An easy way to run things on remote machines in unix has been the ‘rsh’ command.
For instance:
rsh -l guest remote-machine command-to-run-on-that-machine
would execute the command on the other machine. Of course things need to be set up for that. It used to be simple, but the default installs
for redhat redhat (and possible other installs) need a bit of tweaking. Here a quick and dirty recipe. This openes the machine to the public,
so don’t do it on any computer exposed to the internet or a bunch of untrustworthy users.
useradd guess
(remove !! from /etc/shadow for user gues)
A user guest with no password exists. Cool and scary. Up to you.
rpm -i rsh-server-0.17-21.i386.rpm
Versions might be different, check if it does already exist
(set disabled="off" to disabled="on" in /etc/xinetd.d/rsh)
killall -HUP xinetd
Tell xinetd that it is allowed to start rshd if an incoming connection is being made.
cp /etc/pam.d/login /etc/pam.d/rsh
This is a true hack for people that don't know what they are doing. I have no idea what
the side effects are of this. It worked for what I had to do, but it might be completely
From now on you can do things on that machine as the user 'guest'.