
internet media

pushes it’s shopping cart through the internet and drops websites it’s passes in it
They have the money, and with the flickr purchase (or did I dream that) and wikipedia cooperation (since they can not buy it) have proven good taste.

the other side of the tube

daily life internet media politics

while you are watching commercials for something this is what is going on

google video: muscling in

google internet media

of course all eyes are on google on this one. google is big, video will be big. 1+1 = 2. Easy to see for everybody. Yes? Kind of. The devil is in the detail. I think that google-video will not be that great.

Right now it is content driven. A real long tail market. And people expect content to be free. Google has the bandwidth and the server capacity. But for a publisher they have very very sketchy terms.

They think they don’t need to sort these things out. After all, they are google. Their Midas effect was never as it looked. All the projects that did not work out, simply dissappeared. Google Video might be one of them.

shower jesus

daily life free of any reason internet

whatever happened to the lincoln fry from the super bowl?


Apple history internet politics

I had been a while. I used skype again today, and I must say it works great. Right now there are 2.6 Million users online. Not bad.

George Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq the day he became elected. After 9/11 it was a done deal. Everybody knew that. But he denied it. He talked allot about a connection with 9/11 (not existant) or WMDs (not existant). Somewhere I saw a bumper sticker that read “Nobody died when Clinton lied”.

The Downing Street Memo’s are clear evidence that President Bush lied in matters of war and peace.
Thousands died, Billions were spent, and, yes, George sat in an Airplane that landed on an aircraft carrrier. “Mission Accomplished” it said on the banner behind him. That was years and hundreds of US casulties ago.

It is time for realities to catch up with George W Bush. I anticipate lots of disctractions. Maybe they even raise the thread alert to orange. Whatever happened to that little color system? After the election it seemed not to be needed anymore. Or have all Terrorists retired? Strange that we forget about that one. It will come back if needed, I am sure.

Apple? Apple will be a software company. OS X runs on Pentium. There will be a choice: Run Windows or run OS X. It is easy, once all the Applications exist as Pentium/PowerPC binaries. Drivers and all the legacy hardware? Apple will simply ignore that. Keep things simple. Just certain boards, busses and cards will be supported. But the variety in interfaces is declining anyway. Apple does not need 100% of the market. The more afluent 40% are good enough. For every hardware sell they loose they get 20 new OS X users. Those might not even buy the OS. But they will run iTunes, buy songs, and at some point movies.

It is really hard to find _anybody_ that gets excited about it.

misc links


own a PC for six cents or pay nothing

china is smoking

this is worth a look

Online book sellers and travel sites took existing business models and adopted them online.
The next step was to come up with new businesses running by those old rules (lot’s of capital investment etc) but make
a new product, only possible on the internet. Think google or ebay.

The current wave goes one step further: craigslist and wikipedia replace existing established (online) businesses by
making use of the fact that the web allows you to run things tremendously cheap. Unbeatable.

Coming back to the link above: Somebody has to do this micropayments.

BlogsNow Version 2: Preview Version live

BlogsNow internet

The first public page of BlogsNow Version 2

The link above will go to a preview page of BlogsNow Version2. It is just the latest links. BlogsNow Version2 became a complete rewrite. None of the old code or data has been used. Just the experience.

BlogSpam is one of the biggest issues for a Meme Tracker like BlogsNow. Rigth now it looks as if 25% of all active blogs are spam. Created by programs, not people. Created to make a quick bug for somebody somewhere.

It was an interesting mental excercise to spend so much coding time on this subject. My spontanous reaction to ‘spam’ is that I really hate it. I hate the concept to create huge damages for many people just so that very few have a little financial gain. But being furious is not a good mental state to write code in. At least not for me. So I had to get over it, and just
turn it off. It looks as if it works right now.

Since spam filtering works I could include hosted blogs in BlogsNow Version 2 again. Which is nice,
since there are jsut so many blogs on there. It was a sad day when I was forced to turn the crawl off for it in Version 1.

blogsnow V1 was fast. BlogsNow Version2 is even faster. It runs circles around Version1: An analysis of last 50,000 links
added to the blogosphere (covering something like 5-10 hours right now) takes about 30 seconds. Version1 is busy for about five minutes on the same task.

The Preview page gets a fresh data set every three minutes. Since it can 😉 The Ranking is a mix of number of links and time since the link has been added: Links added right now have full weight, while the last one has no weight. I think I will be playing with the exact recipe for a little bit.

The Preview page has no features. Of course there will be pages with who links to what, etc. I am somewhat undecided on RSS. Version1 had no RSS half it’s life. People got all excited when I added it, but I did not see the use spread or be particularly interesting. I think that many people just ‘collect’ RSS feeds like they do bookmarks. But they actually never go back, since they are busy chasing the next butterfly. So I might as well skip RSS. Except for movies and mp3. Media Enclosures make sense. And yes, BlogsNow will have those lists as well.

Let me know what you think about this little glimpse on the future of BlogsNow Version2.

they are

art internet photo

everywhere !
thanks for the link: Biddy.

not the last time we will hear this

Apple internet M$ malware

malware alliance
What would happen if the masses of recruited Windows PCs are able to impact bigger part
of the internets, so that outages will be noticebale for more people?

Think “Dr. Evil”. :

You want the internet back? That would be “one million dollars”.

Thanks Microsoft. I hope Bill is paying the ransom he and his OS have caused.

It’s not the internet that is vunerable, it is not the computers. It is the operating system called Windows made by Microsoft.
Technically all systems can have viruses. In reality only Microsoft Windows systems are part of these malware empires.

Since people tend to say different: This has nothing to do with market share. 10% Apple Systems is by far enough to be
attractive. In the webserver market Mirocroft products are the minority but still manage to host all the interesting exploits.

It’s a design problem, and a historical one. For Windows security the geenie is out of the bottle. Apple can afford to fix every problem that becomes known: Their virus count is zero. It is so much easier to go back to zero from one than from multiple thousand.

internet history

history internet M$ technology

a brief history of the internet
Linked from there: Bill Gates on “Hobby Software” 1976.
