linux, I hate yer


As nice as a working default install can be as terrible can things go with the very same software. I just wasted three hours trying to get lm_sensors to work on a Fedora Core4 install on a different, yet not exotic hardware. While I am convinced it can be made work, I just don’t feel the need to spend 4 days on something that took 4 minutes on another machine. What I really hate about Linux is that it is almost impossible to find out how long something will take. The range is usually between four minutes and four weeks. Just that some things are worth 7. Minutes or Hours, it really depends.

The other thing that I hate about Linux is that people just assume that the whole god damn world knows about their specific prerequisites. Of course you have this, that and the other thing installed and configured so that all these modules do indeed find each other. There needs to be a definition of ‘mainstream’. You go on a web page and see: Supported on mainstream, not supported on mainstream. As simple as that and you already could know if you are in the 4 minute range or not. Of course there is always a fix. Of course it can be all done easily if you just learn this, and install that. And oh, yes, of course you need to get some other things as well with it. Nightmare, that’s what it is.

The fix will be that a couple of ‘distros’ dissapear into obscurity. Would be also nice if the same configuration files would live in the same place on different distros.

temperature monitoring redhat fedora core 3 with asus A8V board

BlogsNow linux

BlogsNow started crashing. I wonder if it is the CPU temperature. Since I am a 5000 miles away from the computer I needed something to measure the temperature. This was harder to google to than it should be. In the end it was as simple as:

yum install lm_sensors
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors start

[accept all defaults]

[will output what the machine feels like]

now I need to copy this to another machine and then I know what happens when the machine dies.

A super simple monitoring way is to create an executable cgi file in your webservers path like this:

echo Content-type: text/plain
echo ""

And then you wget / cron on a different machine to get the status and pipe it to one file …

samba samba-3.0.14a-2 and OS X 10.4 wont work

confessions of a pixel pusher linux OSX

If you try to mount a samba 3.0.14 volume from an OS X 10.4 client then the mount will never finish / connect and you will get an entry in the syslog of your server like:

smbd[30115]: [2006/02/14 18:15:46, 0] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_mem_get(537)
smbd[30115]: prs_mem_get: reading data of size 2 would overrun buffer.
smbd[30115]: [2006/02/14 18:15:46, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_bind_req(919)
mailhost smbd[30115]: api_pipe_bind_req: unable to unmarshall RPC_HDR_RB struct.

The fix is easy: just upgrade samba to 3.0.20 and things work again. Fedora Core 4 comes with
this ‘bad’ samba, and only OS X 10.4 barfs on it according to the net. 10.3 is supposed to be fine.

924 searches a second

google linux

In December 2005 Google handled an average of 924 searches a second. It was 528/sec a year before. Every search is done against the content of some eight billion documents or so. I think that is rather impressive. All done on Linux machines.

In December ’04 Google did three times more searches than MSN, a year later that ratio had changed to 4.4 times.
Summer 2004 Steve Ballmer had said:

“We don’t want to be a fast follower. If we’re not first, we’ll be a fast follower, but we really want to be first.”

Mick Jagger is know to have said: “You can’t always get what you want”

Numbers from Nielsen

When I was digging for those Ballmer quotes I read a couple of articles about Microsoft and search. They had the tone as if Microsoft and the world was taken by surprise by the success of search. It sometimes sounds as if search came out of nowhere. I think Microsoft decided consiously not to pay attention to search around 2000 when it should have. They probably underestimated the value that is out there on the internet in this uncontrollable heap of information and tools. Microsoft owns the PC operating system and office software market. They simply assumed that all the valuable content would be created within their domain. Therefor they would just need to go along, release a nice pace of updates for Office, Entourage and Windows and that would be that. The internet, so they thought, is something you browse for entertainment with IE in the lunch break. They won the browser war, so what could happen to them?

