aol user data


I decided to host the AOL user data
It is a pretty scary view inside of the mindset of people that think they are alone with their computers.
About 2.1GB that need to be processed, so it might take a while.

its agency viral day

internet marketing

it seems

Apple to rent movies?

Apple history internet media

somebody thinks

Well, since it does not cost that much for Apple to try this, I doubt that it is a failure.

The press however will make a big ‘bruhar’ around this. They just love those simple “take one big thing, and add another big thing” stories. They always look like these sure winners. Like the extension of the cinematic experience by the sense of smell.

Or the combination of cellphone and gaming console

pod tube & space

internet marketing technology

youTube numbers

Personalized consumer technolgy, reflected in their names: iPod, mySpace and YouTube. Nintendo’s decission to rename their upcoming “revolution console” into “Wii” might not be so ridicolous after all.

rb v2

internet media technology

Rocketboom ‘sans congdon’. The first show. 24 hours late.
Let’s see what develops. Interesting how the new host looks similarishly like the old one. The proof will be in the pudding of the next episodes. Amanda better gets some episodes on their own going real soon. That way we will be able to tell wether it was Andrew or her that made Rocketboom worth watching in the last 18 months.

Rocketbooms audience has spiked recently. Dirty laundry is great PR. Nothing better than a little scandal.

fifteen minutes of Hugh


“In the future everybody can be Hugh Hefner for fifteen minutes”



hundred US$ get you more than 2000 bookmarks in a few days.

Interesting. Too bad that these kind of stunts only work for the first time. Ask those five hundred “one million dollar home page” clones that poped up and dissapeared.

no more hits

history internet marketing media

Chris Anderson writes about the end of the hit era
His Book “The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More” that this article is adapted from will be available 7/11.


daily life internet

Just got a quote. As a pdf. Which is a great start. Everybody should send quotes as PDFs, not as word documents. That one should be pretty obvious, but sadly it is not. I tell people by now that I will not be able to read their Microsoft Word Documents. They often don’t even know what they have sent. They think that Word Documents are the only way to store text on a computer.

The second issue with attachments is much easier to fix since it happens on a logical level: Name the document so that it makes sense on the hard drive of the receiving end! Don’t send me something called ‘quote.pdf’. Or ‘wacker.pdf’. That might be interesting for you, but not where the document will be used and found: On my drive.
Do yourself a favor and call it: “”. “Function” being “quote” or “invoice” or “memo”. Source is you, so that I know where this came from. And then date. Date I would always express as year-month-day. With leading zero on month and day. This will be recognises as the same date on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific and it sorts files nicely by, gasp, date in any text listing.

But PDF instead of Microsoft Word is really the most step forward into attachment sanity.

net neturality

history internet marketing technology

Companies like AT&T and others that move the bits around on parts of the internet and to clients want more money. They realize that companies like Google or Apple/iTunes make a bug or two on the internet. Now they want in on that action. Since it runs on their wires they think they have a valid angle. Which is highly ridiculous. They get paid what they asked for. Providing internet bandwidth was good business. But now they want to be able to charge more for those ‘precious bits’. Like Apple iTunes. Apple could afford it. The download cost is only a small fraction of the 99 cents they get per song. Same with google ads. However, the precedence is ugly. And, worst of all: Nobody stopped big and old and stupid companies like AT&T to provide services like search or music downloads. Except that they are old and stupid companies. Being big didn’t help either. The outrageous aspect is that AT&T feel that they have a birthright on the value inside of the bits they transfer. That is ridiculous. I don’t think that this would need regulation and legislation. Ideally people would understand what’s going on and tell the big telco’s that they don’t get it. If they try to extort google and Co then those companies should expose this. After all: Think of the internet, and think either google or AT&T has to go away. If you think that we would need AT&T to push a couple of bits around then you have been fooled by their brainwash. There are lots of providers and ample net capacity. The real value is in search. And that drives those old telcos crazy.