
internet politics

this kind of moron gets elected

freaking clueless. OK. So be it. But then they start to meddle with the very things they have no freaking clue about. That is plain dangerous. I guess they might understand as little about the internet than they do about the other things they pass legislation on. Bunch of jokers. Since the people are asleep they get to decide what happens next. Good luck!


internet malware

Around 80% of all blogcontent is spam. You probably never see it. But search engines do. And that’s what the spammer hopes for. So called Splogs try hard to look like real content. Sometimes the spammer uses buggy code. Like in this example:
Here the keywords have not been replaced. They still are called {keyword} in the text. This splog is pretty typical in many aspects: Please note the google ads. Yes, google does do business with this kind of content. They do not care. Actually google is responsible for allot of spam, since it’s adsense ads are a premiere resource of revenue for spam like this. The content in this ‘blog’ has simply been ‘scraped’ aka copied or some would say ‘stolen’ from legit weblogs. Easy to do. The next step in a splogers enterprise is to generate as many pages as possible and to put them into search engines. 70% of all interenet trafic gets steared by search engines. Getting only 0.01% of that can make you a rich man.
Of course the content is around a recent event. That might get you ahead of real content for a day or two. Enough to make a couple of hundred dollars in some cases. And, yes, google pays.

four and a half hours

confessions of a pixel pusher internet media

Over time I did subscribe to a podcast here and there. A bit of NPR, fxguide of course, Twit, Adam Curry was only worth listening to a year ago. He is long gone from the cut. Even though I try to keep the list edited I can not keep up any more. Todays download would take 4.5 hours to listen to. Easy for the shuffle, hard on me.
There is simply not enough Lawn to mow, commute (replaced by getting breakfirst rolls from the bakery), floor to vacuum in my life. And hour or two, I can squeeze in.

Of course this is just one sign of the times: Content is available in abundant supply. Ten years ago Cinefex was pretty much the only magazine covering visual effects. Quartely. Now there are lots and lots of podcasts, websites, newsletters around the same subject. Weekly.

I looked at the Millimeter Magazine website today. Interesting, yes. Couldn’t find the subscribe button. So, no, they did not make the cut. Clicked on that funny icon just to find out that they try to use flash video. What a joke! Somebody have a the mercy to explain to them that their audience is different from youTube, and that they should use quicktime.

But with all those gigabytes streaming through to my hard drive they are not worth the consideration.

Media darwinism two thousand six. Lots of content producers are in a for a surprise.

this will be big news

google internet

google checkout

If lots of merchands sign up then this will be a big deal.

why did google blog at 3:00 am about it?

kevin smith releases directors commentary for Clerks II on iTunes

internet marketing media technology

It looks as if Kevin Smith will release a directors commentary for his upcoming Clerks II movie on iTunes. The story floats around on the internet. People point ot a Times interview with him. Of course this is a great idea. It makes allot of sense. Specially for an audience like his. I did watch most of video podcasts that he had running along the production of the sequel. They vary, some are nice, others are not. He ran through his crew and asked people like the loader, script supervisor etc. what exactly they would do on a movie set. I am surprised that these posts never got any big traction on the internet. I only watched the Singer/King Kong episode from similar King Kong and Superman projects. I wonder is “Snakes on a Plane” needs one. Probably not. That movie got made by those four words. Four words can get a movie into your head. No podcasts needed.

photographers on the internet

art history internet

well known photographers and how the internet would treat them

connexion to be sold?


Boeings system to have internet on planes is maybe on the market

I used when on a plane with Lufthansa. It might be a marketing issue: Most people in the US do not know about this system. If Boeing would have given it away to one national US carrier for a discount, then the others would have needed to follow suit.

that would be the problem

internet media

google gives away free videos!

well, actually it scheds some intense light on the actual problem of Google video:

Why would you want to spend between one and five US dollars for this?

Essentially there are two broad uses for the internet:

You look for something specific for whatever reason.

You click around for entertainment.

The later mode could be compared to ‘channel flipping’ on a TV. The first one is search. And there there is everything in between. Google video satisfies neither. Video is mostly of the second kind, and youTube caters to this market way better as Google ever did or will do. They went into the video market from the corporate aspect, and they lost. They can afford to loose. But they certainly don’t have the web-midas touch. Actually most things they tried are kind of lame. If you consider that they get heaps of free PR for anything that they start, then it is kind of lame that gmail and google news are the only ones that are in wider use.

Today GOOG trades around 400 US$ which makes it worth 122 Billion US$.
Which would mean that the company is worth as much as the nominal Gross Domestic Product of either Israel, Colombia or the Tchech Republic. if I understand this Wikipedia list right.
That’s right: countries with millions of people, all they make in a year worth as much as company in Mountain View employing a couple thousand people.
I think we should rename the stock symbol to GOOF.

da eighties

coming to a museum near you communication history internet media

1400 music videos from the 80s.

Haven’t counted them. Flash encoded. Which -of course- sucks. Ripped from various source it seems. Hardly legit. Nenne Cherries “Man child” I missed back then. Interesting how motion-control + green screen was enough back then to be concept. It is a shame that it is not MTV that does make this work acessible. I hope they kept copies of things they did broadcast. Probably on “D2” tape. Over the last 30 years society has accumulated a huge amount of so called ‘pop’ culture. That video wasn’t cheap. It is not entirely rubbish either. There is just no way to really access it. I am sure as I write this somebody is deleting unknowingly a rare copy of something that will be missed.

to apple or not to

Apple history internet marketing

Mark responds to a daring fireball post that was triggered by Mark switching from Apple to linux. Or some other open OS.

I agree with Mark 100%, but don’t have the time or nerve to do something about it: I let my personal data march knowingly into slavery. Be it apple or google. I use them, and now they own what I accumualed.

Yet, going on in gmail. I could get back to the copy on my linux machine, but it would take a while, since the mail file grew unattended and is unfiltered. So that lump of linux mail is a theoretical possibility.

This is probably what all the current corporate frenzy is about: capturing peoples data in propretiary formats and systems. I am sure that’s how Microsoft keeps their user base. Standards change only very little, people seem to change even less. Not a new thing. Smokers stay smokers. Great product! When ads for smoking are legal then they target the young people. To make them start, but mostly to make them start with a specific brand. Certain brand habits never really change in the life cycle of a consumer. I still use ‘Persil’ for my laundry. If only I could get in the US. It’s neither better nor worse then other powders. It actually rocks, but even if it wouldn’t I would not switch to any other brand any more.