the admnistation on Iraq: what they said …

history politics

… back then and now

Still my favorite is that Rumsfeld compared Iraq with Post War Germany a couple of weeks after his Boss declared major combat of being over.
Somehow some people must have not gotten that memo.

audio cassette : finis

coming to a museum near you daily life economy history media

the audio tape

remember what was on the first mix tape you made?
the first one you gave away as a gift?

If you should be that age.

From the above link:

Oddly, Philips did not charge royalties on their cassette patent, allowing numerous other companies to use their design for free. This ensured the quick acceptance of it as a new form of media.

Now isn’t that something that Sony (MiniDisc, MemoryStick etc) should read and read until they do understand it ?

and, of course, this commercial comes to mind

five short sentences

history politics

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

“C” being Richard Dearlove, head of the UK MI6. The britisch version of the CIA. Nobody has denied that this quote is real.

The date being July 23 2002. At this time George Bush told everybody that the US would only go to war with Iraq if they would not disarm. And that war would be a ‘last resort’.

There is a contradiction here. And nobody looks to Mr. Dearlove for being the one not telling the truth.

This is important, since it is a matter of war and peace. War is a terrible thing. If you base it on lies then you need to be held responsible for it. Clinton got almost impeached for having bad taste in picking his mistress.

in their own words

history media politics

in their words

good news ?

history politics

I was worried about him

sun goes open source (kinda)

history internet technology

looking for bad words in Sun’s Solaris source code.

the rich are getting richer

daily life economy history

and even Alan Greenspan is not so cool with that anymore

When I step out of work I look at the parking lot of a well known director. I am not sure how many cars he does have. They change frequently. His poor dogs however still have to drive that souped up Lincoln Navigator. OK, they don’t drive the car, there is a driver for it. But the cars only purpose to haul those dogs around. They certainly don’t fit in any of the Ferrraris. I am sure the dog’s love those shiny Rim that probably cost as much as the entire education of some kid in Africa.

no more rewinds

history media technology

walmart stops selling VHS

I still remember when you could buy 15 different DVDs.

rewind on the rewind kind of

iraq war timeline

history politics

the timeline of the iraq war

Anybody remembers that 70% of all US Amercians thought that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Despite the fact that there never has been any credible evidence.


Apple history internet politics

I had been a while. I used skype again today, and I must say it works great. Right now there are 2.6 Million users online. Not bad.

George Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq the day he became elected. After 9/11 it was a done deal. Everybody knew that. But he denied it. He talked allot about a connection with 9/11 (not existant) or WMDs (not existant). Somewhere I saw a bumper sticker that read “Nobody died when Clinton lied”.

The Downing Street Memo’s are clear evidence that President Bush lied in matters of war and peace.
Thousands died, Billions were spent, and, yes, George sat in an Airplane that landed on an aircraft carrrier. “Mission Accomplished” it said on the banner behind him. That was years and hundreds of US casulties ago.

It is time for realities to catch up with George W Bush. I anticipate lots of disctractions. Maybe they even raise the thread alert to orange. Whatever happened to that little color system? After the election it seemed not to be needed anymore. Or have all Terrorists retired? Strange that we forget about that one. It will come back if needed, I am sure.

Apple? Apple will be a software company. OS X runs on Pentium. There will be a choice: Run Windows or run OS X. It is easy, once all the Applications exist as Pentium/PowerPC binaries. Drivers and all the legacy hardware? Apple will simply ignore that. Keep things simple. Just certain boards, busses and cards will be supported. But the variety in interfaces is declining anyway. Apple does not need 100% of the market. The more afluent 40% are good enough. For every hardware sell they loose they get 20 new OS X users. Those might not even buy the OS. But they will run iTunes, buy songs, and at some point movies.

It is really hard to find _anybody_ that gets excited about it.