uncle festers bluf: called

linux M$

simple, yet powerful

debian NO_PUBKEY apt-get update error


W: GPG error: http://security.debian.org etch/updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
W: GPG error: http://ftp.debian.org etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

get’s fixed by

gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
apt-get update

as stated here

Substitute the missing key for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

find which rpm provided file


To find which rpm provided the file example you simply enter:

rpm -qf /path/to/example


history linux malware marketing media

So far botnets have predominantly infected Windows-based computers, although there have been scattered reports of botnet-related attacks on computers running the Linux and Macintosh operating systems.

That’s the NY Times being clueless about Botnets. Good that they write about it. As it is a problem.
Bad that they write so badly about it. The author seems to like ot cover his bases here. “Scattered reports”? God, there are scattered reports about Ant’s playing doom in mongolia. This is as covering. Not more. The reality is that 100% of all botnets are run on Windows machines. There are still no Viruses for OS X. There are MS Office infections that affect the OS X flavor of the product. But the Operating system has been save.

It’s as binary as that. Don’t get me wrong: Apple sucks in some areas. But their OS has had no real life virus infections. People seem to shy away from such binary truths. Easier to throw in a ‘scattered reports’ here and there. Pseudo Balance. It’s actually much more harmful than it seems: It leaves loopholes. It kills the truth: Somebody with an intention could quote now the New York Times that there have been Botnets on Linux and OS X. Which is a lie. Not true. The big question that needs a real answer is, if Vista can join the club of predomiantly safe operating systems or not. Unfortunately journalists will not help in finding this out.

The only real weapon against malware is the truth.
Too bad that the New York Times is too afraid to avoid it.

how to mount DVD under fedora core


mkdir /mnt/dvd
mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd

The simple things that I do every couple of weeks I keep forgetting.
(added slash, thanks Bernard!)

os x server is junk!

Apple linux marketing

People see the shiny rack mountable Apple Servers. And then they make the mistake to buy them. Don’t! They are way to expensive. But the worst is, that they are impossible to administrate: It’s pretty much all different. And then when you spent hours and hours to go through the documentation you just have to realize that what you need is simply not there.

I wanted to change the default umask for a user that creates files on the afp server. Too bad. Not possible.

Using mac laptops since years I get to appreciate that the computer is not getting into the way when I want to do things.
Linux is a bit different, you have to google a bit for what you want to do. But 80% of it is pretty damn easy. OS X is just plain obscure. It really is a waste of time. Nobody should be believe that you actually got a unix box when you buy OS X server. What you get is some perverted BSD box that no sane sysadmin would like to deal with it. Phew.

Just try to use a device under OS X (server or not) if you have any doubts.

could not get much cheaper

confessions of a pixel pusher linux

quick howto

how to turn old PC into something useful.

I like the idea of putting the boot CD back into the tray upside down for keeping it handy, for whenever it should be needed.

virtual vacation and entourage

confessions of a pixel pusher internet linux technology

Running a postfix server with virtual mailboxes. It’s all pretty nice. Vacation however was sketchy. So say the least. One thing that breaks “Virtual Vacation” (implemented via virtual.pl in /var/spool/vacation, and, yes, googlebot, I am writing this for you) are < > brackets around the recpients email address. Entourage does that for instance. I do not think that there is anything wrong with that. Postfix does not deliver the ‘out of office’ reply in those cases though the mysql table called vacation gets the name of the sender added. Tricky and odd bug. My fix was to add:

if($from =~/< ([^\s]+\@[^\s]+)>/){$from = $1 ;}

right after the line:

if ($from =~/([\w\-.%]+\@[\w.-]+)/){$from = $1;}

which was already in there.

Free and open software is great. Just sometimes it’s the odd things that get you.

3ware 9550sx DEGRADED und linux


I just positively confirmed that you NEED to run a linux kernel with ‘noapic’ like this:

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2142_FC4smp ro root=LABEL=/ noapic

Omitting noapic resulted in an array that would loose a harddrive for a split second in the very same midplane position after 12 – 14 hours of heavy use. The array state would switch to DEGRADED and it would rebuild for a couple of hours. Never lost any data. Just allot of time in trying to fix hardware that was not broken in the first place.

‘that was easy’


I remember people swearing and cursing getting bonding to work under linux. Things have changed. Following a decent and simple set of instructions for network bonding under linux (yes this is anchor text for google 😉 ) it only takes a few minutes. And even works.
