animated favioncs

internet marketing technology

If you use Firefox then try this site. Nothing special, just that the pink cross will start spinning. Firefox can display animated gifs as favicons. Yes, there is no point to this. Now, the good news is, that once more people start cluttering a simple information system like a favicon, there will be an extension for Firefox to make them stop twitching if you so desire.

A favicon is a one-look information confirmation. It helps you to get very very quickly where you are. When it starts moving it does not at to this functionality. It actually breaks the purpose of those sixteen by sixteen pixels: First of all it’s distracting. Something moving is a visual cue. We are evelotunary trained to look at moving things: If it moves then we might want to eat or fuck it, or it might want to do the same to us. No, favicons probably don’t. But our visual perception system does not know that. So we look at it.

But there is nothing to see. Which is the second problem of this juvenile Firefox feature: What’s the point? You can not really make a meaningful animation at this size. Animation can help the meaning of signs. An arrow symbol can be suported if it moves. An animated favicon is like a moving letter. There is a reason why animated type is not the default setting, even though computers could jiggle letters around at ease. It’s annoying, distracting and simply pointless.

Which is the third and final problem of those 256 pixels playing quick chameleon: if you need eye candy like this, then you might be a little bit insecure if the actual content and your site is worth remembering. It’s the equivalent of a loud dress. It’s fad, and it will come and go. Dancing Baby, moving icon. Seen that. Ignored that.

cingular web interface

communication history internet marketing technology

Cingular is one of these phone companies. They have a website. Allegdly you can do certain thing on this site.
Well, I just tried it, and it is broken. Never mind the cluttered design or the appauling animations. And
that html code that rushes over the page. It claims it can not find my phone number. It accepts a login, but
then can not find the records. Trying Safari instead of Firefox is says now that my account has been locked.

That’s all fine. But why did they waste their money on a website in the first place if they can’t make it work.
Can’t wait for skype to clean up with those telcos: I will not shed a single tear after any of them. Mindless stupid companies. They need to go away. Oh, and they will. They had it coming.

one plus one might be less than one

coming to a museum near you communication history marketing technology

Ars Technica took notice that Nokia is stop selling their phone/game combination ‘N-Gage’.

Cellphones and gaming both have enjoyed huge growth rates since Nokia introduced the device in 2003.
Somehow Frankenstein concepts don’t seem to work.


double take marketing media

Northwest Airlines
One to One

Frou Frou

great campaign, Sony

internet M$ marketing media technology

The xbox crashing meme has reached slashdot.
Sony is huge. Their Music division probably messed up on a scale that will be stellar for times to come. But their Playstation 3 dept. does rather well: For the XBox 360 this week is really really important. People listen to what people have to say. If the bad news continues to stick with the XBox 360 then this could be tricky for those brave people in Redmond that took on the gaming market. All the pre order sales have been done by hard core gamers. I don’t numbers on this, but my guess is that you really start making money with games (and therefor the consoles) once you reach the broader range of the not so hard core gamers. And for those people it matters if they spend 400 now or 400 later. These people might just wait for the PS3. If they do then Micosoft just lost a big part of the head start bonus. Looking at those ‘internets’ right now it appears as if Sony does an excellent job in putting bad word of mouth around the 360.
Just don’t think that the Music division could benefit from Sony’s PS3 underground marketing skills. They will simply never find the person who might in charge for this. That has nothing to do with the cladestine nature of this. It’s just that Sony is as broken as most big companies are.

fifteen years ago

history marketing media

With a friend I started a little Ad Agency in 1990 called “Thema”.

We sold ads in computer games. Made games to promotes ads in them.

Now it would work:

But now everybody is doing it.

eleven seconds

communication duke of count marketing media

Consumers today encounter from 3,500 to 5,000 marketing messages per day, vs. 500 to 2,000 in the 1970s, says J. Walker Smith, president of consumer and marketing watcher Yankelovich.

from USA today

the duke of count says:
assuming you are awake for 16 hours that means you get a new
marketing message every eleven seconds.