
Honda “Mudflap”

Brickyard, Boston
Mobil ESPN “Sports Heaven”

Mac Guff, Los Angeles
Nationwide “swing” “gondola” and “proposal”
Hummer “urban techno”

Mass Market, NY
Sierra Mist “Scanner”

Method Studios, Santa Monica
Budweiser “Wave”
Toyota “Tide”
Hummer “Monster

R!ot, Santa Monica
Ford Escape Hybrid “Kermit”

Nice lineup of work. Congratulations to everybody!
No, I did not work on anything directly. My job is it mostly not to get in the way of the real work and to provide the tools so that the work can get done.


communication internet marketing

mandyc19 seems to be online about 320 hours a day.
She certainly does allot of posting.

First Sony tries to ‘rootkit’ people, then the german BMW website get’s banned from google for spamming and now Nvidia gets in trouble for fake postings.
Oh, I forgot all those wikipedia edits by people working for the US Congress.

It all comes down to this:

Dear stupid-big-company-or-institution IF you decide to go out into these internets and try to do some bad stuff, please don’t act as if you would be a stupid-big-company-or-institution. If you act stupid there will be people finding you. And yes, BMW, Sony or Nvidia: The internet will make you common laughing stock within 72 hours.

You will not have enough marketing billions to recover from that. The gullible you still can buy. But not the next generation: Those people know better and will not forget.

Sony’s clock is ticking

confessions of a pixel pusher history marketing media Sony technology

Sony makes amazing technology. Their professional Broadcast division did a great job with the HDCAM SR. Only the name was a gigantic mistake: Much like a Porsche competitor would call it’s car a ‘Yugo RS’.

Branding for the “bravia” seems to be working ok as well.

But: There is no Playstation-3. And there will be none that you can buy this year.
Blueray sounds like Betamax.

Sony was always bigger and more important than the other consumer electronics companies in Japan.
It will have been this size difference that led to their demise: They are not what IBM was to computers in the 70s
or Apple is to the mp3 player market. Still they are big enough to think that they can push their own formats
alone: Betamax, Minidisc, MemoryStick, iLink (only the name was different), and now blueray.

Sony leaned out of the window last year with the Playstation-3 Presentation. They would need to deliver
this year. And I am taking bets that they can not.

Sad really: I loved those Trinitron TVs in the 80s. Nothing came only close.

ads for god

communication google marketing media

looking down

honda civic spot

confessions of a pixel pusher internet marketing media

a nice spot from W+K London for Honda.

As a flash player movie. The usual sad story:

I think the concept is brilliant.

It got implemented alright, although not appropiately: I am not sure about that the frozen car in the middle for instance).
Imagine for a few seconds what Frank Budgen would have done with this spot.

I like that they did a 120 again. Of course by now it’s the trend:
cog, hate, bravia: they all use the new format at least in the time dimension.

Aside-1: Nobody really used the freedom of aspect ratio yet. It always takes years for people to understand and use change.

Aside-2: I hope that they get it and make decent cinema commercials out of these overlong web edits. All of them would work great. Did the Bravia have a cinema media buy?

Then they have ‘viral’ intentions. And that’s usually when things fall down. Sony thought they needed to put things into a zip file for Bravia. Lame. W+K has an IP address and a flash player for the movie. YouTube and google also use this player.

It is a shame that Apple messed up and was unable to put quicktime in this place. Now we have to live with the wrong flat color and weird resizing artefacts. And with the fact that its’ tricky to download.

Google video:

I thought they would not get it all. It gets slowly better. Of course nobody will ever buy any contentfrom them. I think that Apple and Google are in for a surprise: there is no 2 dollar clip market.

Maybe G&A think that if you can make billions with ringtones that you might be able to monetize something a bit more meaningful like clips. I am not an expert on the ringtones thing, but isn’t it that it’s somewhat tricky to get free ringtones? The default costs money. Clips are different. There is ample free content.

Which is where google video starts to become better. I like that you can copy paste links:

THAT is something that W+K should have done for their “Viral”.
It’s easy and it respects the laws and dynamics of the internet.

Maybe next time. Or in five years. Ideas take time.

there is a quicktime / mpeg4 Version that looks so much better.

There is also an iTunes video cast Version with a 3 part “making of”. Maybe that campaign has more depth than was initially visible from that one link I found everywhere.

it work’s
digg, del.icio.us the whole nine yards. I am sure boingboing will follow. They are late these days.