As confident as the Armada did they sail into this century. And they are sinking as fast as those spanish ships did 418 years ago. Their stock price is flat. They share with Sony the grief about not being part of the booming mp3 business. Longhorn is called Vista now. It’s ok, but the excitement is largely missing. Google just started the next phase of competition by replacing the functionality of Exchange with a free service of theirs. As a little side node here: Web pundits had speculated in vivid colors how there would be a web based word or excel product to challenge the dominating products made in Seattle. Of course it makes so much more sense to start with Microsoft Exchange. Email is, after all, already a network based system. So much for the collective wisdom of crowds.

Microsoft never anticipated that there could be a whole new use of computers that would have nothing to do with writing texts or doing spreadsheats. Microsoft got their lucky break from the lack of imagination and enthousiasm at IBM when it created the personal computer. Only few years of big blue being asleep at the steering wheel, gave Bill and his people enough time to become leader in this emerging field. And they made all the right moves to stay ahead of the game since then. The PC OS market has been domimated by Microsoft very much like IBM had been sucessfully leading the computation field before. IBM could not imagine that the PC that they started would change everything. Nor could Microsoft imagine that the internet would do it all over again.

Imagination is not very tangible. It’s lack however can cost you billions. And somehow it always does.

web interface for exabyte LTO tape robot

confessions of a pixel pusher linux technology

When you buy the tape robot Exabyte Magnum 1×7 you can download a command line tool called
libTool to control it.

Since command line is not everybodies most favorite interface I wrote a little web interface for it.
It will show you which tape is where and can move tapes betweens slots, the drive and the door.

Drop me a line if you could use this. I wrote it, since there was nothing out there. It requires the libTool linux command line application and a webserver.

: undefined reference to `mysql_connect’

linux technology

gcc -o mysqlclient mysqlclient.c  -L /usr/lib/mysql/ -lmysqlclient -lz
/tmp/ccllX580.o(.text+0x40): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `mysql_connect'

mysql_connect is old news.

I am writing a mysql client in C. Since it has been a while I am googling for simple templates, and only found an ancient one at first. Google likes old pages.
Then I found this example chapter of the Mysql book by Dubois. I read it, it’s great. The best book I know on the matter. By leaps and bounds better than the O’Reilley one.
Anyhow. I think there was a source CD. Maybe not. Wouldn’t it be great if you get the example code and reference material online. Of course people might not buy the book then. Simple solution: Print on every page little and subtle line numbers. The web site serving the source code would ask occassionally: “please enter the seond work of line 45 on page 315”. If you get it right you get a couple of more page views. Mildly annoying, but better than looking for the CD.
Actually you could put the entire book online like this.

A Book also makes a pretty good dongle.

mail server


Just finished installing a mail server. Using postfix, courier-imap, virtual domains via mysql tables, spam assassin, postfix admin and finally squirrel mail. Making the gory linux stuff got working was harder than it should have been. Probably because of the fedora core 4 distro I used. Authdaemon woes. Convoluted configuration files and compilation
options. Next time I will try the very same system with a debian install and see if it really can be done with a couple of apt-get commands.

But now that things work it seems to be very nice. ClamAV needs to get added at some point, and there are probably twelve million add ons for squirrel mail etc. But overall it works like a charm.

And running this postfix system means one less Microsoft exchange server.

postfix and the magic slash


When messing with virtual mail boxes stored in mysql for postfix make sure to append a / for the directory described in the postfix.mailbox.maildir column. If you don’t do that, then you can accept mail at the virtual user / domain but it will not be stored in the maildir format. Which will cause courier-imap to complain.

simple. yet not.



I had a suse enterprise (yeah right) machine freak out a display all the time. It really really wanted a super high resolution. Even in the boot (F2) text mode. Not sure if that is the default or just a mis install. The remedy is easy once you know what to tweak. In /grub/conf/menu.lst the default line had a screen entry like vga=0x31a
Once I changed that to vga=0x317 the whole thing looks much nice.


confessions of a pixel pusher linux

Installing fedora core4 on a software raid1 with two disks.

Running yum update.

grub will get stuck in ‘stage2’

rinse – repeat.