/. 0 – mac mini 1

Apple internet

Being slashdotted used to be every webmasters dream and nightmare: That one popular website linking to your obscure site would bring you those fifteen thousand clicks of fame and mostly take your webserver with it.

Things have changed:

This page runs on Apples cheapest computer that they offer. It got the ‘link love’ a couple of hours ago, yet it seems unharmed. There are a couple of reasons for this: The page is static html. The connection is able to cope with the load. A mac mini is actually quiet able to handle lots of web traffic. I don’t think that it has anything to do with the fact that slashdot has lost it’s bite.

that’s odd

Apple internet

Trying to dowload a 3.6 MB big .dmg file from Apple. It stalls. Four times at different points in the download. In safari, firefox and wget.

Logging in to a different machine. File downloads without any problem.
Downloading it then file via scp or httpd from the new location to my compueter works.

Something between my machine and apple get’s in the way. It is only level3.net
and the ISP and then akadns.net

Is this a bug or the beginning of ‘traffic shapping’ ?

making of for a fake jpeg

Apple internet media

this video
is the ‘making of’ for the video ipod pictures that where roaming the internets.

No comments on the Microsoft Origami d-kitchen video. Not clear if intended or not.


internet media

I will not say anything about the fact that a viewer for internet based clip content is called “democracy”.

I tried it anyway. The site looks rather ‘pro’.

Impossible to google for, that’s what you get when you call your software ‘democracy’.

The things looks interesting. It has quickly put 2GB into ~/Movies/DTV.
The mix of python,VLC, bittorrent and quicktime is definitely a good recipe. We will see many ‘media meals’ based on these ingredients.

Version 108

BlogsNow internet media

Version one hundred and eight of BlogsNow:

BlogsNow has feeds. With a twist, of course: the title contains ‘BlogsNow’ to make sure that people realise who brought them a topic first. Links click trhough BlogsNow so that I can see where which links get used and scraped. I also add the time in the link, so that I can see how long links linger out there. There are more rss bots than ever it seems. I am curious where the BlogsNow rss content will show up.

I then looked at the css file and messed around. Some people would call that a redesign. I would never attempt to consider my css dablings to be design. If I can read the text on the page then I am happy.

The logo did not feel right anymore, so I got rid of it. Which does not feel right either. Maybe I will have an idea. Yeah right.

Finally I added BlogsNow in the list of links. Click on the ‘x links’ below the subject and you can see the link history. Where did a topic show up when. Interesting to see how BlogsNow compares to other trackers.

gmail: you suck

google internet

As much as I like a free thing that works mostly. Today google over did it:

I understand their urge for more money ( they are only worth billions by now) so they like to peddle their “google talk service”. At first I was mildly shocked when I had to click through their “there is google talk” banner page in order to get to my emails. I thought that would be it and I had gmail for years, so once a year one screen to click away is ok.

But now they draw a little overlay over every email address that the mouse is hovering over. How annoying is that!
If they don’t shut that of soon ( I looked in the preferences and it seemed there was no way to do that ) then I will get my imap install going on andreaswacker.com. Or maybe google does not like to store 1038 MB worth of email for me anymore and they like to annoy me so that I go away? Either way, if this nonsense does not stop soon then I will migrate my mail over to my server again. That will be an interesting ‘pop3’ session: 1GB of email …

update 2/17/06: google stoppped displaying those pesky overlays. Glad about that.
Don’t really have the time right now to get imap going on my own domain.

thanks Amanda!

internet media

Rocketboom mentions BlogsNow:

15 seconds of fame

Dick the hunter, blogs, BlogsNow and the others

BlogsNow internet

Mr Cheney shoots somebody in a hunting accident. No big deal really. The victim is up and well.

But it’s an interesting test of of all those meme trackers that are out there. I saw it first on BlogsNow, where it got listed one hour ago and occupies the number 1 spot with 50 links. Memeorandum has it as well. Also #1 there, not sure how long, there is Michelle Malkin and 3x an AP story as well as 6 links from the selected pool of sources they track.

All others however did not show the story at all when I visited them. I did build BlogsNow for speed and coverage. Looks like it does what it issupposed to do.

bmw.de: part 2

internet media

BMW thinks that 0.4% of their webtraffic in germany would come from google.

So they even has less of a clue than one would assume:

Search engines direct more than half of all web traffic.
Google is the biggest one. So despite their lame cheating attempt that got them banned last week they only get
0.4% of their traffic from Google? Somebody gotta tell these bozzos how to read a log file.

Most mom and pop shops in the US have a better clue about the internet than BMW.


google wants all your keystrokes

google internet media

had not seen ‘chat in gmail’ yet